If you are almost sure you saw someone but not totally convinced but then later find out it was the person you thought. You can say "I knew it was you". We say this is strong emotion like it had been playing on your mind all week. "I could have sworn it was you" When it turns out to be not the right person.
"I knew it was you".
"I could have sworn it was you"
There are two ways to say this - or maybe ten!
Firstly, you can simply exclaim that you saw your boyfriend in the station the previous week.
Secondly, you may jokingly say that you saw him 'malingering' in the station. If you are malingering, you are acting furtively or keeping out of sight, typically with a sinister or cowardly motive.
Eg. "Don't malinger outside the door like a spy!"
Thirdly, you may totally ignore him and don't say anything - he's your 'ex' right?
次に 元カレが駅で'malingering'(こそこそする)でいた、とジョークを言う事も出来ます。
あなたが "malingering"しているという事は、何か人目を避けてこそこそと隠れる様に行動しているという意味になります。
"Don't malinger outside the door like a spy!"
( ドアの外でこそこそスパイみたいにしないで!)
So it was you that I saw last week at the "station".
▪ So it was you that I saw last week at the "station".
This is confirming with the person that it was actually him/her that you have seen. This is also telling the person that you thought you saw him/her but was a little bit unsure at the time but now you are sure.
▪ So it was you that I saw last week at the "station".
"It was you I saw at the station last week." This explains that you are now sure you did see the person at the station last week.
"I thought I saw you at the station last week." This is another way of explaining your thought from last week was correct.
"It was you I saw at the station last week."
"I thought I saw you at the station last week."
*I knew it! It was you that i saw last week.- The exclamation mark (!) indicates an element of excitement or a "hooray" moment.
Example Sentences:
I passed the test!
It's a boy!
"I knew it! It was you that I saw last week."
"I passed the test!"
"It's a boy!"
I suspected that it was you I saw at the station last week
when dealing with an ex its not easy. There is usually allot of suspicion and mistrust depending on how the relationship has ended.
These two phrases show that you do not trust the person for whatever the reason may be.
Aha. Is what you would shout when you have caught someone. You would also stress the fact that you KNEW that it was him and second guessed yourself.
"Ahhh, I guess it was you that I saw last week." Ahhh, is a sound English people use to express realization. "I guess," people use it as a way of saying "I suppose," and in this sentence it also conveys your uncertainty that you had when you did see him.
"Ahhh, I guess it was you that I saw last week."(先週私が見たのあなただったと思うわ)
"Ahhh" は、何かに気付いたときに出る声です。
"I guess" は "I suppose"(~と思う)の意味です。この文では、その人を見かけたときに感じた疑念も伝えます。