Why are they laughing here?
I don’t get why they are laughing here.
I don’t get it.
everyone has a different sense of humour or what they find funny and what they laugh at so you might be unsure why they are laughing so you can ask 'why are they laughing here?'
'Why are they laughing here?'
These are VERY common phrases:
"Do you know why..." = do you have the answer for something
More commonly in Englad the way in which this question would be asked is like this: Why're they laughing?
Why're is a contraction of the words 'Why' and 'Are.'
"Do you know why..." = なぜ...か分かりますか。
"Why're they laughing?"
"Why're" は "Why" と "Are" の縮約形です。
The first two examples are probably the more common expressions in America, and when we call something a "part" we are talking about a specific thing or time in a movie or place. The word "hilarious" is another way of saying the word "funny".
"What is making them laugh at this point and why?"
"Why is that part funny?"
If you were reading dialogue practices during an online English lesson and a sentence said "they laugh" and you don't understand why, you can ask "Why do they laugh here?", "What is making them laugh at this point and why?" or "Why is that part funny?". All three of these sentences are direct and ask why they are laughing at this specific point in the dialogue practices
英語のオンラインレッスンで、Dialogue Practice に "they laugh" と書かれていて、その理由が分からないなら、次のように聞けます。
"Why do they laugh here?"(何でここで笑うんですか)
"What is making them laugh at this point and why?"(その部分の何が面白いんですか)
"Why is that part funny?"(その部分の何が面白いんですか)
どの文も、Dialogue Practice のその部分がなぜ面白いのかについて単刀直入に尋ねています。
In dialogues, you can also come across actions. This is a key example of this (the two people in the dialogue are actually laughing). If you don't understand why they would laugh or what is funny, then you could ask "why do they laugh?". If you were unsure about why the sentence "they laugh" would be in a dialogue then you could ask "Why does it say 'they laugh' in this dialogue?".
"Why do they laugh?"(どうして笑うの)
なぜ "they laugh" という文章がダイアログに書かれているのか分からないなら、
"Why does it say 'they laugh' in this dialogue?"(何で 'they laugh' と書いてあるの)
If you were reading dialogue practices during an online English lesson and a sentence said "they laugh" and you don't understand why, you can ask "Why do they laugh here? and say which sentence",
If you were unsure about why the sentence "they laugh" would be in a dialogue then you could ask "Why does it say 'they laugh' in this dialogue?".
英語のオンラインレッスンで、Dialogue Practice に "They laugh" という文があって、その意味が理解できないなら、次のように聞けます。
"Why do they laugh here? and say which sentence"(何でここで笑うんですか。どの文なのか教えてください)
なぜ "they laugh" という文章がダイアログに書かれているのか分からないなら、
"Why does it say 'they laugh' in this dialogue?"(何で 'they laugh' と書いてあるの)