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2017/12/02 10:49
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  • If I skip practicing piano for even a day, it will take three days for me to get back in rhythm.

回答の英訳は 「ピアノの練習を1日でもスキップ(サボる)したら、元のリズムに戻るのに3日はかかる」 ピアノの他に、スポーツなどの日々練習をしていて「1日サボると元に戻るのに3日かかる」と言いたい場合は If I skip a day of training, it takes me three days to get back on track. と、言ってみるのはいかがでしょうか。
  • 1. If I miss practice, I suffer for the next three days.

  • 2. I have to keep up with practice or I become rusty.

1. We use 'miss practice' for when we didn't attend practice that day, it is the same as skip. However, we usually use skip when we don't plan to go. We use 'miss' when we couldn't make it because we were ill or something came up so we couldn't attend. Suffer - means we will not be very good for the following days. Our performance will lack. 2. Keeping up practice means we need to do it everyday/regularly to avoid becoming rusty - not good at the sport.
1. この 'miss practice'はその日練習をしなかった時やさぼった時の事を言います。 ですが "skip"(さぼる)を使う時はわざと休むときが多いですね。 'miss'(休む)を使う時は病気などで出席できなかったときに使います。 "Suffer"(苦しむ/病気をする) - これは後日、あまりよくないという意味になります。 上手にを能力発揮できない、と言う事になります。 2. "Keeping up practice"とは下手にならないように毎日練習しなければならない、と言う意味になります。 スポーツにはよくないですね。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • If I miss one day of practice it takes me three days to get back into things.

By saying "to get back into things" you are saying that it will take 3 days to recover your skills.
"to get back into things"は能力や技術をいつも通りに使えるように三日ぐらいは回復するために必要だという意味。
Kirst English teacher
  • If I do not practice everyday my skills are not as sharp.

  • If I miss a day of practice I feel like it takes me three days to make up for it.

"If I do not practice every day my skills are not as sharp." This explains that if you do not practice the piano every day you are not as good for the next three days. "If I miss a day of practice I feel like it takes me three days to make up for it." This is another way of explaining that you feel if you miss a day of practice it takes you three days to get as good as you were again.
“If I don’t practice every day, my skills are not as sharp.” (もし毎日練習しなければ、私の技術はいつもほど高くありません。) これは、あなたが毎日ピアノを練習しなければ、 次の3日間で、今までほど上手くは弾けないと言うことを意味しています。 “If I miss a day of practice, I feel like it takes me three days to make up for it.” (もし1日練習をしなければ、取り戻すのに3日かかる気がします。) これは、1日練習しなければ、 また前のように上手く弾けるまでになるのに、 3日かかるという別の表現方法です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • If I miss just one day of practice, it takes me three days to get back into the swing of things

To 'GET into the swing of things', is to become involved in something for the first time and enjoy it once you settle into a regular routine. To 'get BACK into the swing of things' is to return to your usual routine or level of activity.
「GET into the swing of things」は、何かを始めて、それに慣れて、楽しめるようになることを言います。 「get BACK into the swing of things」は「元の調子に戻る」という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • One day of no piano practice takes me three steps back.

  • If I take a day off from playing the piano I get rusty and it takes me three days to get the rust off.

  • Piano practice needs everyday consistency else I become rusty.

Certain things need more precision than others which means more practice, with no practice you become rusty and you have to try twice as hard to play as well as you did before. Use the sentences above to describe that. "I can't afford to take a day off else I will be rust for the next few days." Precision: precise, on the spot, accuracy Rusty: old, not function well
物事は時に正確さを必要とします。つまり、練習です。 練習をしないとなまってしまって、元に戻すのに倍の努力が必要になることがあります。 これについて表すなら、上記の文が使えます。 "I can't afford to take a day off else I will be rust for the next few days." (休みは取れません。1日休むと、3日なまってしまいます) Precision: 正確な、正確さ Rusty: 古い、うまく機能しない
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • If I don't practice for one day, then I will struggle to do as well for the next three days

  • If I miss one piano practice, I usually struggle to play for the next three days

When you want to explain that when you don't practice playing the piano for a day, then you will become rusty and struggle to play for the next three days; then you can say it in the following ways: -If I don't practice for one day, then I will struggle to do as well for the next three days -If I miss one piano practice, I usually struggle to play for the next three days
ピアノの練習について「一日休むと、三日は感覚が鈍る」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -If I don't practice for one day, then I will struggle to do as well for the next three days(一日練習を休むと、三日は感覚が鈍る) -If I miss one piano practice, I usually struggle to play for the next three days(ピアノの練習を一回休むと、感覚が戻るまでにたいてい三日はかかる)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • If I don't practice everyday I become rusty

  • If I miss one Practice it will take me a few sessions to get back into things

"If I don't practice everyday I become rusty" This sentence is stating that if you do not 'practice' (doing an activity over and over to get better at it) everyday you will become 'rusty' if you take a session or lesson off. 'Rusty' is the term used when you loose skill at an activity. "If I miss one Practice it will take me a few sessions to get back into things" To get back into things is the expression used, when you take a break from an activity or something you do and you try getting into the routine of things.
"If I don't practice everyday I become rusty"(毎日練習しないとなまってしまう) →ここでは「毎日 'practice'(練習)をしないと 'rusty'(なまって)しまう 」と伝えています。 "If I miss one Practice it will take me a few sessions to get back into things"(1度練習を休むと、取り戻すのに数回のセッションが必要になる) →'To get back into things' は、何かを休んで再び調子を取り戻すまでをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • If I don't practise, it sets me back 3 days.

Explanation: A conditional sentence states the condition and the outcome. This sentence is a first conditional sentence dealing with factual and everyday matters. Example sentence: "If it rains, I usually catch the bus rather than walk."
解説: 状況と結果について供述する場合や条件を表す文です。このフレーズは事象と日々の事柄について言及した文です。 例文: "If it rains, I usually catch the bus rather than walk." (もしも雨が降ったら、通常徒歩ではなくバスに乗ります。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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