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2017/12/11 09:55
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  • Many people die from being over worked.

  • Many people die from work related stress

Many people die from being overworked. This explains that a lot of people die because they work too much/ too hard or for too many hours. "Many people die from work-related stress." This explains that people get very stressed because of their work and have a stroke or heart attack and die.
"Many people die from being overworked." (過労で多くの人々が亡くなっています) これで沢山の人々が働き過ぎでなくなっていることを説明することが出来ます。 "Many people die from work-related stress." (仕事によるストレスで多くの人が亡くなっています) これで多くの人々が仕事のストレスで脳卒中や心筋梗塞などを引き起こしてなくなっていることを説明することが出来ます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • work stress-induced deaths

  • karōshi

We don't really have an equivalent word for "karōshi" in English. The best description of this type of death would be something like "work stress-induced deaths." Induced means that something is caused by something else, so this term means deaths caused by the stress of work.
"karōshi"(過労死)にぴったりとくる英語の訳はないように思います。 この過労死に一番近い表現は "work stress-induced deaths"(ストレスによって引き起こされた死)というような感じになります。 "Induced" とは何かによって引き起こされるという意味です。 ですので、これは仕事のストレスによって引き起こされた死という事になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Many people are over worked in Japan and that results in karoshi. Working hours should be revised.

"Many people are over worked in Japan and that results in karoshi. Working hours should be revised." Saying that something should be revised means it should be looked over and see if their is anyway of improving it.
(英文)"Many people are over worked in Japan and that results in karoshi. Working hours should be revised." (訳)たくさんの日本の人々は残業によって過労死をします。勤務時間を再検討した方がいいです。 revised した方がいいということは再検討された方がいいということです。
Kirst English teacher
  • The amount of required work hours should be changed because many people die from overworking.

This sentence has two parts, in the first part, you explain what you think, which is that the amount of required work hours should be changed and in the second part, you state why, which is because many people die from overworking. I hope that this helps :)
この文は2部に分かれます。最初の部分では、あなたの考え、つまり、労働時間が再考されるべきだということを説明し、次の部分では、多くの人が過労死しているからという理由を述べます。 あなたの理解の助けになれば!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Due to death from overwork, I firmly believe working hours should be reviewed

Well, it is the number of hours and the ability of some Japanese employers to randomly increase the hours without notice that causes the stress, so you could also mention the overall working conditions should be reviewed.
(労働)時間数と日本人雇用主が届出なしにでたらめに(労働)時間を延長することができることがストレスを引き起こします。 したがってあなたは全般的な労働条件が見直されるべきであることについても言及することができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Too many people die from working too hard in Japan, it has to stop.

  • People work their whole lives in Japan and it makes them ill, something has to change

  • You shouldn't work your entire life, just to let it kill you.

*Too many people die from working too hard in Japan, it has to stop.* MEANING= 'it has to stop' this means, that the practice of overworking has to stop, as it is such a negative part of Japanese culture. *People work their whole lives in Japan and it makes them ill, something has to change* MEANING= people spend their life working then it just makes them ill and miserable. The law surrounding working hours has to change... in order for this to stop. *You shouldn't work your entire life, just to let it kill you. * MEANING= don't spend your life working if its just going to kill you, its a pointless way to spend your life. **These are all opinions that you may or may not agree with, based on what the questioner has asked ^^ ** *You could also say...* *Work to live.... not live to work - meaning that you work so you can pay for a lifestyle and enjoy it! Not the other way round, where you spend your whole life just working and enjoying the money you make from it *Enjoy your life! *Don't spend all your time working, enjoy the money you earn *Make sure you make time for your friends and family *Friends and family are whats important in life, not working all the time. *Working so hard without a break will kill you eventually. Hope this has been helpful! ^^
*Too many people die from working too hard in Japan, it has to stop.* (日本ではあまりにも多くの人が働きすぎにより死亡します。これは止められなければなりません。) 意味 = “it has to stop”は過労の慣習は日本の文化の悪い部分であるため断ち切る必要があるという意味です。 *People work their whole lives in Japan and it makes them ill, something has to change* (日本では人々は一生働き、それは彼らを病気にするため何かが変わらなければなりません) 意味 = 人々は人生を働くことに費やし、そしてそれは彼らを病気とみじめにするだけです。これを終わらせるために労働時間を取り囲む法律は変わらなければなりません。 *You shouldn't work your entire life, just to let it kill you. * (命を奪われるためだけに一生を働いて費やすべきではありません) 意味 = あなたを殺すことになるだけであれば人生をかけて働かないでください。それは無意味な人生の過ごし方です。 **質問者の質問をもとに、これらは全てあなたが賛成または賛成しないかもしれない意見です。^^ ** *次のように言うこともできます…* *Work to live.... not live to work - これは生計を立てて生活を楽しむために働くいう意味です。一生を働くだけで過ごしてその収入を楽しむというその逆ではありません。 *Enjoy your life! (人生を楽しんでください!) *Don't spend all your time working, enjoy the money you earn. (働くために全ての時間を使わずに得たお金を楽しんでください) *Make sure you make time for your friends and family. (友達と家族と過ごす時間をつくるようにしてください) *Friends and family are whats important in life, not working all the time. (友達と家族が人生で大切で、常に働くことではありません) *Working so hard without a break will kill you eventually. (休みなしに働きすぎることは結局はあなたを殺しますよ) ご参考になれば幸いですl! ^^
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Due to working for long hours that are far more than the legal working hours, people die in Japan as a result of stress.

  • I suggest that working overtime should be regulated in Japan because people are dying as a result of work related stress.

We have read stories of people dying in Japan as a result of Karoshi (death from overwork). Death from overwork is the result of stress which can cause a number of serious illnesses such as depression and anxiety, and, heart disease if it becomes chronic. People have died from heart attacks as a result of work related stress. Due to the fact that working hours are regulated, they can be reduced by the government. However, sometimes company's give their employees unrealistic deadlines which cause them to work overtime constantly thereby causing stress. So, you may say: Due to working for long hours that are far more than the legal working hours, people die in Japan as a result of stress. or I suggest that working overtime should be regulated in Japan because people are dying as a result of work related stress.
私たちは日本の人が過労死(karoshi)が原因で死亡する話を読みました。過労死は慢性化すればうつ病、不安による精神障害、そして心臓病などの数々の深刻な病気を引き起こすストレスによる結果です。人々は仕事に関連するストレスの結果として心臓発作で亡くなりました。労働時間は規制されているという事実によりそれらは政府により減少させられます。しかし時には会社は従業員に非現実的な締切を与え彼らが常に残業してそれによってストレスを引き起こす原因となります。 したがってこう言うことができます: Due to working for long hours that are far more than the legal working hours, people die in Japan as a result of stress. (法定労働時間よりもはるかに長時間の労働により日本で人々はストレスにより死亡します) または I suggest that working overtime should be regulated in Japan because people are dying as a result of work related stress. (仕事関連のストレスの結果として人々が亡くなっているため日本で労働時間は規制されるべきであることを提案します)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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