Sake is Japanese wine. You can ask for sake by name (Sake) or Japanese wine. When you go to a restaurant or cafe, you can ask if they sell alcoholic beverages.
After a long day's work, I could really use a drink.
I don't enjoy drinking liquor because I always end up with a tummy ache the next day.
We call alcoholic beverages "liquor" (formal), "a drink" (less formal), or "booze" (least formal).
A. I could really use a drink right now.
B. Would you like me to go to the liquor store and pick you up some booze?
A. Yes, please.
"liquor"-[ アルコール]( "a drink"や"booze"もアルコールだがもっとカジュアルに使われる。
A. I could really use a drink right now.
B. Would you like me to go to the liquor store and pick you up some booze?
A. Yes, please.
A. アルコールが欲しい。
B. 酒屋で酒を買ってこようか?
A. はい、お願いします。
---> Drinks that can make people drunk, such as beer, wine, and whisky, can be referred to as alcohol.
---> Beverages are drinks.
Examples :
Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.
No alcohol is allowed on the premises.
Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.
No alcohol is allowed on the premises.
A beverage is another name for a drink. Drinks are divided into two groups: soft drinks such as lemonade, and alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine, cider and rum. Stronger alcoholic drinks with a higher percentage of alcohol are know as 'spirits' such as vodka, whisky, gin and rum. Such drinks may also be referred to as 'hard liquor.'
▪ Alcoholic drink
▪ Alcoholic beverage
These are drinks that contains alcohol.
Most common names for alcoholic drinks are beer, cider, wine and cocktails.
Example sentence
a. Can I have an alcoholic cocktail.
b. What beer do you have?
▪ Alcoholic drink
▪ Alcoholic beverage
a. Can I have an alcoholic cocktail.(アルコールのカクテルをもらえますか?)
b. What beer do you have?(どんなビールがありますか?)
- At bars or restaurants we often ask for the specific name of the drink and then state how we want it. Example = "I would like a glass of chardonnay (white wine)." or "Can I have bottle of Asahi please." or "Can I get a glass of rum and coke."
- We also call special mixed drinks as cocktails. Example = "I think I will have a cocktail tonight."
- A drink; people often say this. Example = "Let's go to the bar a have a few drinks."
"I would like a glass of chardonnay (white wine)."
"Can I have bottle of Asahi please." or "Can I get a glass of rum and coke."
"I think I will have a cocktail tonight."
A drinkということもよくあります。
"Let's go to the bar a have a few drinks."
お酒は英語で liquor と言います。Alcohol とも言えますが alcohol は「お酒」より「アルコール」というニュアンスです。
単に I like liquor や I like alcohol と言うとちょっとアルコール中毒に聞こえるので、「お酒が趣味」と言いたいなら、どのようなお酒が好きかと言った方がいいと思います。例えば、I like craft beer(クラフトビールが好き)とか I like wine(ワインが趣味)とかと言えます。
"Alcoholic drink" and "Alcoholic beverage"
when using the term 'Alcoholic beverage/drink' this is referring that the drink/beverage (same thing) contains some alcohol.
ex. "Is there any non alcoholic beverages?"
「お酒」は alcohol か drink になります。
「海外に旅行した時は、それぞれの土地のお酒を飲むのが楽しみです」というのは I'm looking forward to trying the various local drinks when I go overseas で言えます。
例文 He can drink a lot.
「お酒」は英語で「alcohol」や「alcoholic drink」といいます。
I enjoy trying different kinds of alcoholic drinks in all the countries I visit.
Whisky is an alcoholic drink originally made in Scotland.
I can't drink alcohol.
What alcoholic drinks are popular in your country?
He can't hold his drink.
alcoholic drinks= wine, beer, cocktail...色々なアルコホールドリンク
I enjoy drinking alcoholic drinks from all over the world!
booze は インフォーマルな感じでアルコールです
Let's get a drink お酒飲もう!(友達に誘う感じで言います)
How about a drink? (お酒はどう?)
「お酒」という言葉を英語で表すと、そのままで「sake」と言っても良いと考えました。英語の発音は日本語の発音と同じです。「Japanese sake」という言葉も使っても良いです。例えば、「We drink sake after work.」と「We drink Japanese sake after work.」と言っても良いです。「Drink」は「飲む」という意味があって、「after work」は「仕事の後」という意味があります。一般的な意味を伝えたいと、「alcohol」という言葉を使っても良いです。例えば、「There are many kinds of alcohol in the world.」です。意味は「世界中お酒の種類がたくさんあります」です。
* Alcoholic beverage - A beverage is any type of a drink except water. An alcoholic beverage is any drink with alcohol. Non - alcohol beverages are drinks that doesn't contain alcohol.
Example Sentences:
May I please have a non alcoholic champagne?
Do you have any alcoholic refreshments?
* Alcoholic beverage
beverageとは、水以外の飲み物のことを指します。 An alcoholic beverageとは、アルコールの入った飲み物のことです。 Non - alcohol beveragesとは、アルコールを含まない飲み物です。
May I please have a non alcoholic champagne?
Do you have any alcoholic refreshments?
My father is always「父はいつも」 buying more liquor「もっとアルコールを買ってるんだ」 and thankfully not drinking all of it!「でも幸いなこと、彼は全部飲まない」
There is a booze joint「居酒屋がある」 down the street from my house.「近所に」
He is all over drink「彼はいつもアルコールを飲んでいる」 when he has days off.「休日ある時に」
What drink you recommend?
Alcoholic drink/alcoholic beverageとはアルコール入ってるドリンクです。
What kind of liquor do you sell?
お酒を売ってるところはLiquor Shopとも言えます。
I'd love to have a drink.