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なぜ「does」ではなくて「do」なのですか? って英語でなんて言うの?

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2017/11/08 19:23
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  • Why do we use "do" instead of "does" in this sentence?

  • What is the difference between "do" and "does".

*Why do we use "do" instead of "does" in this sentence? This means that you would like to know the difference in usage between these terms so that you know how to use them correctly. For example: You:Why do we use "do" instead of "does" in this sentence? Teacher:To make a question in English we normally use Do or Does. It is normally put at the beginning of the question (before the subject). We use Do when the subject is I, you, we or they. For example: "Do you speak Spanish?" .When the subject is he, she or it, we add DOES at the beginning to make the affirmative sentence a question. For example: "Does he speak Spanish?"
例文 Why do we use "do" instead of "does" in this sentence? この文では、どうしてdoesの代わりにdoを使うのですか? この文は、語の正しい用法を知るために、 doとdoesの用法の違いを知りたいと いうことです。 例文 You:Why do we use "do" instead of "does" in this sentence? この文では、どうしてdoesの代わりにdoを使うのですか? Teacher:To make a question in English we normally use Do or Does. 通常、英語で質問をする場合、Do又はDoesを使います。 It is normally put at the beginning of the question (before the subject). Do又はDoesは通常質問の先頭に置きます。(名詞の前) We use Do when the subject is I, you, we or they. 主語がI,you,we,theyの時はDoを使います。 For example: " "Do you speak Spanish?" . 例えば、スペイン語を話しますか? When the subject is he, she or it, we add DOES at the beginning to make the affirmative sentence a question. 主語がhe,she,itの時は、肯定文を疑問文にするために、文の始めにDOESを加えます。 For example: "Does he speak Spanish?" 例えば、彼はスペイン語を話いますか?
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Why did we use 'do' and not 'does'?

  • Is there a rule for using do and does?

  • Could you explain when we use do and does?

Conjugation of verbs in English may be confusing at times, but there are some basic rules and it is useful to identify them as early as possible in the learning process. You may ask your teacher to either explain 'When' we use 'do' or 'does' - or perhaps a simpler way is just to say: "Is there a rule for using do and does?" In a specific sentence, you could enquire: "Why did we use 'do' and not 'does'?"
英語の動詞の活用はややこしく感じることがあるかもしれませんが、基本的なルールがあり、学習過程においてなるべく早い時期に動詞の活用を確認することは有益です。 先生にいつ 'do' 又は 'does'を使うのかを説明してもらうように頼むか、おそらくもっとシンプルに以下のように言うことができます。 例文 "Is there a rule for using do and does?" I doとdoesを使う規則がありますか? 具体的な文では、このように尋ねることができます。 例文 "Why did we use 'do' and not 'does'?" なぜ'does'ではなく、'do'を使ったのですか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Why do we use "do" and not "does"?

  • When do we use "do" and "does"?

"Why do we use "do" and not "does"?" can be asked to your teacher, so that he/she can explain the grammar rule for the use of "do" and "does".
"Why do we use do" and not "does"?"(なぜ"dose"ではなくて"do"なんですか?)と聞けば、先生は"do"と"does"を使う文法上のルールを説明してくれるでしょう。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Why do we use the one [x] and not the other [x]? ;

  • What is the difference between [x] and [x]?

  • Does the meaning change if I use [x] instead of [x]?

Why do we use the one [x] and not the other [x]? and What is the difference between [x] and [x]? are all acceptable ways of asking for clarification in class.You could also provide examples of your own to check if you understand correctly. Does the meaning change if I use [x] instead of [x]? This is a good way to help you understand the different changes a single grammar rule might impose on a sentence.
例文 Why do we use the one [x] and not the other [x]? なぜ他のXではなく、Xを使うのですか? What is the difference between [x] and [x]? XとXの違いは何ですか? は両方共物事の分類の説明を尋ねる好ましい言い方です。 自分が正しく理解したかどうかを確認するために 独自の例を付け加えることもできます。 例文 Does the meaning change if I use [x] instead of [x]? Xの代わりにXを使うと意味が変わりますか? この文は、1つの文法の規則によって可能な 様々な言葉の入れ替えを理解するのに役立ちます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Why is it 'do' and not 'does'?

  • Why do we use 'do' and not 'does'?

  • Could you explain why we use 'do' and not 'does'

If you want to know why we use a certain word instead of another then you can simply ask 'why is it 'do' instead of 'does'? although you could also say 'Why do we use 'do' instead of 'does' if you want to know why then you could ask the teacher to explain it for you We use DO if we use I, you, we or they but if we are using 'He, she or it' then we would use 'Does'
何故、ある言葉を使うのか知りたいときは、”Why is it DO instead of DOES?"(何故、DOESではなく、DOなんですか?)とシンプルに聞くことが出来ます。また、”Why do we use DO instead of DOES?"(何故、DOESではなく、DOを使うんですか?)と聞くことも出来ます。 DOは、I, You, We, Theyが主語の時に使い、DOESは、He, She, Itが主語の時に使います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Why do we say do rather than does in this sentence?

You could also ask your teacher ''Please could you explain the difference between do and does'' ''Why is do the correct word in this instance?'' ''In the sentence you just used, why did you use do instead of does?'' ''I'd like you tell me more about the correct usage of do and does''
上記例文以外に、下記の例文もあります。 ●Please, could you explain the difference between do and does? (DOとDOESの違いを説明して頂けますか?) ●Why is DO the correct word in this sentence? (この文章では、何故DOが正しい言葉なのですか?) ●In the sentence you just used, why did you use DO instead of DOES? (今使った文章で、何故DOESではなく、DOを使ったのですか?) ●I'd like you to tell me more about the correct usage of DO and DOES. (DOとDOESの使用法について、もっと教えて下さい。)
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Why is it "do" and not "does"?

  • Why is "do" correct for this sentence and not "does".

When you want to ask your teacher why the correct word in the sentence is "do" and not "does"; then you can ask in the following ways: -Why is it "do" and not "does"? -Why is "do" correct for this sentence and not "does"?
なぜ"does"ではなく"do"が正解なのか先生に確認する言い方です: -Why is it "do" and not "does"?(なぜ"does"でなく"do"なのですか) -Why is "do" correct for this sentence and not "does"?(なぜこの文では"does"ではなく"do"が正解なのですか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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