世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


海外の方から日本の卒業式について質問を受けました。 「日本だと高校の卒業式に何を着るの?」と聞かれたので、 「日本の高校の卒業式は制服で出るのが一般的だよ」と教えてあげたいのですが、イマイチうまく翻訳できません。
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2017/12/10 23:23
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  • School Uniforms are to be worn to the school graduation ceremony.

  • School Uniforms are compulsory for the graduation ceremony.

"School Uniforms are to be worn to the school graduation ceremony." This explains to the person that they have to wear the schools uniform to the ceremony. "School Uniforms are compulsory for the graduation ceremony." This explains that they have to wear school uniform. "Compulsory" means they have to.
"School Uniforms are to be worn to the school graduation ceremony." (学校の卒業式には学校の制服を着ます) これで卒業式には学校の制服を着ることを説明できます。 "School Uniforms are compulsory for the graduation ceremony." (卒業式には学校の制服を着ることになっています) これで卒業式は制服を着るという事を説明できます。 "Compulsory"とは義務と言う意味になります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Typically, high school students just wear their uniforms to graduation.

  • High school students normally wear their school uniforms to the graduation ceremony.

To the graduation / to graduation - normally when referring to the ceremony, English speakers, or at least Americans, just say "graduation" more than "the graduation ceremony. Typically / normally / usually / commonly - these are different words that mean what is normal; what occurs most often
To the graduation / to graduation (卒業式には/卒業式へは) - 普通、式典などの事を話す場合、ネイティブ、少なくともアメリカ人は "the graduation ceremony"よりも単に "graduation"と言います。 Typically / normally / usually / commonly (普通、いつもは、通常、大抵など) -これらの言葉は、通常よくある事、普通の事を言う時に使います。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Standard dress for the garduation ceremony is school uniform

  • Required dress for the ceremony is school uniform

  • The dress code for the ceremony is school uniform

Different functions have different 'dress codes'. A dress code is the norm of attire to be worn at any one time. For example, if you work in a bank in the UK, you are expected to wear a shirt and tie and suit if you are man. Other work dress codes require everyone to wear a uniform: police, nurses, firemen. Children often complain about 'required dress' as even that may have constraints such as length of the school skirt to be no higher than knee level.
それぞれの式典にはそれぞれの 'dress codes'があります。 "dress code"(ドレスコード)とはその時に着用する服装規定の事です。 例えば、イギリスの銀行で働いてる場合、男性だとワイシャツ、ネクタイにスーツを着る事と考えられています。 その他の職場の"dress codes" は"uniform"(制服)を着ることを求められます。 【例】 police(警官), nurses(看護婦), firemen(消防士) 子供たちは時々 'required dress'(必須の服装)に不満を言います。 制服のスカートの丈が膝より短くてはいけないなどの規制がありますよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We just wear our regular school uniforms to graduation in Japan.

  • In Japan, we have to wear our regular school uniforms to graduation.

  • In Japan, they don't wear anything special to graduation. Just their regular school uniforms.

We just wear our regular school uniforms to graduation in Japan. In Japan, we have to wear our regular school uniforms to graduation. In Japan, they don't wear anything special to graduation. Just their regular school uniforms. The outfit we wear in Japan for graduation is just our regular school uniforms. We usually just wear our regular school uniforms for graduation in Japan.
We just wear our regular school uniforms to graduation in Japan.(日本では卒業式には普通の制服を着ていきます) In Japan, we have to wear our regular school uniforms to graduation.(日本では卒業式には普通の制服を着ていかないといけません) In Japan, they don't wear anything special to graduation. Just their regular school uniforms.(日本では卒業式には特別なものは着ていきません。普通の制服です) The outfit we wear in Japan for graduation is just our regular school uniforms.(日本では卒業式に着るのは普通の制服です) We usually just wear our regular school uniforms for graduation in Japan.(日本ではたいてい卒業式には普通の制服を着ます)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • High school students usually wear their school uniform to the graduation ceremony

  • They wear their school uniform to the graduation

When you want to explain that in Japan high school students usually wear their school uniform to the graduation ceremony; then you may express this in the following ways: -High school students usually wear their school uniform to the graduation ceremony -They wear their school uniform to the graduation
日本では普通高校生は卒業式に制服を着ていくことは、次のように説明できます。 -High school students usually wear their school uniform to the graduation ceremony (高校生は普通卒業式に制服を着ていきます) -They wear their school uniform to the graduation (卒業式には制服を着ていきます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • School uniforms are worn to the graduation ceremony.

If you want to explain that school uniforms are worn to the graduation ceremony, you can say: "School uniforms are worn to the graduation ceremony."
「卒業式には制服を着ていく」は次のように言えます。 "School uniforms are worn to the graduation ceremony." (卒業式には制服を着ていきます)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • We usually wear our school uniform at graduation ceremonies in Japan.

  • Generally people dress in their school uniforms for graduation ceremonies in Japan.

Words like "usually" and "generally" are used to say that "most of the time" it is the case. However, they leave open the possibility that something different may occur.
"usually" や "generally" などの語は「ほとんどの場合~である」というときに使われます。これは、それ以外のことが起こる可能性も残しています。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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