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2017/11/23 23:01
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  • I've only seen a part of the season.

  • I started it, but I haven't finished yet.

  • I've only seen a few episodes so far.

I've only seen a few episodes so far. - a few means not many. You would use this phrase if you haven't seen a lot of the season. I started the season, but I haven't finished yet. - you can also express that you're only partially through by saying that you started but haven't finished.
"I've only seen a few episodes so far." ([今のところ](数話かしか見てません) -"a few"とは少しと言う意味です。 そんなに沢山何話も見ていないでのであればこのフレーズを付け足すといいですね。 "I started the season, but I haven't finished yet." (そのシーズンを見はじめたばかりです。まだ見終わっていません) - "started([始めた]("と言う事で、あなたが全部を見ていないという事を相手に伝えることが出来ます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't watched the entire series.

  • I've only seen some episodes.

A drama series is made up of many episodes with a continuing story or plotline. 1. I haven't watched the entire series. This means that you have not watched all the episodes to complete watching the entire series. 2. I've only seen some episodes. This is a simple and direct statement. If you have only seen some episodes it means that you have not watched the entire series.
ドラマのシリーズは多くのエピソードから構成されていて、続きのストーリーや話があります。 例文 1. I haven't watched the entire series. まだ全シリーズを見ていない。 全てのエピソードや全シリーズを見終わっていないということです。 例文 2. I've only seen some episodes. ほんの数エピソードしか見ていない。 シンプルで直接的な表現です。数エピソードしか見ていないということは、全シリーズを見ていないということです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I only watched part of it, I haven't seen the ending yet.

  • I watched half of it, but not the ending.

  • I was able to see part of it but not all.

To tell someone about a TV show or movie that you have watched a part or half of, however you haven't seen the ending yet, you could say it like this... "I watched half of/part of it, but not the ending."
まだ最後まで見ていないが、一部だけ、または半分だけ見たテレビや映画のことを話すには、以下のように言うことができます。 "I watched half of/part of it, but not the ending." 半分/一部だけ見たけど、最後まで見ていない。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm up to series 2, episode 3

  • I've seen about fifty percent of this series so far

You may explain exactly how many episodes you have already watched - or explain up to which episode you have completed viewing: "I'm up to series 2, episode 3." Or you could talk about the portion of the entire series that you have already watched: "I've seen about fifty percent of this series so far"
今までにいくつのエピソードを見たかを正確に説明するか、どのエピソードまで見たかを説明することが出来ます。 例文 "I'm up to series 2, episode 3." シリーズ2のエピソード3まで見たよ。 又は今までに見た全シリーズの割合について話すことも出来ます。 例文 "I've seen about fifty percent of this series so far" 今までにこのシリーズの約50%を見たよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am halfway through the series.

  • I've only watched half of the 1st season.

▪ I am halfway through the series. This is indicating that you only watched 50% of the series. ▪ I've only watched half of the 1st season. This is indicating that you did not finish the series and only watched a section of it. Example 1 Friend: Did you finish the new series? You: I am halfway through the series. Example 2 Friend: How far did you watch the new series? You: I've only watched half of the 1st season.
例文 ▪ I am halfway through the series. そのシリーズはまだ半分までしか見ていない。 そのシリーズの50%しか見ていないということです。 例文 ▪ I've only watched half of the 1st season. ファーストシーズンの半分しかまだ見ていない。 まだそのシリーズを見終えてなく、その一部しか見ていないということです。 例文1 Friend: Did you finish the new series? 新しいシリーズを見終えた? You: I am halfway through the series. そのシリーズはまだ半分までしか見ていない。 例文 2 Friend: How far did you watch the new series? 新しいシリーズはどこまで見た? You: I've only watched half of the 1st season. ファーストシーズンの半分しかまだ見ていない。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • the finale...

  • I have not reached the finale yet, I have only watched some of the episodes!

The finale is the way something ends...the final act as it were. When we discuss any TV series with friends... there is a danger of "SPOILERS" major plot elements may be revealed before we have seen them unfold! I like to wait till I have seen the finale before discussing shows;-D "I have not reached the finale yet, I have only watched some of the episodes"
"The finale"(フィナーレ)とは何かの大詰めという事です。 最後の幕と言う事ですよね。 TVのシリーズを友達と話す時は、"SPOILERS"(ネタばれする人)の危険があります。 重要な話の筋の要素などが、放送される前に明らかになることがあります! 番組を見るまでは、その番組の話をする事は待ちたいですよね;-D 【例】 "I have not reached the finale yet, I have only watched some of the episodes" (まだ最終章を見ていません、何話かちょっと見ただけです)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't watched the whole thing yet, only half.

  • I have only watched half of the episodes.

  • I didn't watch it all, only half of it,

These sentences all describe that said person has not watched the whole series on T.V only half of it.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
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