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2017/11/07 22:29
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  • I wish I'd read more as a child!

  • I wish I'd broadened my knowledge of literature as a child!

  • I should have read more as a child. It is one of my deepest regrets

Wish' + past perfect - we use this form when we want to express a regret, or detail a missed opportunity. "I wish I'd never set eyes on Tom! He is actually married with three children, yet he told me he was single!" 'To broaden one's knowledge' means to extend one's learning of, and familiarity with a particular subject area. "Pete made it his mission in life to continually broaden his knowledge of medical techniques related to eye operations."
Wish' + 過去完了 - この形は後悔や機会を逃したことを表現するのに使われます。 例: "I wish I'd never set eyes on Tom! He is actually married with three children, yet he told me he was single!" 'To broaden one's knowledge' これは人が学んでいることや、特定の領域についての知識を広げていくことを意味しています。 例: "Pete made it his mission in life to continually broaden his knowledge of medical techniques related to eye operations."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I had been a bookworm as a child

  • I wish I had read more when I was younger

  • I regret not having read more when I was younger

I wish I had been a bookworm as a child- A bookworm is an idiom used to describe someone who loves reading or always has their 'nose in a book' I wish I had read more when I was younger I regret not having read more when I was younger- You could also say: I regret not having read more as a child.
I wish I had been a bookworm as a child - A bookwormとは読書が大好きな人や、常に'nose in a book'している人のことを表す熟語です。 例: I wish I had read more when I was younger I regret not having read more when I was younger 他の例文: I regret not having read more as a child.
Beke DMM英語講師
  • It's such a shame that I didn't have an interest in reading books back then.

  • I should've read books when I was a child. That could've changed my disinterest with reading now.

”Regret”を使わず「後悔する」を表現するには”It's a shame”などを使うのがオススメです。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • I wish I has started reading books during my childhood.

  • I wish I was a bookworm when I was a child.

*I wish I has started reading books during my childhood. Childhood means period of being a child. For example : "He spent his childhood in Lewes." *I wish I was a bookworm when I was a child. A bookworm is a person who enjoys reading. For example: "She was always a bookworm when she was a kid."
*I wish I has started reading books during my childhood.  (子供のころに本を読むことを始めれてばよかった) "Childhood"とは子供の時、子供時代と言う意味です。 例 : "He spent his childhood in Lewes."  (彼は子供時代をルイスで過ごしました) *I wish I was a bookworm when I was a child.  (子供の頃本の虫だったらな) "bookworm"とは本を読むことをとても楽しむ人、本が大好きな人、本の虫と言う意味です。 例: "She was always a bookworm when she was a kid." (彼女は子供の頃、いつも本の虫でした)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I had read more books as a child

  • I regret not reading as many books as a child

  • My deepest regret is not reading many books as a child

If you are sorry you didn't do something earlier then you can say it is a 'regret' or 'deepest regret' if it means alot and you really wish you had done it you can also say 'I wish I had'
何かをしなかったことを後悔しているのなら、それは 'regret'(後悔)や 'deepest regret'(最大の後悔)と表せます。 やっておけば良かったと強く思うなら、'I wish I had'(~しておけば良かった)も使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I don't read as much as you used to.

  • I wish I read as much as I did when I was a kid.

  • I wish I had the time to read as much as I did back in the day.

"back in the day" - means in the past, sometime in our far past A. I don't have as much time to read as I did back in the day. B. You can start reading again now if you want. A. I really should, you know. B. Me too. I don't read nearly as much as I did when I was a kid.
"back in the day" (ずっと前) -これは過去の事です、時々自分たちの昔の事という様な意味になります。 【例文】 A. I don't have as much time to read as I did back in the day.  (昔はあんまり本を読む時間がなかったな) B. You can start reading again now if you want.  (今から本を読んだっていいんだよ) A. I really should, you know.  (そうしなきゃね、わかる) B. Me too. I don't read nearly as much as I did when I was a kid.  (私もよ。子供のころはほとんど本を読まなかったから)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I read more books as a child.

  • I wish that reading played a bigger part in my childhood.

  • I wish reading was a bigger priority when I was a child.

The first example is very simple and more common to say. To say that something plays a bigger part or is a bigger priority means that it was very present at one point or another.
一つ目の例はとてもシンプルで一般的な言い方です。 "something plays a bigger part/is a bigger priority" は「より重要な存在である」という意味です。
Mick J DMM英会話講師
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