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答えは「Who broke Mr.Tanaka's camera」なのですが、 「Who did break Mr.Tanaka's camera」では間違っているのでしょうか。
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2017/11/07 21:14
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  • Who broke Mr Tanaka's camera?

  • Would the person who broke Mr Tanaka's camera please own up now, or see me after the lesson?

  • Please tell me which one of you broke Mr Tanaka's camera.

In may not be so easy to identify the culprit who actually broke Mr Tanaka's camera! The person who did it may be too shy or too embarrassed to own up to this misdeed. To own up = admit to having done something wrong or embarrassing, confess (to), admit to, admit guilt, plead guilty, accept blame/responsibility, acknowledge (that), tell the truth (about), make a clean breast of it, tell all "He never owns up to his mistakes."
誰が本当に田中さんのカメラを壊したのかを見つけ出すのは簡単ではないでしょう! その人はおそらくこの悪行を恥ずかしく思っているでしょう。 To own up =何か間違ったこと、恥ずかしいことをしてしまったことを認めること。 類義語: confess (to), admit to, admit guilt, plead guilty, accept blame/responsibility, acknowledge (that), tell the truth (about), make a clean breast of it, tell all 例: "He never owns up to his mistakes."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Who broke Mr.Tanaka's camera?

  • Who did break Mr.Tanaka's camera?

どちらの表現も間違っていません。 "Who broke Mr.Tanaka's camera?" と聞くのが一般的です。 "Who did break Mr.Tanaka's camera?" 前後の文脈にもよりますが、 did break と言うことで「壊した」を強調している表現になります。 (例) " I did not break it." 私は壊していません。 "then who DID break it?" では、誰が壊したの?
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • Who has broken Mr. Tanaka's camera?

  • Mr. Tanaka's camera is broken, can someone please tell me who did it?

Who has broken Mr. Tanaka's camera? A polite way of asking a class who has broken the camera. Although it would be difficult for someone to answer this question in front of other class mates. Mr. Tanaka's camera is broken, can someone please tell me who did it?
Who has broken Mr. Tanaka's camera? 誰がそのカメラを壊したのかを尋ねる丁寧な表現です。 他のクラスメートの前でこの質問に答えるのは難しいでしょうけれど。 他の例: Mr. Tanaka's camera is broken, can someone please tell me who did it?
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Did anyone see who broke the camera?

  • We need to find out who broke the camera, does anyone know anything?

There are many ways to ask this question. Here are a few additional ways you could ask about the broken camera. If you are the one trying to find out who broke the camera, you could ask, "Did anyone see who broke the camera?" "I am looking for who broke the camera, did you see anyone using it?" "We need to find out who broke the camera, does anyone know anything?" Maybe no one knows, but you might recieve clues as to who broke the camera.
同じ内容の質問を他にも多くの言い方で聞くことができますので、 ここでは、壊れたカメラについて尋ねるいくつかの質問文をあげます。 誰がカメラを壊したのかを調べようとしているのなら、以下のように聞けるでしょう: "Did anyone see who broke the camera?" "I am looking for who broke the camera, did you see anyone using it?" "We need to find out who broke the camera, does anyone know anything?" 誰も知らないかもしれませんが、もしかしたらカメラを壊した人の手掛かりが掴めるかもしれませんね。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Who broke Mr Tanaka's camera?

  • I'd like to know who broke Mr. Tanaka's camera.

  • Could someone tell me who broke Mr Tanaka's camera?

Explanation: 'Who' is used in this case to ask which person broke the camera. In this case 'who' is the subject. Starting a sentence with 'I'd like to know' informs the listener that you would like to find out more about something. You can use 'could someone tell me...' if you are questioning a group of people. If you are questioning a single person then you can use 'can you tell me...'
説明: この場合の'Who'は、カメラを壊した人を尋ねるために使用され、 ここでの'who'は主語です。 文章を'I'd like to know' で始めることで、聞き手にあなたが何かについてもっと知りたいことを示します。 あなたが数人のグループに質問しているなら、'could someone tell me...' を使うことができます。 また、一人の人に聞いているなら、'can you tell me...'となります。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Who broke Mr Tanaka's camera

  • Can someone tell me who broke Mr Tanaka's camera

If something is broken then you might want to find out who broke it a simple way to ask is 'who broke Mr Tanaka's camera?' if you think someone knows who has done it but hasn't said anything then you could ask 'can someone tell me who broke Mr Tanaka's camera?'
何かが壊れているなら、誰が壊したのか確認したいかもしれません。シンプルな言い方は 'Who broke Mr Tanaka's camera?'(誰が田中さんのカメラを壊したのですか)です。 壊した人物を知っているけど黙っている人がいると思うなら、 'Can someone tell me who broke Mr Tanaka's camera?'(誰が田中さんのカメラを壊したか言える人はいますか) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • who was responsible of breaking Mr. Tanaka's camera?

  • Who Broke Mr. Tanaka's camera?

  • Whom was the culprit of damaging Mr.Tanaka's camera

Unfortunately using the sentence "Who did break Mr.Tanaka's camera" doesn't make sense, in order for it to make sense we would have to re-arrange the sentence to "who broke Mr tanaka's camera?" due to 'did' often refers to a past tense and 'break' often implies present and future tense. "Whom was the culprit of damaging Mr.Tanaka's camera" is a very formal and polite way of asking who was responsible. 'Whom" is a very formal and polite way of asking 'who' 'Culprit' is another very formal way of saying who was to blame/responsible.
残念ながら "Who did break Mr.Tanaka's camera" では意味が通じません。 次のようにすれば伝わります。 "Who broke Mr tanaka's camera?"(田中さんのカメラを壊したのは誰ですか) 'did' は過去を指すことが多く、'break' は現在や未来を指すことが多いです。 "Whom was the culprit of damaging Mr.Tanaka's camera?"(田中さんのカメラを壊したのは誰ですか)は、非常にフォーマルで丁寧な言い方です。 'whom' は非常にフォーマルで丁寧な 'who' です。 'culprit' は誰に責任があるのかを伝える非常にフォーマルな言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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