世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/07 19:32
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  • Oh, I thought you had gone to bed.

  • I thought you had gone to bed.

"Oh, I thought you had gone to bed." "Oh" expresses your surprise that they replied. "I thought you had gone to bed." This explains to them that you thought they had already gone to sleep so you were surprised that they replied to your message. "I thought you had gone to bed." "Oh" expresses your surprise that they replied. This is another way of telling them that you are surprised that they repled because you thought they were going to sleep.
"Oh, I thought you had gone to bed." (あら、もう寝たかと思ったよ) "Oh"とはびっくりした時に答える表現です。 "I thought you had gone to bed." これはもうすでに寝たと思っていたのにメールの返事が来て驚いた事を説明しています。 "I thought you had gone to bed." (寝たかと思ったよ) "Oh"これはメールに驚いたあなたの驚きを表しています。 これはもう寝たのかと思っていたのに相手の返事に驚いたと伝えるもう一つの表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Oh, I thought you were already asleep!

  • Oh, I thought you passed out already!

"Oh, I thought you were already asleep!" People will say this when they are surprised by someone's current state. "Asleep" can be used in the same way "Sleeping" is used to describe someone who is currently not awake. 「asleep」とは「現在寝ている状態」ということです。 To "pass out" is a slang phrase that is commonly used in the U.S. to describe someone who has quickly fallen asleep, usually after a busy or eventful day. 「pass out」は実は「失神する」意味がありますが、表現で「寝る」といことです。 e.g. I'm way too tired to go to the concert tonight, I think I'm going to pass out.
"Oh, I thought you were already asleep!" (あら、もう寝たかと思ってた) 驚いた時などにこのように言い表します。 "Asleep"とは "Sleeping"と同じように使われます。 起きていない、寝ている状態と言う事です。 "pass out"とは「失神する」と言う意味もありますが、ここでは「寝ている」と言う意味になりアメリカでは疲れていたリ、忙しい一日にすぐに寝入ってしまう事によく使われます。 【例】 I'm way too tired to go to the concert tonight, I think I'm going to pass out. (今夜はコンサートに行くにはすごく疲れすぎているから、寝ることにします)
Scott F DMM英語講師
  • Oh, I thought you'd dropped off!

To drop off - all asleep easily, especially without intending to., fall asleep, go to sleep, get to sleep, doze (off), have a nap, catnap, drowse; informalnod off, go off, drift off, snooze, take forty winks, get some shut-eye, crash out, go out like a light, flake out, conk out; informalsack out, zone out "Struggle as she might, she kept dropping off" "Insomnia can mean dropping off in the day"
"To drop off"(眠る、寝入る) -眠りに入ってしまう、居眠りをする、うとうとする、という様な意味になります。 【例】 "Struggle as she might, she kept dropping off" (頑張ったけど何度も眠りかけてしまった) "Insomnia can mean dropping off in the day" (不眠症と言う事は昼間は眠りに落ちてしまう事もあるという事です)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • to doze off

  • I thought you had already dozed off!

to doze off - this means to gradually fall asleep; to fall asleep unintentionally or by mistake You can use "doze off" to describe a time when you did not mean to fall asleep, but you ended up asleep. e.g. I always doze off in class when the lecture in boring, no matter how hard I try to stay awake.
to doze off (うつらうつらと眠る) - これは徐々に眠りについて行くという意味になります。 眠るつもりはないけど転寝をしてしまうという意味になります。 "doze off"を使って眠るつもりはなかったけど眠り込んでしまった、と言う事を表現することが出来ます。 【例】 I always doze off in class when the lecture in boring, no matter how hard I try to stay awake. (一生懸命頑張っても授業が詰まらないと眠り込んでしまう)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Oh, I thought you were sleeping already.

*Oh, I thought you were sleeping already. This means that when you end the message you assumed they were sleeping already. For example: A: Oh, I thought you were sleeping already. B: I am still awake. A: Why are you still up yourself. B:I don't feel like sleeping.
*Oh, I thought you were sleeping already. メッセージを終わらせたときに、相手がもう寝ていると思ったという意味です。 【例文】 A: Oh, I thought you were sleeping already.(もう寝ていると思ったよ) B: I am still awake.(まだ起きてるよ) A: Why are you still up yourself.(何でまだ起きてるの?) B:I don't feel like sleeping.(眠る気分じゃないんだ)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Oh, I thought you’d already gone to bed.

  • Oh I thought you’d already hit the sack.

  • Oh, I thought you were asleep already.

英語での寝るは、日本語の寝るの一言ではなく、 ”go to bed”床に就くと、”sleep”眠るに分けてあります。 子供にもう寝なさいという時などは”Let’s go to bed”=もう寝よう、 なかなか寝付けなかったときには”I couldn’t fall asleep last night.” ”fall asleep/fell asleep”を使います。 よく寝れなかった。I didn’t/couldn’t sleep well last night. 「彼女は寝ている」”She is asleep. “She is sleeping.” この質問の場合は「てっきり」のニュアンスをつけたいので ”oh, I thought…”と言うと自然な感じになります。
  • I thought you were sleeping? I thought you had "hit the sack" (idiom)

  • I was surprised when she replied to my TXT ..I though she'd hit the sack already!

People are said to be... already asleep /or in dreamland! (Fast alseep) or "have hit the sack" for the night...turned in for the night... I thought you were already asleep. Any of the above, is a good choice in this situation;_D
以下のような言い方があります: "already asleep/in dreamland" 「もう寝ている」 "in dreamland" 「ぐっすり眠った」 "hit the sack" 「床につく」 "turn in" 「床につく」 "I thought you were already asleep." 「もう寝たかと思った」 ↑どの表現もこの状況で使えます
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Oh, I thought you had already fallen asleep.

  • you are up? I though you where sleeping already.

  • I thought you went to bed.

All of these sentences express that said person thought someone had already fallen asleep.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
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