世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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yutaka yamamotoさん
2017/12/06 21:47
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  • Which bank's ATM would you like to use?

  • Does your card work in any ATM? If so, there's one across the road

Well, if they just want any ATM, most cards work in any ATM so it doesn't matter which bank's machine is used - for most people in the UK. You could clarify that of course if you wish, by asking: "Does your card work in any ATM? If so, there's one across the road." However if their card only works in a specific bank's ATM, you may ask: "Which bank's ATM would you like to use?" You may then give directions to that particular bank.
イギリスでは、ほとんどのカードがどこのATMでも使えるので、どこの銀行のカードか関係ない場合がほとんどです。もちろん、以下のように尋ねることもできます。 "Does your card work in any ATM? If so, there's one across the road." あなたのカード、どこのATMでも使えるの?もしそうなら、向かいに一つありますよ。 もし、特定の銀行のATMが使いたいか聞きたい場合は、  "Which bank's ATM would you like to use?" どの銀行のATMを使いたいの? と聞くことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What's the name of your bank?

What's the name of your bank? - this is asking the other person for the company name of their bank A. I'm looking for the closest ATM. Can you tell me where it is? B. Sure, I can help. What's the name of your bank? A. Umm, Citi, but really I can use any bank's ATM. I just need to withdraw cash.
What's the name of your bank? - 銀行の名前は何ですか? 人に銀行名を尋ねています。 例文 A. I'm looking for the closest ATM. Can you tell me where it is? 一番近いATMを探しています。どこにあるか教えて頂けますか? B. Sure, I can help. What's the name of your bank? もちろんです。お手伝いします。銀行の名前は何ですか? A. Umm, Citi, but really I can use any bank's ATM. I just need to withdraw cash. え~ Citi, でもどこの銀行のATMでも使えます。ただお金がおろせれば良いのです。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Which bank do you bank with?

  • For which bank?

*Which bank do you bank with? This means you want to know the bank they use. *For which bank? You can also like this. For example: A: Excuse me, I am looking for an ATM. B:For which bank? A: I use Standard Bank B: It is right next to Keedo store. A:Thank you for your help.
*Which bank do you bank with? これはあなたが彼らの使っている銀行について知りたいということを意味しています。 *For which bank? このように聞くこともできます。 例: A: Excuse me, I am looking for an ATM. B:For which bank? A: I use Standard Bank B: It is right next to Keedo store. A:Thank you for your help.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Which bank are you looking for?

  • Which bank's ATM do you need?

Most bank ATMs accept all bank cards so you could use any bank to get money but you might want to use your own bank to check your account you can find out the bank they need by asking 'Which bank's ATM do you need?' or 'which bank are you looking for?'
ほとんどの銀行のATMはどの銀行のカードも受け入れます。ですから、どの銀行のATMからでもお金を引き出すことはできますが、自分の利用している銀行のATMで預金の確認をしたいということもあるかもしれません。 次のように相手の探している銀行を確認できます。 'Which bank's ATM do you need?'(どの銀行のATMですか) または、 'Which bank are you looking for?'(どの銀行のATMを探していますか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What Bank is your provider?

  • Which bank are you with?

  • What ATM branch will you need?

"What Bank is your provider?" provider is the term used when the service or person provides something, in this case money. It is also a very formal and polite way of asking what bank company you are with. "Which bank are you with?" a very easy and simple way to ask the bank you are with. "What ATM branch will you need?" ATM is an acronym for Automated teller machine. and is well used when talking about withdrawing money. branch is a term used to determine what company you use.
"What Bank is your provider?"(どの銀行に預けているのですか) = "provider" は「何か」を供給する人やサービスをいいます。この場合は「お金」です。これはどの銀行にお金を預けているのかを確認する非常にフォーマルで丁寧な言い方です。 "Which bank are you with?"(どの銀行に預けているのですか) = どの銀行にお金を預けているのかを確認する簡単でシンプルな言い方です。 "What ATM branch will you need?"(どの銀行のATMですか) = "ATM" は "automated teller machine" の頭文字です。預金を引き出すことについて言うときによく使われます。"branch" はどの会社を使っているのかを尋ねます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • What bank are you with?

  • Which bank ATM are you looking for?

  • Is there a specific ATM you want to use?

There are many different ATMs in this area for different banks, which banks ATM are you looking for so I can direct you there.
There are many different ATMs in this area for different banks, which banks ATM are you looking for so I can direct you there. ↓ この辺りにはいろいろな銀行のATMがあります、どの銀行のATMをお探しですか。言っていただければ場所をお教えできると思います。
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • What is the name of the bank?

  • What bank are you looking for?

  • What is your bank called?

The three sentences you see provided above are great to ask your listener the name of the bank they are looking for. In the third sentence you will notice the word call. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means name. This word is commonly used in our everyday conversation, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記三つの例文は、相手の探している銀行の名前を確認するすごく良い言い方です。 三つ目の例文には、"call" という単語が使われています。"call" にはいろいろな意味がありますが、ここでは「名前」という意味です。この単語は日常会話でよく使われます、ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Which bank's ATM are you looking for?

おっしゃられている内容は、一番シンプルに訳すと、 Which bank's ATM are you looking for? と表現できます(*^_^*) look for 「探す」 bank'sの'sは、「~の」の意味です。 例) Mike's car「マイクの車」 my sister's book「姉の本」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • What's the name of your bank?

  • Who do you bank with?

  • What banks ATM are you searching for?

What's the name of your bank? example sentence: The receptionist sitting at the front would like to know what's the name of your bank? Who do you bank with? example sentence: Please tell me who do bank with so i can help you find that specific ATM. What banks ATM are you searching for? example sentence: If you tell me what banks ATM you are searching for then maybe I can help you find it around this part of the city.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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