1. Could we start the lesson from the second paragraph on the first page please?
2. May we kick off from exercise 3 please?
3. Shall we skip the first two exercises please
1. Here we suggest starting the lesson at a specified point in the text page or article.
2. Here we suggest starting at the beginning of a specified exercise.
To kick off = to start something (as in a football game).
3. Here we suggest missing out the first two exercises - so we start on the following exercise.
It is better to start at a certain part if you are happier with doing that or maybe already know the other parts already so to say " could we please start from page 5"or " i would like to start from page 5" would be good to let the teacher know where you want to start from in the lesson
By adding could we/i would like and please these are all a polite way of asking
特定のパートから始めたい、或いは、既に知っていることなのでそこをスキップしたいときは、"Could we please start from page 5?"(5ページ目から始めても良いでしょうか?)または、 "I would like to start from page 5."(5ページ目から始めたいのですが。) と先生に伝えると良いでしょう。
"Could we"または"I would like"のフレーズを使うことで、より丁寧なリクエストの仕方になります。
The three sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to ask your teacher if you can start from a certain part of the lesson. In the third sentence you will notice the phrase get something going. This is a phrase that means to begin or start. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary since it is a common phrase.
3つ目の例文、"Can we get the lesson going from page 5?"は「レッスンを5ページ目から始めても良いですか?」という意味です。よく使うフレーズなので、貴方のボキャブラリーに追加すると良いと思います。
I would like to begin the lesson today, from page (number).
You want to be sure to let the teacher know that you don't want to start from the beginning of the lesson. You can say, "I don't want to start from the beginning, if that's ok with you. I would like to start with the dialogue". Or, "I would like to begin with the second exercise on page 4".
例:"I don't want to start from the beginning, if that's OK with you. I would like to start with the dialogue."
例:"I would like to begin with the second exercise on page 4."
When your lesson starts and you want to tell your teacher that you would like to start the lesson from a specific exercise or page; then you can say:
-Can we start the lesson from (exercise three)?
-I would to start the lesson from page three.
-Can we please start the lesson on the third page?
-Can we start the lesson from (exercise three)?
-I would to start the lesson from page three.
-Can we please start the lesson on the third page?
*Is it okay if we start form page 5?
This means that you prefer to start from page 5.
For example:
A:Is it okay if we start form page 5?
B: Yes sure.
You can also say "Can we please start from page 5?"
*Is it okay if we start form page 5?
A:Is it okay if we start form page 5?
B: Yes sure.
"Can we please start from page 5?"
「レッスンをする・始める」は、start(begin) the lesson のように言うといいでしょう。
英訳① Please start the lesson from here.
英訳② Could you begin the lesson from this part?
英訳③ Let’s start the lesson from page 〇〇.