世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/05 04:19
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  • In tems of time, it's best if we do a U turn here

  • Please would you U turn so as to save some some time?

  • Driver, would you please do a U turn and go the other way? It's quicker!

You may give an indirect instruction by making a suggestion: "In tems of time, it's best if we do a U turn here." Most people would understand that you are giving a soft instruction to go the other way. However some people may not be so tuned in to the language and a more direct instruction may be necessary in that case: "Driver, would you please do a U turn and go the other way? It's quicker!"
他の方法を伝え、迂回の提案をしてみましょう。 In tems of time, it's best if we do a U turn here. 時間のことを考えると、Uターンをした方がいいと思います。 ほとんどの人は、柔らかい表現をすることで、他の道の提案を受け入れてくれます。しかし、あなたの言ったとおりにしてくれない人もいるので、そういった場合にはもっと直接的にお願いしたほうがいい場合もあります。 Driver, would you please do a U turn and go the other way? It's quicker! 運転手さん、Uターンをして別の道に行ってもらえますか?その方が早いんです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you make a U-turn and go the other way, it is faster.

  • Can you turn around and go the other way because it is much faster that way.

▪ Can you make a U-turn and go the other way, it is faster. ▪ Can you turn around and go the other way because it is much faster that way. Both phrases are good to be used. Both indicate that the driving must turn around and go the other way because it is faster that way. Other short sentences: a. Make a U-turn, this way is too long. b. The other way is faster, make a U-turn.
▪ Can you make a U-turn and go the other way, it is faster. Uターンをして、もう一つの道を行ってもらえますか。その方が早いので。  ▪ Can you turn around and go the other way because it is much faster that way. 別の道の方が早いので、Uターンしてそちらに行ってもらえますか? どちらのフレーズもよく使う表現で、早いのでUターンをして別の道を行ってもらいたい表現です。   別の短い表現: a. Make a U-turn, this way is too long. Uターンしてください。この道は長すぎます。 b. The other way is faster, make a U-turn. もう一つの道のほうが早いので、Uターンしてください。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • We should make a U-turn. That route is faster.

  • Could you please make a U-turn. I will show you a faster route you can take.

*We should make a U-turn. That route is faster. A route is a way the driver can use. This means that you want the driver to use the fastest route. *Could you please make a U-turn. I will show you a faster route you can take. This means that you would like the driver to use a route different from the GPS. Therefore you are the one who will be giving the directions.
We should make a U-turn. That route is faster. Uターンをした方がいいわ。あの道のほうが早いから。 routeとは、ドライバーが行く道のことを言います。この表現は、ドライバーに一番早く着く道を行ってもらいたいときに使います。 Could you please make a U-turn? I will show you a faster route you can take. Uターンをしてもらえますか?早く着く道を教えます。 これは、ドライバーにGPSとは違った道を行ってもらいたいときに使うことができる表現です。なので、あなた自身がドライバーに道案内をすることになります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I know a faster route...

  • Driver please make a U-Turn... I live locally and I know a faster route...

Most modern drivers do use GPS...but it's no match for local knowledge and in this case the passenger..Knows a faster route...(he knows his way around!) "Driver, please make a U-Turn... I live locally and I know a faster route...
今はほとんどの人がGPSを使って運転しますね...ただ土地勘にはかないません。この場合は乗客が早道を知っていると... He knows his way around! (土地勘があります) "Driver, please make a U-Turn... I live locally and I know a faster route... (すみません、Uターンしてください...この辺地元で、早道知っているんで...)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Its fast if you make a U-turn.

  • If you make a U-turn the route is quicker.

"Its fast if you make a U-turn." This explains that there is a quicker route but he needs to make a U-turn. "If you make a U-turn the route is quicker." This is another way of explaining that if you do a U-turn there is a quicker route.
“It’s fast if you make a U-turn.” (Uターンしたほうが速いです。) これは、近道があるけれども、それがUターンであることを説明しています。 “If you make a U-turn, the route is quicker.” (Uターンをすれば、そちらのほうが速いです。) これは、Uターンが近道であるということを意味しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • It's faster if we go the opposite way, can you make a U-turn please?

  • Can you make a u-turn please? It's faster if we go the other way.

  • I know a faster route. Can you turn around please?

It's faster if we go the opposite way, can you make a U-turn please? Can you make a u-turn please? It's faster if we go the other way. I know a faster route. Can you turn around please?
It's faster if we go the opposite way, can you make a U-turn please? (反対側に行った方がはやいので、Uターンしてくれますか?) Can you make a u-turn please? It's faster if we go the other way. (Uターンしてもらえますか?反対側に行った方がはやいです。) I know a faster route. Can you turn around please? (はやく行くことのできる道を知っています。Uターンしてもらえますか?)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • It's faster if we go the opposite way, you can make a U-turn

  • It's easier if we make a U-turn

"It's faster if we go the opposite way, you can make a U-turn" This sentence is implying, when travelling, such as a car, you are instructing the driver that by going the opposite way (the other side of the road) would be a quicker route, but you'd have to make a 'U-turn', this means you will have to turn the car around.
"It's faster if we go the opposite way, you can make a U-turn" (反対の道を行ったらはやいので、Uターンしてください。) これは、車などで移動しているとき、運転手に反対の道のほうが近道で、Uターンしなければいけないことを伝える文です。  
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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