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状況にもよりますが、残業になります。てなんて言いますか? 仕事で相手に残業予定を答えたいです。状況によって変化する可能性も含めて『状況によります』てなんて言えばよいんおでしょうか?
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2017/12/02 11:25
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  • It depends on the situation

  • It can change, so I can't really say

  • I don't want to make promises

It depends on the situation=[状況](による depend=[頼る](、よる situation=状況 It can change, so I can't really say=変わるかもしれないから何とも言えない I don't want to make promises=保証はない、約束できない 会話形式でこれらを全て使うとしたら: A: Mark, do you want to go to dinner with our team after work today? (マーク、今夜俺らのチームと夕飯に行かないか?) B: I'd love to, but I might have to stay late (行きたいけど今夜遅くなるかもしれないんだ) A: How late? (どれくらい遅く?) B: It's looking optimistic, but it can change, so I can't really say (いい感じに終わりそうだけど変わるかもしれないから何とも言えない) A: So chances are high you won't stay late? (じゃあ遅くならない確率は高いの?) B: I honestly can't tell. I don't want to make promises and let you down (本当に分からないんだ。約束して君を後から困らせたくない) A: Alright then, maybe some other time then? (分かった、じゃあまた今度にしようか?) B: Let's do that. Have fun on my behalf! (そうしよう。俺の分も楽しんで!)
  • It depends on the situation

  • It depends what happens

It depends means that you will have to see and cannot give an exact answer so the best way to say it would be 'It depends what happens' that means that you will see what is happening before you decide
「It depends」は、確認しないとはっきりとは答えられないという意味です。 ですから、一番いい言い方は「It depends what happens(状況によります)」。起こっていることを確認しないと分からない、という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It hinges on the situation.

  • I have to see how the situation plays out.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that if you are going to work overtime or not depends on the situation. In the first sentence you will notice the term hinge on. This term means to be controlled by or depends on. In the second sentence you will notice the term play out. When we have to see how something plays out that means we have to wait to see the outcome or results of something.
上記2例文は、残業になるかならないかは状況によると表す言い方です。 最初の例文では"hinge on"という言葉に気が付いたと思います。 これは[『~次第』](『~による』という様な意味になります。 二番目の例文では"play out"という言葉に気が付いたと思います。 例文では"play out"は[「展開する」](という意味で使われています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • It depends on the situation

  • It depends on what/where I am at that time

  • It's context dependent.

When you want to explain that something depends on a situation, then you can use the following phrases: -It depends on the situation -It depends on what/where I am at that time -It's context dependent.
状況次第であると説明したい時は、次のフレーズが使えます。 【例文】 -It depends on the situation [訳]状況によります -It depends on what/where I am at that time [訳]その時の状況によります -It's context dependent. [訳]それは状況によります
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I am not sure If I will be working overtime today, it depends on the situation.

  • I do not know how my day will go today it depends on the situation, or the events that come up during the day.

  • I will need to wait and see if I can work overtime today, depending on what happens during the day.

When a native speaker says, "It depends on the situation", what they are saying is that you are not able to make a definite decision yet, because you do not know what situations will transpire throughout the day. You do not yet know if you will be able to work overtime or not, depending on the situation. "Depending on what happens during the day", "it depends on the situation", both of these mean that you will have to wait and see what happens. If events come up during the day you may not be able to work overtime that day. You will have to wait and see what happens. Depending on the situation describes that you feel you need to wait and see. It means you cannot say for sure what you will do because you do not know what the day is going to bring or what events will come up during the day. You will have to wait and see taking the events of the day into account before you can make an informed decision.
"It depends on the situation"(状況による)は、1日の中でどんなことが起こるかわからないのではっきり決められない、という場合に使われます。 Depending on what happens during the dayとIt depends on the situation、どちらも何が起こるか様子を見ないといけないという意味です。昼間のうちに何か起これば、残業ができなくなるかもしれない。様子を見ないといけない、という意味です。 Depending on the situationは、様子を見ないといけないと思っていることを表します。その日何が起こるか(昼間のうちに何があるか)分からないので、何をするかはっきりとは言えないという意味です。その日起きたことを見た上でないと決められない、ということです。
Rhonda DMM英会話講師
  • It depends

If you're busy working and don't have a lot of time to talk. You can by all means just say "It depends". Co-worker: Are you working overtime today? You: Im not sure, it depends
仕事で忙しくて、話す時間がないのなら、もちろん単純に「It depends」と言えます。 Co-worker: Are you working overtime today? You: Im not sure, it depends ↓ 同僚:今日は残業ですか? あなた:わかりません。状況によります。
Josh P DMM英会話講師
  • It depends on how busy we are

  • It depends on how I feel

  • It depends on how my boss feels

You could say, 'It depends on the situation' but of course the listener will then ask, 'What situation?' To be clear you need to identify who exactly has control of the overtime decision, or what circumstances might lead to you doing overtime.
"It depends on the situation"(状況にもよる)と言えます。ですが、これだけに留めておくと、聞き手は「どんな状況?」と聞き返すでしょう。 具体的に残業に関する決断を下すのは誰なのか、また、どのような状況が残業する結果を生むのか、について明確に説明することが必要ですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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