世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/05 15:56
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  • Could/Would you eat out/ have lunch with me after the meeting?

  • How about lunch with me after the meeting?

  • Why don't you / Let's eat out after the meeting?

上から下にかけてフォーマルからカジュアルな言い方です。 ランチを外食だと決めるのであれば、「eat out」を、そうでなく、どこか食べに出かけるかオフィスで食べるかは分からないけれどもランチを一緒にということでしたら「have lunch」を使われるといいと思います。
Tomomi T 英語講師
  • Would you have time for lunch with me after the meeting?

Explanation:- You can use "Would you .....?" to politely invite someone somewhere, or to do something for you. Sample sentence:- "Would you care for a few drinks in the pub this evening?"
"Would you .....?"という言葉で始めると、どんな相手や場所でも礼儀正しいお誘いやお願いになります。 例文: "Would you care for a few drinks in the pub this evening?" (今夜パブで少し飲みませんか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to join me for luncheon after our meeting?

  • Are you free after the meeting for a quick lunch?

Would you like to join me for luncheon after our meeting? - a luncheon often refers to formal lunch appointment, and is often used in such settings. Are you free after the meeting for a quick lunch? - this response checks to see if the person if available for a lunch appointment right after the meeting.
Would you like to join me for luncheon after our meeting?(打ち合わせの後に昼食をご一緒しませんか) - "luncheon" とは正式な昼食の約束をいいます、このような場面でよく使われる言葉です。 Are you free after the meeting for a quick lunch?(打ち合わせの後に一緒に昼食をする時間はありますか) - これは、打ち合わせの後に一緒に昼食をする時間があるかどうか尋ねています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have time for lunch after the meeting?

  • Would you like to get lunch after the meeting?

  • Do you have time for a bite after the meeting?

All three of these sentences will work for your question. The first two are more formal. The third sentence is more casual. "A bite" is a friendly way to refer to a meal. It can work for any meal period. "Do you want to grab a bite before we go to the airport?".
3例ともこの場面で使うことができます。 一つ目と二つ目はフォーマルです。三つ目はよりカジュアルです。 "A bite" は「食事」の砕けた言い方です。これはどの時間の食事にも使うことができます。 例: "Do you want to grab a bite before we go to the airport?" (空港に行く前に何か食べようか)
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • would you like to join me for lunch after the meeting?

  • would you like to get some lunch after our meeting?

referring the 'would you like to join me' is often a more polite and formal way of inviting someone to an activity.
would you like to join me' は、人を何かに誘うときの丁寧でフォーマルな表現です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to get lunch together after the meeting?

  • Do you have time for lunch after the meeting?

  • Do you want to have lunch with me after the meeting?

All of these ask the same question about going for lunch after the meeting. You could also specify a particular time if it will not be straight after the meeting, for instance, 'would you like to get lunch together at 2pm?'. Using the word 'together' means that both of you will go and is the same as asking for someone to go to lunch 'with you'. You could also be more assertive by phrasing it as a statement rather than a questions and saying 'let's get lunch together after the meeting.' This gives the person less chance to say no!
これらは全て同じことを聞いています。打ち合わせの後にランチに行きませんかということです。 もし打ち合わせの直後に行くのでないなら、その時間を明示することもできます。 例えば: 'Would you like to get lunch together at 2pm?'(2時に一緒に昼食を取りませんか) 'together' は「一緒に行く」という意味です。これは 'Would you like to go to lunch 'with me'?" と同じ意味です。 質問でなく平叙文で、より積極的に表すこともできます。 例えば: 'Let's get lunch together after the meeting.' (打ち合わせの後一緒にお昼ご飯を食べましょう) これだと、相手は「ノー」と言いにくくなります!
Leanne D DMM英会話講師
  • How about we grab some lunch after the meeting?

  • What do you say to lunch when we're done with the meeting?

These are casual ways to invite someone to lunch.
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to get lunch after the meeting?

  • How about we get some lunch after the meeting?

Would you like to get lunch after the meeting? 打ち合わせのあと、ランチはいかがですか? How about we get some lunch after the meeting? 打ち合わせのあと、一緒にランチ食べに行くのはいかがですか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 「打ち合わせ」は英語で meeting と言うことができます。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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