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ピアノの弾き始めの音が、 右手も左手も同じ音[ド]からスタートだよ! はどのように言うのでしょうか?
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2017/12/06 02:03
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  • Both right and left hand start on a single note, 'C'

  • Both left and right hand start in the chord of 'C'

If you play the keyboard note 'C' with your right index finger; and another 'C' in a lower key with your left index finger, then you will playing the note of 'C' in two positions with left and right hands. If you play the chord of 'C with left and right hands, this will require more fingers.
'C'の音を右手の人差し指で引くとき、もう一つの'C'の音はあなたの左手の人差し指で低い鍵盤を弾いています。 そうすると、二つのポジションは両手とも 'C'の音にあるという事になります。 もし、'C'のコードを右と左の両手で引くとしたら、もう少し指が必要になります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Both hands start on the same note/key.

  • Both your left and right hand start by playing the same note.

"Both hands start on the same note/key." This explains to the person that when you start both your right and left hands start by playing the same note/key on the piano. "Both your left and right hand start by playing the same note." This is another way of explaining that both of your hand start in the same place on either side of the piano.
"Both hands start on the same note/key." (両方の手で同じキー/音から始める) これは右手と左手の両方でピアノの同じ音/キーから引き始めつ事を説明しています。 "Both your left and right hand start by playing the same note." (あなたの右手と左手の両方で同じ音をひき始めます) これはピアノを右手と左手の両方の手で同じ音から引き始めるという事を説明する、もう一つの表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Both left hand and right hand will start on the same note.

  • Both of your hands will start on the same note.

By saying "both of your hands" you are including both right and left hands, so your listener will know that they should both start on the same note.
"both of your hands"と言う事によって右手と左手と言う意味になります。 ですので聞いている人は両手で同じ音をひき始めることが分かります。
Kirst English teacher
  • the same key or note

  • play the note C with both hands

When playing the note or key or chord the same on both hands. "play the C, with both hands" or "can you find the same note, and play it using both the left and the right hand".
音符やキーやコードを両手で同じ様に演奏する時は、"play the C, with both hands"(両手でCを弾きなさい)又は"can you find the same note, and play it using both the left and the right hand".(同じ音符を見つけてそれを左手と右手の両方を使って弾いてくれますか)と言います。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Both hands start on the same key!

  • Both the left hand and the right hand start on the same note.

Piano 'keys', are the white or black blocks that you press with your fingers on the piano keyboard to make a note sound. Black keys were traditionally made of ebony, and the white keys were covered with strips of ivory but nowadays they are made of synthetic and usually sustainable substitutes.
ピアノのkeys(鍵盤)は白と黒があり、指で鍵盤を押して音符の音を出します。 黒の鍵盤は伝統的に黒檀で出来ていて、白い鍵盤は象牙の一片で覆われていますが、最近は通常合成で持続性のあるで素材で出来ています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • The right and left hand both start with the same note

  • Both the right and left hand start with the same chord

When talking about music we refers to the sounds by using notes, key or chords (a/b/c etc) so if they 2 things do the same then you would say both to describe this
音楽について言う場合、音は 'notes' や 'key' 'chords'(a/b/c など)を使って表します。 二つのものが同じことをするなら、'both'(両方)を使います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Both hands begin with the same note.

  • Each hand should be on the same note at the start of the piece.

"Both hands begin..." is a more concise way to explain this instruction, while conveying it clearly. "Each hand the start of the piece" is a more elaborated way to state this and would be appropriate if the person you are speaking to requires more clarification! For a non-piano player this might be a tricky thing to explain!
"Both hands begin..." は、簡潔で分かりやすい言い方です。 "Each hand the start of the piece" は、より具体的です。相手がより丁寧な説明を求めているときに使えます。 これはピアノを弾いたことがない人には、なかなか説明できないかもしれません!
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
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