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例 せっかくダイエットを頑張ってたのに、会社の忘年会でつい食べすぎてしまい、今までのがんばりが全て水の泡になってしまった。
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2017/12/10 01:15
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  • My diet went to waste.

  • Oh well that was a waste.

You can say either went to waste or was a waste. It can depend on your action. If you are eating something bad at the time, we usually joke by saying "Oh well, that was a waste", implying that we shouldn't have been eating the bad food but at the same time we don't really care. If it is after the bad eating and you are in conversation about your weight, we would say "my diet went to waste" because you ate badly after doing so well.
これらの"went to waste"や "was a waste"のどちらも言う事が出来ます。 (無駄になる/台無しになる) これはあなたの行動次第です。 もし何か体にあまりよくない物を食べる時、私たちは冗談で次のように言います。 "Oh well, that was a waste", (仕方ないけど、台無しだね) これは、身体に悪い食べ物を食べるべきではなかったけど、同時にあまり気にしないという事もほのめかしています。 もしあなたが食べ過ぎてしまい、ダイエットの話になったら、次のように言いましょう。 "My diet went to waste" (ダイエットが水の泡です) 何故ならダイエットがうまくいってのに、あなたは食べ過ぎてしまったのですからね。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • That was a waste of time.

  • My diet was a waste of time.

  • Well that was a huge waste of time.

In order to say efforts were wasted or something ended up being a waste of time, you can say: That was a waste of time. That diet was a waste of time. All my efforts at dieting went to waste. You can also say: Well that was a huge waste of time. 'That' would refer to the diet. It is common in British English to say something was a waste of time or something went to waste. She didn't eat the cake so it went to waste. She didn't listen to his speech s he felt as if his efforts had gone to waste. I hope that helps!
何かの努力が無駄骨で終わった事を言い表したい場合、次のように表現することが出来ます。 【例】 That was a waste of time. (それは時間の無駄でした) That diet was a waste of time. (そのダイエットは時間の無駄でした) All my efforts at dieting went to waste (私の努力は全て無駄になりました) また、次のように言う事も出来ます。 【例】 Well that was a huge waste of time. (それは全て大きな時間の無駄でした) 'That'とはダイエットの事を意味しています。 イギリス英語では "something was a waste of time"や " something went to waste"はよく使われる表現です。 【例】 She didn't eat the cake so it went to waste. (彼女はケーキを食べなかったのでそれは無駄でした) She didn't listen to his speech so he felt as if his efforts had gone to waste. (彼女は彼のスピーチを聞かなかったので、彼は努力が全て無駄になっった様な気がした) I hope that helps!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • All that hard work was for nothing.

  • All the effort and time I put into "this" just went to waste now.

▪ All that hard work was for nothing. This is saying that the hard work and effort that you have put into something has just been wasted. ▪ All the effort and time I put into "this" just went to waste now. This means that the effort you put into something "Eg. Diet" has just been wasted and was for nothing.
▪ All that hard work was for nothing. 一生懸命頑張ってきたことが無駄になった。 これは、自分が今まで頑張ってしてきたことや努力が、無駄になってしまったという意味です。   ▪ All the effort and time I put into "this" just went to waste now. このために時間をかけて努力してきたことが、今は無駄になってしまった。 これは、例えばダイエットのように、努力してきたことが無駄になってしまったという意味です。  
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The seeds of my efforts fell on stony ground

  • My diet's really gone to pot now!

This phrase is an analogy to a parable from the Bible about someone who threw seeds on stony ground. The small plants grew quickly at first but then died as there was insufficient nourishment for them to survive. Or you could jus say: "My diet's really gone to pot now!" To go to pot - to deteriorate or fail. "Boy, this party has really gone to pot. First, there was the issue with the caterer, and now half the guests aren't coming."
このフレーズは聖書のある人が石だらけの地面に種を投げた寓話を比喩しています。 その小さな植物は最初はすぐに芽を出したけど 十分な栄養素もなく生き残ることが出来ずにすぐに枯れてしったと云事です。 また、単純に次のように言う事も出来ます。 【例】 "My diet's really gone to pot now!" (私のダイエットだめになってしまった) To go to pot (廃墟となる/失敗する) - ダメになる、失敗するという意味になります。 "Boy, this party has really gone to pot. First, there was the issue with the caterer, and now half the guests aren't coming." (わあ、このパーティーは本当に失敗だね、まず、ケータリングの問題、そしてゲストの半分も来ていない)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Im back to square one.

  • My efforts were wasted.

  • I lost all my progress

"I'm back to square one." This is an English phrase that explains you are back where you started. "My efforts were wasted." This explains that all the effort you put in was wasted because you are back to where you started. "I lost all my progress." This is another way of explaining that you are back to where you started and all your progress is gone.
“I’m back to square one.” (振り出しに戻る) これは、始まったところに戻るということを表す英語のフレーズです。 “My efforts were wasted.” (私の努力は無駄だった。) これは、振り出しに戻ったことで、 あなたの注いだ努力が無駄になったことを説明しています。 “I lost all my progress.” (すべての過程を失った。) これは振り出しにもどり、過程がすべて失われたことを表す方法です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • all for nought (nothing)

  • My efforts were totally wasted in the end..I failed and it was "all for nought!"

A shakespearian phrase..."All for nought" is still used in certain situations when we perhaps want to be more dramatic...or poetic. When our good intentions "come to nothing" "It was a complete waste of my time...and all for nought"
シェークスピアの言葉に、"All for nought" 「水の泡」とあり、今でもある状況で使われるフレーズです。 When our good intentions "come to nothing" "It was a complete waste of my time...and all for nought" 私たちの善意が無駄になると、完全に時間の無駄ですべてが水の泡となった。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • All my hard work went to waste!

  • What a waste of time and effort!

If you have out a lot of hard work into something and then you (or someone else) did something to destroy your efforts you can say: What a waste of time and effort! A: I finally completed the project last night. B: Oh, I forgot to tell you. We've cancelled the project. A: Really? What a waste of time and effort! You can also say: All my hard work went to waste!
もしあなたが何かに一生懸命がんばっていて、その努力を台無しにするようなことをしたときには、 What a waste of time and effort!(努力が水の泡)ということができます。 A: I finally completed the project last night. (昨日の夜ついにプロジェクトが終わったよ。) B: Oh, I forgot to tell you. We've cancelled the project. (あぁ、伝えるのを忘れていたよ。そのプロジェクトがキャンセルになったんだ。) A: Really? What a waste of time and effort! (本当に?努力が水の泡だ!)   また、All my hard work went to waste!(一生懸命頑張ったのが無駄になった。)と言うこともできます。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • It will spoil all of your efforts.

  • All will end up being wasted.

  • Everything will go to waste.

1) spoil は「台無しにする」efforts は努力、 直訳すると、「あなたの努力を全て台無しにする」になります 。 2)と3)は直訳すると、全ては無駄になるになります。そこから意訳すると全てが水の泡となる。となります。 質問者様の状況であれば、All efforts I made went to waste. などで表現できるかと思います。
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