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物事がとっても上手く行った時のカジュアル表現を教えてください。it went so well. しか思いつきません。
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sutadhi merodhiさん
2017/11/19 00:28
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  • It happened without a hitch

  • It worked excellently

  • It went smoothly

It went/happened without a hitch- 'Without a hitch' is used when describing something that happens without any problems, it ends with success! It worked excellently- You could also say " It was a success" "Everything worked like clockwork" This saying is used to express something that happens perfectly without any problems or delays. It went smoothly- When something goes smoothly it means it was successful- there were no issues.
It went/happened without a hitch. ([無事に](うまくいった。) 'Without a hitch'は、問題なく物事が起きて、成功に終わったというときに使われます。 It worked excellently. (最高に[うまくいった](。) "It was a success"(成功した。)や、 "Everything worked like clockwork"(全てが完璧にうまくいった。)ということもできます。こちらの文は、問題や遅れなしに、物事が完璧にいったと表現するときに使われます。 It went smoothly. (スムーズにいった。) ~go smoothly(~がスムーズにいく)は、成功した、問題がなかったという意味です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Everything worked out perfectly.

  • It worked like a bomb.

▪ Everything worked out perfectly. perfectly= in a manner or way that could not be better ▪ It worked like a bomb. with great speed or success or very well Example 1 Friend: How did you presentation go? You: Everything worked out perfectly. Example 2 Friend: Did your plan work? You: It worked like a bomb.
▪ Everything worked out perfectly. (全てが[完璧](にいった。) perfectly(完璧に)= これ以上良い方法はない ▪ It worked like a bomb. (とても[うまくいった](。[直訳:爆弾のようにうまくいった。]) とても良いスピードで、成功した、とてもうまくいったということです。 例1 友人: How did you presentation go? (プレゼンテーションはどうだった?) あなた: Everything worked out perfectly. (全て完璧にいったよ。) 例2 友人: Did your plan work? (あなたの計画はうまくいった?) あなた: It worked like a bomb. (とてもうまくいったよ。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It went off without a hitch.

  • It went smoothly.

smoothly- something that is smooth doesn't have any bumps. Something that goes smoothly happens without any bumps in the road. without a hitch- you can use this phrase to describe something that went off without any problems arising
"smoothly"(スムーズに) - 何かが"smooth"と言う事は凸凹していません。 "smoothly"に物事が行くという事はスムーズに物事がうまくいくという事ですね。 "without a hitch"(問題なくスムーズに) -このフレーズを使って物ごとが問題なくスムーズにいくことを表現することが出来ます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • It went extremely well.

  • It went beyond everyone's expectations.

The adverb 'extremely' in this context, means, 'very'. It means there were no hindrances, or what you would call stumbling blocks. Everything went according to plan. If it went beyond everyone's expectations, it means that whatever everyone expected would happen, was exceeded or surpassed. In other words, it went extremely well. So, you may say: It went extremely well. or It went beyond everyone's expectations.
 'extremely' は、この場合、とてもという意味です。邪魔するものが何もなく、全てが計画通りだという意味です。 it went beyond everyone's expectationsとは、そうなるであろうと思っていたことを上回っているということです。いいかえるとit went extremely wellとなります。  It went extremely well. 非常にうまくいった。  It went beyond everyone's expectations. 思っていた以上にうまくいった。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Everything worked out perfectly!

  • It went really well!

1. "Perfectly" is a great word to describe something if it went as planned without any problems. It's somewhat of an exaggeration, but if something goes well without much resistance, it's almost as if it was "perfect". People will understand you're trying to explain the great results of what happened. Often times, the word perfect is used to exclaim agreement and approval that something is really good, i.e. "sounds perfect!" 2. "Really well" has less of a punch as "perfect", but it's a great way to explain that you had a similarly good outcome, and you had little to no problems.
1. "Perfectly"(完璧に)とは、問題なく計画通りに事が進んだことを表すのにぴったりの言葉です。 やや大げさですが、滞りなくことがうまくいったということは、 "perfect"(完璧)と言ってもいいでしょう。結果としてことがうまく運んだことを説明しようとしているのを理解してくれるでしょう。しばしば、perfectという言葉は、"sounds perfect!"(いいね!)のように、何かがすごくいいということに同意、受け入れることを伝えるのに使われます。 2. "Really well" (すごくいい)は、 "perfect"ほど強くはありませんが、同様にいい結果で、ほとんど問題がなかったことを伝える良い方法です。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • It went like a dream

  • It couldn't have gone better

To work or go like a dream' means to work or go extremely well, without any problems: "The whole plan worked like a dream." "He let me drive his new car last night - it goes like a dream." When writing these expressions, it depends how much stress you wish to put into the enthusiasm of the speaker. You may easily add an exclamation mark (!) to add stress.
To work or go like a dream'とは、問題もなくすごくうまくいくという意味です。 "The whole plan worked like a dream." 計画が全てうまくいったよ。 "He let me drive his new car last night - it goes like a dream." 彼は、昨日の晩、彼の新しい車を運転させてくれたんだ。-すごくよかったよ。 このような表現を書くときには、相手にどれくらい強調したいかにもよりますが、強調したい場合には、エクスクラメーションマークをつけるといいでしょう。  
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • without a hitch...

  • The wedding was conducted without a hitch of any kind...

It alll went ahead without a hitch (smoothly): A hitch is a hidden or unfavorable condition or an unknown element; a catch or snag of some kind ;-D "The wedding was conducted without a hitch of any kind..."
"It all went ahead without a hitch (smoothly)": (それは滞りなく進みました。) "A hitch"(障害)は隠れた、あるいは好ましくない状況や、知られていない要素のことです。思わぬ落とし穴や障害のことです。 例文: "The wedding was conducted without a hitch of any kind." (結婚式は滞りなく行われました。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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