世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/09 11:15
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  • I've always been good at crafts.

  • Arts and crafts has been my thing.

arts and crafts / craft =工作 be good at ____ing = 〜が上手/得意 I have been=「ずっと昔から今も」のニュアンスを入れると良いです。 always は「いつも」で、always been good at と言うと「ずっと得意」のような意味です。 Arts and crafts has been my thing. my thing= 「自分が好きなこと」ですので質問とは意味が変わってきますがCraft makingを主語して「工作はずっと好き」となります。
  • I have always been a handyman since I was little.

*I have always been a handyman since I was little.- A handyman is someone that is good at repairing and making things inside or outside the house and who does this in his own home or as a job. This means that you have always had it in you to fix things.
"I have always been a handyman since I was little." (小さい時から僕はずっと何でも屋なのさ。) "handyman"(何でも屋)は修理や家の中・外でのモノづくりが得意で、それを自宅で行ったり仕事にしている人のことを指します。これはいつもあなたには何か修理するものがあるという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I've always been good with my hands

  • Since I was very young, manual dexterity has been my forte!

Informally, we may say that we are 'good with our hands' if we: play the piano or violin, fix cars, knit, play pool, make sculpture or paint beautiful pictures - or do anything using hands which the majority of people find difficult. Being good with one's hands is sometimes known as 'manual dexterity.' Manual dexterity is the ability to make coordinated hand and finger movements to grasp and manipulate objects.
私たちはインフォーマルに、ピアノやバイオリンが上手に引けたり、車の修理が上手だったり、編み物、ビリヤード、上達に彫刻したリ、絵がうまかったりする全てることを 'good with our hands'と表現します。(手先が器用) また、多くの人が難しいと感じる手先を使った作業が上手く出来ることを言います。 手先が器用な事を時々 'manual dexterity'(手先が器用)とも知られています。 "Manual dexterity"とは手先が器用でや指の動きなどを上手く細かい作業ができないることを言います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Since I was little, I have always been good at D.I.Y. (do it yourself).

  • I am .so good at D.I.Y. (do it yourself) because I have done it since I was little.

Being good at doing things by yourself at home, such as repairing broken things, manufacturing your own things from scratch, in other words, D.I.Y. or 'do-it-yourself', it can definitely be a feather in your cap (an achievement that you can boast of). It is something you can boast of because having to hire handymen or having to run to the shops to go and buy a new item all the time can be expensive. So, you may say: Since I was little, I have always been good at D.I.Y. (do it yourself). or I am .so good at D.I.Y. (do it yourself) because I have done it since I was little.
何かを修理するだとか何かを作るとか、自宅で自分で何かをすること、いわゆるDIY(Do-It-Yourself,日曜大工)が得意だということは自慢してもよいと思います。なぜかというと、いつも何でも屋さんを雇ったり新しい道具を買いにお店に駆け込まなないといけなかったりするととてもお金がかかるからです。 Since I was little, I have always been good at D.I.Y. (do it yourself)(小さい時からずっと日曜大工が上手だったんだよ。). I am .so good at D.I.Y. (do it yourself) because I have done it since I was little. (僕は小さい時から日曜大工をしてきたから上手いんだよ。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I've always have had a knack for fixing or building things.

"I've always have had a knack for fixing or building things." You use this expression to let everyone know that you have always had a "special skill or aprtitude" with fixing or making things. This is why you would use the word "knack".
"I've always have had a knack for fixing or building things." (私は前々から物を直したり作ったりすることの才能があるんです) あなたに物を直したり作ったりする特別な技術や才能が前々からあったことをみんなに知らせるために、この表現を使うことができます。したがって単語”knack”(特技)を使います。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I'm very good with my hands

  • I've always been good at fixing things

Arts and crafts, construction, making things, etc are all technical skills that one may acquire. Therefore, you may say you're good with your hands or you're pretty handy at fixing things. It all conveys canvas the same message.
Arts and crafts(美術工芸)、construction(建設)、making things(物作り)などはすべて人が得るであろう技術的熟練です。したがってあなたは”I’m good with my hands”(私は手先が器用です)または”I’m pretty handy at fixing things”(私は物を直すことがかなり上手です)と言うかもしれません。これらはすべて同じことを伝えます。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • I have always been handy.

  • I'm good with my hands and always have been.

  • Since I was little I've always had a knack for fixing things.

Any fact that was true in the past and is still true today, needs to use the present perfect form of have/has been: "Since I was little, I have been good at fixing things." One can be "handy," "crafty", "have manual skills," "good with his/her hands". If one is good with their hands it means they have manual skills and can be good at creating, fixing, building things, adjusting things or anything people tend to do using their hands.
過去に真実であり今でも真実である事実はどれも”have/has been”の現在完了時制を使う必要があります。 "Since I was little, I have been good at fixing things." (私は小さい頃から物を修理することが上手です) 人は”handy," "crafty", "have manual skills," "good with his/her hands”であることができます。 “Good with their hands”とは彼らは手先が器用であり物を作ったり直したり組み立てたり調節したり、または手でやるようなことが全て上手である可能性があるという意味です。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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