世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/25 17:32
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  • I always feel like my nose will start bleeding when I eat something sweet.

  • I have this feeling when I eat chocolate that my nose will start bleeding.

"feel like" や"feelingがある" ということで、「〜する気がする」という意味になります。 二つ目は"this feeling" を使うことで、「この気分」という意味になります。「今自分の持ってるこの気分」ということです。
2016/08/14 18:45
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  • Every time I eat chocolate, I feel like my nose is going to start bleeding.

「~するときはいつも」という場合には、every timeという表現が便利です。 I feel like I'm about to have a nose bleed.などと言ってもいいと思います。
  • When I am eating chocolate, I feel like I am going to nose bleed.

This means that when you are eating chocolate you feel like you are going to nose bleed.
This means that when you are eating chocolate you feel like you are going to nose bleed. Nose bleed=鼻血が出る。チョコレート食べていると、鼻血が出てきそうな気がする、と言う意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's weird but when I eat chocolate, it feels like my nose is going to bleed!

  • I get this crazy feeling my nose is about to bleed every time I eat chocolate.

"It's weird but..." We use this construction before relating some information that appears quite abnormal or extraordinary. "I get this crazy feeling that..." We start to tell someone about a quite unusual feeling by using this expression at the beginning. "I get this crazy feeling that you're going to bite my nose every time I kiss you!"
"It's weird but..." この表現は、非現実的な非日常的なことを言う前に使う文法です。 "I get this crazy feeling that..." 最初にこの表現を使って、何かおかしな感情があることを相手に伝えます。 "I get this crazy feeling that you're going to bite my nose every time I kiss you!" キスをするたびに鼻を噛まれてしまうんじゃないかっていう変な気がするんだよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • As soon as I eat sweet stuff it feel like my nose want to bleed.

  • When I eat chocolate I get the feeling that my nose is starting to bleed.

>As soon as I eat sweet stuff it feel like my nose want to bleed. >When I eat chocolate I get the feeling that my nose is starting to bleed. *************** !Example 1 Him: Hey, you want some chocolate? Me:No thank you. When I eat chocolate I get the feeling that my nose is starting to bleed. *********************** !Example Him: Hey, you want some sweets? Me:No thanks. As soon as I eat sweet stuff it feel like my nose want to bleed.
As soon as I eat sweet stuff it feel like my nose want to bleed. (甘いものを食べるとすぐに、鼻血が出て来る感じがします。) When I eat chocolate I get the feeling that my nose is starting to bleed. (チョコレートを食べると、鼻血が出始めているような気分になります。) ************** 例1) 彼:Hey, you want some chocolate? (ねえ、チョコレートを食べたいですか?) 私:No thank you. When I eat chocolate I get the feeling that my nose is starting to bleed. (いいえ、ありがとう。チョコレートを食べると、鼻血がでているような気分になります。) ************************ 例2) 彼:Hey, you want some chocolate? (ねえ、お菓子ほしい?) 私:No thanks. As soon as I eat sweet stuff it feel like my nose want to bleed. (いいえ、ありがとう。甘いものを食べるとすぐに、鼻から血がでたいように感じるの。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Whenever I eat chocolate, I feel as though my nose will bleed.

  • Every time I eat chocolate, I feel as though I will get a nose bleed.

1. "Whenever I eat chocolate, I feel as though my nose will bleed." The word "whenever" is an English conjunction which means at whatever time or whatever occasion. 2. "Every time I eat chocolate, I feel as though I will get a nose bleed." "Every time" in the above statement means at whatever occasion that you eat chocolate, you feel as though your nose will bleed.
1. "Whenever I eat chocolate, I feel as though my nose will bleed." 「チョコレートを食べるたびに、鼻から血が出ているような気がします」 Whenever(いつでも)という言葉は、どんな時でも何らかの機会を意味する英語の接続語です。 2."Every time I eat chocolate, I feel as though I will get a nose bleed" 「チョコレートを食べるたびに、鼻血が出るように感じます。」 上記の文章中の"every time(毎回)"は、あなたがチョコレートを食べるたびに、鼻血が出てきそうに感じるということです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Every-time I eat chocolate I feel like I'm about to have a nosebleed.

  • I always get a nosebleed when I eat chocolate.

  • I get that feeling when you are about to get a nosebleed.

It's strange but I feel like my nose is going to bleed every-time I eat chocolate. - Strange- is a word we would use when we are explaining something that it not ''normal''. Every-time I eat chocolate I feel like I'm about to have a nosebleed. - This suggests that you get the feeling like your nose is about to start bleeding.
It's strange but I feel like my nose is going to bleed every-time I eat chocolate. (変なんだけど、チョコを食べるといつも鼻血が出そうな気がする) -「strange(変わった、変な)」は「normal(普通)」でないこと説明する時に使います。 Every-time I eat chocolate I feel like I'm about to have a nosebleed. (チョコを食べるといつも鼻血が出そうな気がする) - 鼻血が出そうになること表しています。
Niabh DMM英語講師
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