世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/25 16:20
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  • Thank you for coming from so far! I hope you enjoy your meal today!

  • Welcome! What may I offer you today?

  • Good (morning/evening/afternoon)? What may I help you with today?

"Good (morning/evening/afternoon)? What may I help you with today?" "Welcome! What may I offer you today?" - A good way to great a new customer would be to ask how you can assist them or help them or what you can offer them. "Thank you for coming from so far! I hope you enjoy your meal today!" -One way to thank them for coming from far away. You can also add that you hope they enjoyed the food.
"Good (morning/evening/afternoon)? What may I help you with today?" (おはようございます。⦅こんばんは/こんにちは⦆何にいたしますか?) "Welcome! What may I offer you today?" (いらっしゃいませ。今日は何を差し上げましょうか?) - 新しいお客様を迎えるいい方法の一つとしてお客様は何が欲しいか尋ねる事です。 "Thank you for coming from so far! I hope you enjoy your meal today!" (遠くからわざわざありがとうございます。お食事を楽しんでいただけたら幸いです) -遠くからお越しになったお客様に対してお礼を言う表現の一つです。 食事を楽しんでいただいたら嬉しいという事を付け加えるといいですね。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Welcome to our restaurant. Please enjoy the food.

  • Welcome to our restaurant. Please take a seat and enjoy.

  • Welcome to our restaurant. Please browse through the menu.

It is sometimes difficult to find the right words or expressions to welcome a customer. However, I suggest the following: Welcome to our restaurant. Please enjoy the food. You are politely requesting the customer to 'please enjoy the food'. This will set his/her appetite in motion. or Welcome to our restaurant. Please take a seat and enjoy. Here, you have politely requested the customer to 'please take a seat and enjoy'. It's not just the food you are asking the customer to enjoy, but also the comfort and scenery if the seat is close to a window. or Welcome to our restaurant. Please browse through the menu. Here, you have used the verb to 'browse', which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'to look through the menu with intention of making a choice of which meal to buy'.
お客さんを歓迎する適切な言葉や表現を見つけることが難しいこともありますが、以下の表現をお勧めします。 例文 Welcome to our restaurant. Please enjoy the food. いらっしゃいませ。どうぞお食事をお楽しみ下さい。 お客さんに丁寧に'please enjoy the food'.と言えば、お客さんの食欲も増します。 例文 Welcome to our restaurant. Please take a seat and enjoy. いらっしゃいませ。お座りになって、お食事をお楽しみ下さい。 この場合もお客さんに丁寧に'please take a seat and enjoy'.と言います。食事だけでなく、窓際の席であれば、快適さと景色もお客さんに楽しむように言っています。 例文 Welcome to our restaurant. Please browse through the menu. いらっしゃいませ。メニューをご覧下さい。 ここでは'browse'という動詞を使っています。この語にはいくつか意味がありますが、どの食事を注文するかを決めるために、メニューを見るということです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Welcome. I hope you will enjoy the food.

  • Welcome. If you don't mind me asking. Where are you from?

If you want to show some hospitality you can say "Welcome. I hope you will enjoy the food."Please note I didn't say "Welcome to our restaurant" but "Welcome" because it sounds natural when you say it that way. There is no need to mention restaurant. *Welcome. If you don't mind me asking. Where are you from? For example: You: Welcome. If you don't mind me asking. Where are you from? Customer: We are visiting from America and we had you serve the best Japanese food here.
おもてなしの心を表したいのであれば、 例文 "Welcome. I hope you will enjoy the food. いらっしゃいませ。料理を楽しんで頂ければと思います。 と言うことができます。 "Welcome to our restaurant" ではなく、"Welcome" と私は言いますが、そう言った方が自然に聞こえるからです。レストランは言う必要がありません。 例文 *Welcome. If you don't mind me asking. Where are you from? いらっしゃいませ。差し支えなければどちらからいらっしゃったか、お聞きしても良いですか? 例文 You: Welcome. If you don't mind me asking. Where are you from? いらっしゃいませ。差し支えなければどちらからいらっしゃったか、お聞きしても良いですか? Customer: We are visiting from America and we had you serve the best Japanese food here. アメリカから来ました。ここで一番美味しい和食を出して頂きたいです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, would you like a seat by the window?

  • Hi, would you like a seat by the window or further inside?

