世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/09 23:53
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  • It doesn't feel fair to me when I'm having to clean all the dishes after we eat.

  • It just doesn't feel right to me that I do both cooking and cleaning dishes afterward.

  • Why do I always have to wash the dishes for him? So unfair!

というのはいかがでしょうか ヽ(o´ω`o)ノ 今回は、"clean the dish (お皿を綺麗にする、お皿を洗う)" や "wash the dish (お皿を洗う)'' という表現で、「汚れているお皿を」というのがが前提になるので、あえて「食べたお皿」に当たる表現を省いていますが、もし、「食べたお皿」と言う場合は「食べたお皿 = 食事で使われたお皿 (the dishes used for the meal)/彼が使ったお皿 (the dishes he used)・汚れたお皿 (the dirty dishes)」で表現すると伝わりやすいと思います(^^ It doesn't feel fair to me when I'm having to clean all the dishes after we eat. (私だけが食べた後の食器全てを洗うのはフェアじゃないと思う。) It just doesn't feel right to me that I do both cooking and cleaning dishes afterward. (私が料理も後片付けもするのは正当じゃないと思う。) Why do I always have to wash the dishes for him? So unfair! (なんで私がいつも彼の分まで洗い物しないといけないの。不公平だ!) 以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
Kanako 通訳/翻訳家・英語習得コンサルタント
  • We should both clean our own dishes!

  • We should take it in turns to do the dishes!

You are unhappy and in this case may propose a solution to this unsatisfactory situation! If your boyfriend is sexist and believes that all women should always do the dishes for men, then you may correct him on that point too by taking the argument to a wider theme: All men should contribute to doing the dishes and housework, not only women! You can make more specific proposals concerning your own situation: "Wer should both clean our own dishes!"
あなたは"unhappy"(不満)でこの場合提出をすることが、 この"unsatisfactory situation"(納得がいかない)状況への解決になるかもしれませんね! あなたのボーイフレンドが性差別的な人で、 全ての女性が男性の為に皿洗いはいつもやらなければいけないと信じる人だったら、 もう少し広いテーマで議論し、違いも正すべきです。 女性だけじゃなく、全ての男性も皿洗いや家事を手伝うべきです! もう少し詳細にこの状況での、あなたの心配事を提案することが出来ます。 【例】 "We should both clean our own dishes!" (私達お互いにそれぞれのお皿を洗うべきだわ!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wish he'd clean up after himself.

  • I wish he would help me, they are his dishes too!

These phrases are what we call "wishful thinking". If you are continuously cleaning up after someone else, and they are not pulling their weight, then we would say either phrase. When we want someone to clean up after themselves, it means they have made the mess so you don't want to clean it.
これらのフレーズは、"wishful thinking"「希望的観測」と呼ばれています。   あなたが誰かの後をいつも掃除をしてる場合、彼らは自分の仕事をこなしていないので、どちらかのフレーズを口にするでしょう。   彼ら自身で掃除してほしいとき、自分たちで汚したのだから掃除したくないというという意味です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • It is unfair towards me to cook and wash the dishes all the time.

  • I think we should take turns to do the dishes or you must help me.

▪ It is unfair towards me to cook and wash the dishes all the time. unfair = not according to principles of equality This is saying that it is not nice to do the dishes alone all the time and also cook. It is not fair. ▪ I think we should take turns to do the dishes or you must help me. This is telling your boyfriend that he must either help you do the dishes or turns must be taken.
" It is unfair towards me to cook and wash the dishes all the time." 「いつも私が料理をして、洗いものもするのは不公平です。」   unfair [不公平] =平等でない  これは、いつも一人で料理をして皿を一人で洗うのはよくないという表現です。公平ではないということです。   ” I think we should take turns to do the dishes or you must help me.” 「私たち洗い物は交代でやるか、手伝うべきだと思う。」   これは彼が洗い物を手伝ったり、順番に携わるべきだと伝える言い回しです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I don't think its fair that I have to do all of the dishes.

  • I don't think its right that I have to do my boyfriends dishes as well.

"I don't think its fair that I have to do all of the dishes." This explains to your boyfriend or to someone else that you feel it is unfair that you have to wash all of the dishes. "I don't think its right that I have to do my boyfriends dishes as well." This explains to other people that you feel it is unfair that you have to wash all of his dishes as well.
“I don’t think it’s fair that I have to do all of the dishes.” (私だけがすべてのお皿を洗わなければならないなんて、不平等だと思います。) これは、彼氏や他の人に、自分だけがすべてのお皿を洗っていることを 不公平に感じるということを説明しています。 “I don’t think it’s right that I have to do my boyfriends dishes as well.” (私が彼氏の分もお皿洗いをしなければならないなんて、間違っていると思います。) これも、他の人に、彼氏の洗い物も自分がしていることを不公平に感じていると言う表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I can't understand why I always have to wash the dishes after dinner.

私も納得できません。笑  さて、ご質問の汚れたお皿はdirty dishesやplatesと表現できますが、 ここではお皿を洗うと表現すればいいので、wash the dishesと言います。
  • It isn't fair that I always wash the dishes, you need to help too!

  • Please help me wash the dishes, let's be fair about this.

  • I'm tired of washing all the dishes myself, let's take turns.

Take turns: have one person do it one time and the next person do it another time. Fair: unbalance Washing/cleaning dishes can be a bore, most people don't enjoy this cleaning activity but it needs to be done. It is easier if the dishwashing/cleaning is shared between the people who consume the food. Washing dishes should be done by both genders, it is a job for whoever has a stomach.
Take turns: 交代でする Fair: アンバランス 皿洗いというのは楽しいものではありません。たいていの人は皿洗いが嫌いですが、それでもやらないといけません。 自分の食べたものは自分で洗ってくれると助かりますね。 皿洗いは女性も男性も行うべきです。これは胃袋を持つ人全員の仕事です。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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