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emi hasegawaさん
2017/11/30 00:34
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  • Dying you hair is banned at my company

  • It's against company rules to dye your hair

All companies adopt certain norms of dress and methods of procedure which are sometimes referred to as 'normal working practice.' Some working practices in some organisations may be outdated, or be characterised by having entrenched inefficiencies, or may fail to adapt to changing market or technological conditions. A: "You can't go to work with pink hair!" B: "Why not?" A: "Dying your hair is banned."
どの会社でも一定の通常の業務慣例と表されることもある服装規定や業務規程があります。 会社によっては時代遅れ又は非効率になっている、変化する市場や技術的な状況に適応できていない業務慣例があるかもしれません。 例文 A: "You can't go to work with pink hair!" ピンク色の髪で仕事には行けないよ。 B: "Why not?" どうしてダメなの? A: "Dying your hair is banned." 髪を染めることは禁止されているよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's the company policy.

  • Employees are not allowed to dye their hair. It's company policy.

  • Employees are not allowed to dye their hair. It's in the employee manual.

company policy - these are the rules set up by the company that all employees need to follow It's company policy - you can use this to reinforce that something is restricted under company guidelines employee manual - this is the book that new employees need to read when they are hired; it contains all the rules/policies/regulations of the company
company policy -社則 全社員が守る必要がある会社が定めた規則のことです。 例文 It's company policy それは社則です。 会社の規則で制限されていることがあるということを強調するために、この文を使うことが出来ます。 employee manual -従業員マニュアル 雇用時に新入社員が読む必要があるマニュアルのことです。その中には会社の全ての規則、方針、規定が書かれています。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • It is prohibited to dye your hair at my workplace.

  • It is company policy that no employee dyes their hair.

*It is prohibited to dye your hair at my workplace. Prohibited means that it is not allowed. For example: Smoking is prohibited in the building. *It is company policy that no employee dyes their hair. Company policy are principles, rules, and guidelines formulated or adopted by an organization to reach its long-term goals and typically published in a booklet or other form that is widely accessible.
It is prohibited to dye your hair at my workplace. 職場で、髪を染めることは禁止されている。 prohibitedとは、許可されていないという意味です。 例文: Smoking is prohibited in the building. 館内は禁煙です。 It is company policy that no employee dyes their hair. 髪を染めてはいけないのは、会社の規則です。 company policyとは、会社などの組織が長期目的のためにたいていは冊子や形式として作成しているもので、規則やルールのことを指します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Dying your hair is banned/not allowed in my workplace/company

  • It's against company rules to dye your hair

  • It's company policy to not dye your hair

If you are explainng that dying your hair is not allowed in your workplace/company then you can use the words 'banned', 'now allowed' or 'prohibited' these all mean the same thing. You can refer to your workplace as the company as well. Company policy means the rules that employees have to follow/do at work
”Dying your hair”(髪を染める)ことが会社で禁止されていると説明するときは、「禁止されている・許可されていない」という意味の"banned"、"not allowed"、 "prohibited"を使って表せます。 Company(会社)のことをWorkplace(職場)と置き換えてもOKです。 Company policy(会社の方針)は、従業員が職場で従わなくてはならないルールのことです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Company policy provides that employees are prohibited from dyeing their hair.

  • Employees are not allowed to dye their hair. It's company policy.

When you want to explain that a company's policy is that employees are not allowed to dye their hair; then you may explain it in the following ways: -Company policy provides that employees are prohibited from dyeing their hair. -Employees are not allowed to dye their hair. It's company policy.
会社の方針で従業員が髪を染めることを禁じられているなら、以下のように説明できます。 -Company policy provides that employees are prohibited from dyeing their hair. (会社の方針で従業員は髪を染めることを禁じられています) -Employees are not allowed to dye their hair. It's company policy. (従業員は髪を染めることを禁止されています。これは会社の方針です)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My current company ruled out dyed hair.

  • Dying one's hair is prohibited by the company policy.

  • The company doesn't allow its employees to dye their hair.

「ルールとして除外する」意味でto rule outが使えると思います。髪の毛を染めることが許されていない意味合いになります。 ○○is prohibitedは~禁止されている意味であり、会社や団体、組織のルールを指す時によく使われます。 3行目はどちらかといえば口頭で使える文章です。 お力になれたら嬉しいです。
Michey House 新宿区高田馬場の言語カフェ
  • We are not allowed to dye our hair.

  • We are not permitted to dye our hair.

  • We don't have permission to dye our hair.

The three sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that your company does not allow it's employees to dye their hair. In the third sentence you will notice the term have permission. This means someone or something is allowed to do something. This is a term that is appropriate for both informal and formal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記3例どれを使っても、会社で髪を染めることが禁止されていると伝えることができます。 三つ目の例では'have permission'という表現が使われています。これは「許されている」という意味です。この表現はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。ぜひボキャブラリーに加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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