世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/16 19:35
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  • You should get on the 2nd train and not the 1st one.

  • Take the 2nd train that gets to the platform.

▪ You should get on the 2nd train and not the 1st one. This is telling the person that he/she must not get on the 1st train but the 2nd train. ▪ Take the 2nd train that gets to the platform. This is telling the person in a direct way that he/she must take only take the 2nd train and not the 1st one. Example 1 Friend: Which train must I take? You: You should get on the 2nd train and not the 1st one. Example 2 Friend: On which train shall I meet you? You: Take the 2nd train that gets to the platform.
▪ You should get on the 2nd train and not the 1st one. (1番目の電車ではなく、2番目の電車に乗ってください。) こちらの文は、彼/彼女が1番目の電車に乗るべきではなく、2番目の電車に乗らなければならないと言っています。 ▪ Take the 2nd train that gets to the platform. (プラットフォームに到着する2番目の電車に乗ってください。) 彼/彼女が1番目の電車ではなく、2番目の電車に乗らなければならないと直接的に言っています。 例1 友人: Which train must I take? どの電車に乗ればいいのかな? あなた: You should get on the 2nd train and not the 1st one. 1番目の電車ではなく、2番目の電車に乗ってね。 例2 友人: On which train shall I meet you? どの電車で君に会えるかな? あなた: Take the 2nd train that gets to the platform. プラットフォームに到着する2番目の電車に乗ってね。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Please get on the second train, not the frist

  • You should take the train that comes after the first train

Yes, it's important to be clear when giving advice about trains. You can explain both which train to get on - and also which train not to get on! Of course, you could explain in great detail: 'The first train goes to Manchester. You do not want to go there! Do not take this train! Take the next train - the second train!"
はい、そうですね。電車に乗る時のアドバイスを明確にすることはとても重要です。 どの電車に乗らなきゃいけないか、どの電車に乗ってはいけないかの両方大事です。 もちろん、細かく説明することが出来ます。 'The first train goes to Manchester. You do not want to go there! Do not take this train! Take the next train - the second train!" (最初の電車はマンチェスター行きです。そこには行きたくないですよね。その電車に乗らないでください。 次の電車に乗ってください、二台目の電車です!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Get on the second train that comes into the station, not the first train that comes in.

1. Get on the second train that comes into the station, not the first train that comes in. 入ってくる最初の電車ではなく、駅に来る二番目の電車に乗る。 This statement is telling the person that the train they need to catch is the second train that comes into the station.
1. Get on the second train that comes into the station, not the first train that comes in. (駅に最初に入ってくる電車じゃなく、二番目に来る電車に乗ってください) この表現は1つ目の電車は見送って、2台目に入ってくる電車に乗ってくださいという意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Wait for the first train to leave, you will be getting on the seocnd train that leaves from the same platform

This expression is telling the person you are talking to that they must avoid the first train and take the second one. It’s very important to mention that its leaving from the same platform as the first. Hopefully by mentioning after the first one leaves, they will understand that it is the next one (the second train) which the must take.
この表現によって、1つ目の電車を見送って2つ目の電車に乗ってください、という事を伝えることが出来ます。 1つ目の電車と同じプラットフォームから発車することを伝える事は重要です。 "after the first one leaves(1つ目を見送った後)"と伝えることによって相手は "the next one(次の) (the second train;2つ目の電車)"に乗らなくてはいけない事に気が付いてくれるでしょう。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Wait for the second one. Don't get on the first.

  • Don't take the first train you see. Take the one after it.

  • Wait to board the second train that enters the platform.

"wait to board" - means to wait to get onto some vehicle, ie a bus or train A. You've been here for a while! B. Yeah, that's cause I'm waiting to board my train. A. Well, one just left. Why didn't you get on? B. It wasn't my train. I'm taking the one after it. A. Ah, I see. Well, have a safe trip!
"wait to board" (搭乗待ち) -これは車などの乗り物に乗り込むことを待つことです。 例えば、バスや電車など乗り物 A. You've been here for a while!  (長い事ここにいますね) B. Yeah, that's cause I'm waiting to board my train.  (そうなんですよ。電車に乗るのを待っているんです) A. Well, one just left. Why didn't you get on? (ええ、今一台出ましたね。何で乗らなかったんですか?) B. It wasn't my train. I'm taking the one after it.  (あれは私の電車じゃないかったんです。さっきの電車の後の電車に乗ります) A. Ah, I see. Well, have a safe trip!  (ああ、なるほど。じゃあ、よい旅を!)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Get on the second train on this platform. That will take you where you're going.

  • Do not get on the first train to stop here. Get on the second one and it will take you where you're going.

When you're giving directions to a person who is supposed to get on a train after yours, then you can say: -Get on the second train on this platform. That will take you where you're going. -Do not get on the first train to stop here. Get on the second one and it will take you where you're going.
自分の乗る電車の次の電車に乗るように伝える場合、以下のように言えます。 -Get on the second train on this platform. That will take you where you're going. 二番目の電車に、このホームから乗って下さい。そうすれば目的の場に行けます。 -Do not get on the first train to stop here. Get on the second one and it will take you where you're going. ここに停車する一番目の電車には乗らないで下さい。二番目の電車に乗れば、目的の場所に行けます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Take the second train that comes to this platform not the first one

  • Please dont take the first train take the one that comes after

Take the second train that comes to this platform not the first one this tells them that 2 trains will be coming to that platform and not to take the first one but to get on the second one instead you could also tell them to check where the trains are going to make sure they are getting on the right one as well
"Take the second train that comes to this platform not the first one" (このプラットホームに来る二つ目の列車に乗ってください。一つ目ではありません) - そのプラットホームには二台の列車が来て、その二つ目に乗るように伝えています。 また、間違えないように列車の行き先を確認するように伝えてもいいですね。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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