Whens someone enters a restaurant their first concern would invariably be about finding a nice, comfortable table in either a secluded or street-view position. They are not interested in small talk at this stage, though later they may be more amenable to it. So the most useful think you could ask would be something like: "Hi, would you like a seat by the window or further inside?"
レストランに入った時にいつも最初に気になることは心地の良い、いい席を見つけることが出来るかです、それが隠れる場所であったり、通りの眺めがいい席であったり。 慣れてきたら受け入れてくれるかもしれませんが、お客さんはちょっとした会話には最初は興味がないものです。 ですので、次のような事を言うと便利でしょう。 "Hi, would you like a seat by the window or further inside?" (こんにちは。窓側のお席がよろしいですか?奥のお席がよろしいですか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We want to make you feel welcome, so ....

  • Thank your for your custom! Please come again soon

  • You are most welcome here at ......

We want to make you feel welcome, so if there is anything we can do to make your meal more enjoyable please don't hesitate to ask! - This is meaning that you want people to feel 'at home' in your restaurant and that they can ask for anything to make their meal better Thank your for your custom! Please come again soon- This can be said as people are leaving. Thanking someone for their custom means that you are grateful that they came to your restaurant and spent their money there. You are most welcome here at Zizi's (for example)
We want to make you feel welcome, so if there is anything we can do to make your meal more enjoyable please don't hesitate to ask! (お客様が心地よくお食事を楽しんでいただくために努めますので何かございましたら遠慮なくおっしゃってください) -これは、レストランでお客様が心地よく食事を楽しんで過ごしてもらいたいという意味です。 Thank your for your custom! Please come again soon (お引き立てありがとうございます。またお越しください) -これはお客様がお帰りになる時に言うといいでしょう。 来てくれてありがとうと言う感謝の気持ちとまた来てくださいという気持ちを表しています。 You are most welcome here at Zizi's (例) (ZIZI'sへのお越しをお待ちしております)
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Welcome & thank you so much for coming...

  • We were greeted by the manager who said...Welcome & thank you so much for coming

"The Customer is King" is an adage that holds a great deal of merit:-D Those in the service industry should always make their customers feel at ease and welcome ! There are many simple phrases to help with his: "how may I be of service today? "/" If ther are any questions about our menu... please just ask" etc The first immpression is usually very important and so a hearty welcome and a thank you for coming is always a good idea..."We were greeted by the manager who said...Welcome & thank you so much for coming"
”The Customer is King(お客様は王様です)”は、とても価値がある格言です。サービス業の人は、お客様の気持ちが和み、歓迎されているように感じるように心がけるべきです。接客に役立つシンプルなフレーズがたくさんあります。 例文 "how may I be of service today? " 今日はいかがなさいますか? " If ther are any questions about our menu... please just ask" メニューに質問がありましたら、お尋ね下さい 第一印象がとても重要ですから、心がこもった歓迎の気持ちと来店への感謝の気持ちを持つことは、今も変わらず素晴らしい考えです。 例文 "We were greeted by the manager who said...Welcome & thank you so much for coming" 私達は、”いらっしゃいませ、来店ありがとうございます”とマネージャーから挨拶された
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Welcome to *restaurant name*, I trust you will have an amazing experience with us.

  • Hello and welcome. I trust you are having a wonderful evening. Where are you coming from?

  • Welcome and thank you for choosing *restaurant name*, I guarantee you've made the right decision.

A good restaurant manager always builds rapport(a connection) with his customers to put their minds at ease and make sure they are as comfortable as possible. If you are operating a restaurant in a place that is frequented by tourists or foreigners in general, you can ask 'where are you from?' and they will tell you their country of origin. However if the person is obviously a local, you can always ask 'where are you coming from?' and they will tell you where they were before coming to the restaurant. Always greet customers with a smile, a simple 'hello, and welcome' will do. Maybe even ask if someone has taken their order yet just so they feel like you are a good host.
良いレストランのマネージャーはいつもお客様と良い人間関係(つながり)を築き、心を落ち着かせ、できるだけ居心地が良くなるように努めます。 一般的に観光客や外国人が頻繁に訪れる場所でレストランを経営しているのであれば、お客様にどこから来たのか尋ねれば、自分の国について話してくれるでしょう。しかし、その人があきらかに地元の人の場合は、どこから来たのか尋ねれば、レストランに来る前にどこにいたのか話してくれるでしょう。 いつも笑顔でお客様を迎え、こんにちは、いらっしゃいませと言えば大丈夫です。おそらくまだ注文を取っていないかどうかを聞くだけでも、お客様はあなたが良い店主だと思うでしょう。
Lesang DMM英語講師
  • Welcome to our restaurant!

  • Thanks for dining with us today!

  • Welcome! I hope you guys enjoy your meal!

Most simply we would just say, "welcome to our restaurant," to welcome them inside of the establishment. We can also thank them for, "dining with us today," or we can also hope that they, "enjoy your meal," to say that they hope they enjoy the food they order.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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