世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2017/11/17 14:50
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  • I am on my way to work now, I have a part-time job.

  • I am going to my part-time job now.

▪ I am on my way to work now, I have a part-time job.
part-time= for only part of the usual working day
This is saying that you are going to work, and also mentioning that it is a part-time job.

▪ I am going to my part-time job now.
This is saying that you are going to your "temporary" job

▪ I am on my way to work now, I have a part-time job.

part-time= パートタイム(一般的なフルタイムの勤務時間のうちの一部だけ)という意味です。

▪ I am going to my part-time job now.

Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I am currently headed to my part time job.

  • I must go to my part time job, now.

"I am currently headed for my part-time job."
This text will tell the reader that you are at this present time (Currently) going to your part-time job.
In the USA, a part-time job is where someone works for less than 35 hours a week.

"I must go to my part-time job, now."
This tells the reader that you have a part-time job and you are going to work now!

"I am currently headed for my part-time job."
アメリカでは"part-time job"は週35時間以下働く仕事のことです。

"I must go to my part-time job, now."

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm leaving for my part-time job now.

  • I'm leaving for work now. Talk to you later. Ttyl.

  • I have to go to work now. I'll talk to you soon.

I'm leaving for work now. Talk to you later. - this means that you are leaving for/in order to get to work. You can also add "Talk to you later."

A. You are the funniest.
B. I love chatting with you as well, but I think I have to leave for work now. Talk to you later.
A. Ok, ttyl.

"I'm leaving for work now. Talk to you later."
- これは今から仕事に行きます、と言う意味です。
"Talk to you later."(また後で)と付け加えることが出来ます。

A. You are the funniest.
B. I love chatting with you as well, but I think I have to leave for work now. Talk to you later.
A. Ok, ttyl.
"ttyl"とは”talk to you later”の頭字語です。

Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I am on my way to work now.

  • I have to go to work now. Let's chat soon.

I am on my way to work now.
If your friend knows that you you have a part time job there is no need to mention it when you tell them.
I have to go to work now. Let's chat later.
This can be a way to tell them that you can't speak to them anymore because you are on your way to work.

*I am on my way to work now.
あなたがアルバイトをしていることを友達が知っているならわざわざ"part time job"と言う必要はありません。

*I have to go to work now. Let's chat later.

Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I've got to get to my part time job now

  • I am working a casual job.

  • I am off to work now.

In Australia we have 3 types of primary jobs.
Full-time when you work 37 hours +
Part-time when you work less than 37 hours but it is regular work. For example you work every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Casual work - when you work flexible hours that are mostly given to you the week before you are required to work.

You could use any of the expressions above to indicate to your friend that you are heading to work, but if you want them to know that you have a part time job, you would need to express this directly to them.

37時間以上働く Full-time、37時間以下の定期的な仕事は Part-timeです。例えば毎週月曜、水曜、金曜に働いているような場合です。
Casual work はフレキシブルな時間で働くことであり、だいたい就業する1週間前ほど前に仕事が与えられます。
この中のどの表現を使っても仕事に向かっていることを伝えることができますが、例えばパートタイムの仕事ということを伝えたければ Part-time としっかり伝えることです。

Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to work at my part-time job now.

  • I'm headed to my part-time job.

I'm on my way to work now. I have a part-time job.
I am headed to my part-time job now.
I have to go to my part-time job now.
I have to leave for work now. I just got a part-time job.

I'm on my way to work now.

I have a part-time job.

I am headed to my part-time job now.

I have to go to my part-time job now.

I have to leave for work now. I just got a part-time job.

Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I'm off to work now

If you are 'off to... 'somewhere, then it means you are going to that place. You may also just say, "I'm off," to mean that you are departing or leaving your present position. If you are in a pub with some friends and decide to leave, you can just say, "I'm off," meaning you are leaving now (for an unspecified destination).

off to~で~に行くという意味になります。
I'm offということもできますが、この場合は特定の場所に行くというよりも「その場を去る」という意訳です。

友達とパブで飲んでいて、帰ろうと思ったときに"I'm off"というとその場を離れるという意味になります。(行先は特定していません)

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm off to work

In UK English to say you are 'off' is to explain that you are leaving to go somewhere.

イギリス英語で、"I'm off"と言った場合、「~へ行ってくる」という意味になります。

Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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