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仕事、勉強、家事… やるべきことはたくさんあるのに、時間がない、もしくは忙しくて手が回らないときに使いたいです。
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2017/11/15 20:12
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  • I know it needs to be done but I just don't have the time to do it.

  • There aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done.

1)は直訳に近いです。「just」は強調のために付けました。そして、「時間がない」と「忙しい」だいたい同じ意味なので、「don't have the time」に訳しました。 2)はよく使うフレーズです。「やらなければいけないことをやるには一日の24時は足りない。」のような意味です。
  • I know that I have to do it, but I haven't been able to get started yet.

基本的にそのままです。 特に特別な表現はありません。 忙しくて手が回らない場合は、 I haven't been able to get around to (doing) it yet. という表現をよく使います。
  • I have so much to do that I just can't get it all done in one day.

  • I wish I had more time to get everything done.

  • I have so many things to get done I just don't have enough time to get it all done.

I have so much to do that I just can't get it all done in one day. I wish I had more time to get everything done. I have so many things to get done I just don't have enough time to get it all done. I'm so busy with other things I can't seem to get the housework done.
I have so much to do that I just can't get it all done in one day. (やることがたくさんありすぎて、1日で全て終わらせることができません。) I wish I had more time to get everything done. (全て終わらせるのにもっと時間があったらいいのに。) I have so many things to get done I just don't have enough time to get it all done. (やるべきことがたくさんありすぎて、全て終わらせる時間がない。) I'm so busy with other things I can't seem to get the housework done. (ほかのことに忙しすぎて、家事を終わらせられそうにない。)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I'm very busy

  • Not enough hours in the day to do everything

"I'm very busy" Is a causal expression used to explain that you are very 'busy' you have a lot of things you must do i.e. working,cleaning etc. "Not enough hours in the day to do everything" This casual expression is explaining that there are not hours in the day to complete all of your tasks.
"I'm very busy" (とても忙しい) これは、とてもカジュアルな表現で、仕事や掃除などやらなければいけないことがたくさんあることを表します。  "Not enough hours in the day to do everything" (日中全てやる時間がない) これは、全ての課題をこなす時間がないことを意味します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • All my time is taken up with...

  • I have a hundred outstanding tasks on my desk...but I am so busy all my time is taken up already!

They say we should make time for everything...But is it really possible? Some days we may feel overwhelmed by our "to-do list"! So little much to do. the modern world is so fast-paced. The answer is good "time management";-D Make sure you prioritize all your tasks and do the important stuff first...that way if you do miss out on anything it will not be fatal!
全てのことに時間を割くべきだという人がいますが、本当に可能でしょうか? 「やることリスト」に圧倒されてしまう日もあるでしょう。少ない時間でたくさんやることがあります。現代社会はとても早いスピードで進んでいます。 キーとなるのが、素晴らしい "time management"(タイムマネジメント)です。 全てのタスクに優先順位をつけ、大事なことを先にすると、もし何かをミスしても致命的にはならないでしょう。  
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm having to juggle my timetable these days just to get essential stuff done

  • I'm so busy these days, things like work and study are taking second place

  • I'm prioritising everything I do these days, so some activities are on the back burner

When you know you have to do some things (like work, study, housework, etc), but you haven't been able to do it (because you are busy etc.), you can explain this situation by using one of the suggestions. On the back burner = Not a priority at the moment
仕事や勉強、家事などやらなければならないことはわかっていても、忙しいなどできないことを伝えるにはこれらの例を使うといいでしょう。 On the back burner = 今の最優先ではないこと
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I know I have a lot of things to do, but I haven't been able to get to it because I've been very busy.

  • I have things to do but I haven't been able to get to it.

When you want to explain that you have some things to do but have not been able to do them because you are busy; then you may explain this in the following ways: -I know I have a lot of things to do, but I haven't been able to get to it because I've been very busy. -I have things to do but I haven't been able to get to it.
「やらないといけないことはあるけど、忙しくてできていない」は、次のように言えます。 -I know I have a lot of things to do, but I haven't been able to get to it because I've been very busy. (やらないといけないことはたくさんあるけど、忙しくて手が回らない) -I have things to do but I haven't been able to get to it. (やらないといけないことはあるけど、忙しくてできていない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I've got so many chores to do but I haven't be able to get to them yet.

  • I've been so busy that I haven't got 'round to doing other necessary stuff.

chores - things that need to be done get to something - find time to do something get around to doing something - find time to do something 'round - common and casual way to say 'around' stuff - things
chores → やらないといけないこと get to something → ~するための時間を見つける get around to doing something → ~するための時間を見つける 'round → 'around' のカジュアルで一般的な言い方 stuff → 物事
Rosalynn DMM英会話講師
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