世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2017/12/10 03:01
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  • The snow is settling!

  • It's really coming down, I think it's going to settle.

When we say that snow is settling, we mean that the snow is staying on the ground and not melting. It is a common phrase in the UK where it doesn't snow often - "it's not going to settle" "it's not settling, again".
We say 'it's really coming down' to describe when it is snowing a lot, blizzard like. You can use this phrase for rain too.

"Snow is settling"という時は、雪がとけずに積もるという意味になります。
"It's not going to settle"
"It's not settling, again".

'it's really coming down' とは雪がたくさん降り、猛吹雪などを表します。

Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • It is snowing a lot. By tomorrow morning the snow will settle and the ground will be covered with snow.

▪ It is snowing a lot.
By tomorrow morning the snow will settle and the ground will be covered with snow.

This sentence is indicating that the snow is coming down a lot and that tomorrow morning everywhere will be covered completely with snow.

▪ It is snowing a lot. By tomorrow morning the snow will settle and the ground will be covered with snow.


Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I think the snow will have settled by tomorrow morning

  • I think we will have a 'White Christmas' scene tomorrow when we wake up!

Sometimes the snow falls but the ground temperature is too warm for the snow to remain as sno - it melts almost immediately. However, when the ground temperature is sufficiently cold: 0 Celsius or less, then the snow will 'stick' or 'settle'. If you talk about a 'White Christmas' it is probably in reference to a famouse Christmas song sung by, among others, Bing Crosby. In the UK, a White Christmas means that snow falls and settles on the ground for Christmas Day itself, and it is a well-used phrtase that this time of year.


又は 'settle'(つもる)事になりますね。

'White Christmas' (ホワイトクリスマス)の事を話しているのであれば、
Bing Crosby(ビングクロスビー)の歌があります。

イギリスで"White Christmas"(ホワイトクリスマス)とはクリスマスの日に雪が降り、

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It looks like the snow will settle by tomorrow morning

  • By tomorrow morning the ground will be covered at this rate

  • There will be alot of snow on the ground tomorrow morning if it carries on like this

When the snow is really heavy or snowing alot it tends to all build up or 'settle' whereas if it only snows a little bit it melts and doesn't lay or settle
at this rate means if it keeps going or doing what it is now or 'carries on like this'

雪は激しく降ると地面に 'settle'(積もる)しますが、少ししか降らないとすぐに溶けて積もることはありません。

'at this rate' は「このまま行くと/この調子だと」の意味です。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I't been snowing like crazy for awhile now, we're going to have a lot of snow in the morning.

  • After this blizzard settles down, we'll probably have several inches of snow on the ground.

"I't been snowing like crazy for awhile now, we're going to have a lot of snow in the morning." Crazy means out of the norm, and here it expresses how unusual the snowfall is.
"After this blizzard settles down, we'll probably have several inches of snow on the ground." Settles down means to slow or stop, and most people refer to the amount of snow on the ground in inches.

"It's been snowing like crazy for a while now, we're going to have a lot of snow in the morning."(しばらく勢いよく雪が降っているから、明日の朝にはたくさん積もっているだろう)
- "crazy" は「普通でないほどに」という意味です。ここでは、雪の激しさを表しています。

"After this blizzard settles down, we'll probably have several inches of snow on the ground."(吹雪が収まったら、たぶん数インチは積もっているだろう)
- "settles down" は「弱まる/やむ」という意味です。たいていの人は地面に積もった雪の量を "inches"(インチ)で表します。

Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I think tomorrow the snow will settle

  • The snow is hammering down, hopefully tomorrow it will stay

"I think tomorrow the snow will settle" settle is the term often used to describe when the snow will 'stick' and stay on the ground and not melt away.
"hammering" a term often used with rain describes that the snow or rain is falling from the sky in vast amounts/very quickly.

"I think tomorrow the snow will settle"(明日には雪が積もると思う)

"settle" は雪が溶けずに地面に残ることを表すときによく使われる言葉です。

"hammering" は雨についてよく使われる言葉です。雨や雪が激しく降ることをいいます。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • This snow is definitely not going anywhere for awhile!

  • This snow will stay all week!

These statements imply that the snow was so much, it cannot easily melt away.


Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • There will be a lot of snow tomorrow if this continues all night.

  • There will be heavy snow on the ground tomorrow.

たくさん雪がつもるだろう、There will be a lot of snow ~
if it continued all night 「一晩中続いたら」と表現できます。

地面に雪が積もることを強調したいようであれば、snow on the groundと表現をするので、There will be heavy snow on the ground tomorrow.という表現も使用できます。

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