I bet it won't be easy for you to make up your mind once you are there.
You are bound to be indecisive in front of all the flavors you can choose from.
All the flavors won't make it easy for you to make up your mind.
I bet it won't be easy for you to make up your mind once you are there.
You are bound to be indecisive in front of all the flavors you can choose from.
All the flavors won't make it easy for you to make up your mind.
というのはどうでしょうか ヽ(o´ω`o)ノ
I bet = に違いない/きっと
make up ○○'s mind = 決心する/決める
once ○○ = ○○した時点で/一度○○してしまうと
bound to ○○ = ○○という運命にある/○○に決まっている
indecisive = 煮え切らない/優柔不断な
make it easy for ○○ to □□ = ○○が□□しやすくなる
以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
I'm sure you'll have a hard time choosing which one to get.
- "I'm sure you'll have a hard time choosing which one to get."
- 直訳すると「どれを選ぶか悩むでしょう」という意味です。アイスクリームの種類が多くて迷ってしまう様子を伝えるのにぴったりです。
- "With so many flavors, I'm sure you'll have a hard time choosing which one to get."
- 「たくさんのフレーバーがあるから、どれにしようか悩むでしょう。」