世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




日本語を話せる外国人がいるグループに電話をかけた際に、日本語を喋れない外国人がでて、日本語を喋れる人にかわって欲しい時に "Is there anyone who can speak Japanese?" "Could you put Japanese on the phone?" といえばかわってもらえるでしょうか?他に良い言い方があれば教えて下さい
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eigo tarouさん
2017/11/25 14:14
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  • Is there anyone there who speaks Japanese?

  • Could you please connect me to someone who knows Japanese?

Is there anyone there who speaks Japanese? - You can simply say this. If you say this, they will get that person or put them on the line. Could you please connect me to someone who knows Japanese? - You can also ask this, and they will transfer you or "connect" you to a Japanese speaker.
"Is there anyone there who speaks Japanese?" (誰か日本語を[話せる](人はいますか?) -単にこの様に言うことが出来ます。 この表現を使うと、日本語が話せる人が電話口に出てくるでしょう。 "Could you please connect me to someone who knows Japanese?" (日本語を話す人へつないでもらえますか?) -この表現を使って日本語が分かる人へ"connect([つなぐ]("事をしてもらえます。 speak = 話す Japanese = 日本語 a person who speaks Japanese = 日本語を話せる人 someone who knows Japanese = 日本語を話せる人
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a Japanese speaker present?

  • I am not sure I understand what you mean...Is there a Japanese speaker present?

A Japanese speaker ;-D IE Someone who can speak / converse in Japanese! So, if we need someone to do that ...we can just ask in this way: "I am not sure I understand what you mean...Is there a Japanese speaker present?"
「Japanese speaker」は、日本語が[話せる](人という意味です。 「Japanese speaker」が必要なときは...こんな風に聞けます: "I am not sure I understand what you mean...Is there a Japanese speaker present?" ([理解](できているかどうかわからないので...日本語が話せる人はいますか)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please pass me to someone who speaks Japanese?

  • Are there any Japanese speakers available there please?

You may have just ahd a rather frustrating conversation with someone whose Japanese is far from perfect - and ecause the topic is quite complicated, you feel you are getting nowhere. You believe your query may be quickly settled if you have the chance of speaking with a Japanese speaker. "Are there any Japanese speakers available there please?"
日本語があまりうまくない人と話して、あなたはイライラしたかもしれませんね。そしてトピックが複雑になると何の話をしているのかわからなくなります。 もし日本語が話せる人がいるなら、さっさと質問を解決してしまいたいですよね。 こういう表現を使うことができます。 "Are there any Japanese speakers available there please?" 日本語ができる人がそこにいるかな?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is there someone who can speak Japanese around you for me to speak with?

  • Could I speak to someone who can speak Japanese please?

Could I please speak to someone who can speak Japanese please?', is a simple question that asks if someone, close to the listener, can speak Japanese so that you can speak with that person.
Could I speak to someone who can speak Japanese, please?' (日本語が話せる人に代わってもらえますか) 相手(=you)の近くに日本語が話せる人がいれば、代わってほしいとお願いする言い方です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Can I speak with someone who knows Japanese?

  • Are there Japanese speakers I can talk to?

  • I would like to speak with someone who knows Japanese

Can I speak with someone who knows Japanese? - This is a simple way to ask directly to talk to someone who speaks Japanese. Are there Japanese speakers I can talk to? - This is a way to ask if there is anyone available that speaks Japanese and implies that you would like to talk to them instead. I would like to speak with someone who knows Japanese - Another simple way to ask for a Japanese speaking person to talk to you.
Can I speak with someone who knows Japanese?(日本語がわかる人と話せますか) シンプルな言い方です。日本語ができる人と話したいとそのまま頼んでいます。 Are there Japanese speakers I can talk to?(日本語が話せる人はいますか) 日本語が話せて電話に出られる人がいるか聞いています。その人に代わってほしいと暗に伝えています。 I would like to speak with someone who knows Japanese.(日本語がわかる人と話したいです) これもシンプルな言い方ですね。日本語が話せる人と話したいとお願いしています。
Sarahh DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anyone available who can speak Japanese?

  • Please could you put me in contact with someone who speaks Japanese?

When you ask if "anyone is available" this is a formal and polite way to ask if anyone is there who can speak Japanese. When you ask "could you put me in contact with someone" the caller may try to help you further by transferring your call to someone who can speak Japanese; to literally 'put you in contact with someone'.
一つ目の例では「available」を使って、日本語が話せる人がいるかどうか、フォーマル、丁寧に尋ねています。 「could you put me in contact with someone」と言うと、電話を日本語が話せる人につなげてくれるかもしれません。接触させてくれる(put you in contact with someone)わけです。
Louise Lt DMM英会話講師
  • Can i speak to someone who can understand Japanese, Please.

  • Is it possible to speak to someone who speaks Japanese.

If you are speaking to someone on the telephone who does not understand Japanese, and you feel you are not being understood you can politely ask the person on the telephone "Is it possible to speak to someone who speaks Japanese, Please". This will help resolve any misunderstanding and also quickly help you with any query you may have efficiently.
日本語がわからない人と電話で話していて、理解してもらえていないなと感じたときは: "Is it possible to speak to someone who speaks Japanese, please?" (日本語が話せる人と代わってもらえますか) 丁寧な言い方です。これで、誤解がなくなり、聞きたいこともすぐに聞けるようになると思います。
Lee Di DMM英会話講師
  • Is there someone/anyone who can speak Japanese?

  • Could you please connect me to someone who can speak Japanese?

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記はいかがでしょうか: ・Is there someone/anyone who can speak Japanese? 「誰か、日本語を話せる人はいますか?」という意味のフレーズです。 こちらで問題なく通じると思いますよ。 ・Could you please connect me to someone who can speak Japanese? 「日本語を話せる方に繋いでいただけますか?」という意味のフレーズ。 こちらも便利なのでぜひ使ってみてください。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Is there someone there who speaks Japanese?

  • May I speak to someone in Japanese?

  • Could you pass me to someone who speaks Japanese?

"Is there anyone who can speak Japanese?" 誰か日本語を喋れる人はいますか? これは良いと思います。 "Is there someone there who speaks Japanese?" そこに誰か日本語を喋れる人はいますか? これもほとんど同じ意味でもう少し丁寧な聴き方だと思います。 上の二つの文はあそこに日本語を喋れる人がいるかどうかわからない場合に使われています。 もし、あそこに日本語を喋れる人はいると信じられる次の表現の方がいいです。 "May I speak to someone in Japanese?" 日本語で誰かと話してもいいですか? "Could you pass me to someone who speaks Japanese?" 日本語を喋れる人に変わってくれませんか?
  • May I please speak to someone who speaks Japanese?

  • Do you have someone that speaks Japanese?

  • I can not speak English well. Can you connect me to someone that can speak Japanese?

In most cases, there is an automated feature that will allow the caller to select the language of their choice. When the isn't available, you can ask for an interpreter or someone who speaks Japanese. Above sentences are examples of how to ask in various ways.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
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