世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/12 13:55
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  • I love traveling abroad but I haven't been able to since I had kids.

  • I love to travel overseas but I haven't been able to after having kids.

  • I love traveling overseas but I haven't been able to after having kids.

"Traveling abroad" is the gerund form (動名詞)of "To Travel Abroad" (海外に旅行する)and can be used to represent the word 「海外旅行」in English. 「生まれたから」uses the 「動詞〜から」ending which can be written as 「"since" +subject (主語) + a past tense verb(過去形動詞)」or as 「"after" + V+ING」 "Overseas" and "Abroad" are generally used to represent somewhere outside of your country but "overseas" more specifically means somewhere on a different continent.
"Traveling abroad" とは "To Travel Abroad" (海外に旅行する)の動名詞になります。 英語で 「海外旅行」と言う意味になります。 「生まれたから」を 「"since" + (主語) + (動詞の過去形)」 又は 「"after" + 動詞+ING」 で表すことが出来ます。 "Overseas" と "Abroad"は一般的に「海外」と言う意味になります。 ですが "overseas" はもう少し明確に「外国」と言う意味になります。
Scott F DMM英語講師
  • I love to travel but I have not been able to do this since my child was born.

  • My hobby used to be travelling but I have not been able to do it since my child was born.

"I love to travel but I have not been able to do this since my child was born." This explains to the person that you really enjoyed travelling but you have not travelled since your child was born. "My hobby used to be travelling but I have not been able to do it since my child was born." This tells the person that you used to travel in your free time but you have not been able to travel since your child was born.
"I love to travel but I have not been able to do this since my child was born." (旅行が好きですが、子供が生まれてからいけません) これは旅行を本当に楽しんでいたけれど、子供が生まれてしまったので旅に行けない、と言う事を説明しています。 "My hobby used to be travelling but I have not been able to do it since my child was born." (私の趣味は旅行でしたが、子供が生まれてから行っていません) これは自由な時間は旅行を楽しんでいたけれど、子供が生まれて以来行くことが出来ない事を伝える表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • My travelling exploits have been slighty curtailed since the birth of my child.

  • I've cut back on my travelling since Tommy was born

The uise of the word 'exploit' in the first sentence is slightly humorous. Most holidays are concluded without any daring adventure! Exploit - a bold or daring feat, deed, act, adventure, stunt, escapade, manoeuvre, enterprise, undertaking, move; achievement, accomplishment, attainment, triumph; handiwork. "Despite a series of colourful exploits, his agents obtained little information of value." To cust back on something means to reduce its frequency: "I've cut bnack on smoking for health reasons."
最初の表現にある、この 'exploit'と言う言葉の使い方は少しユーモアがあります。 ほとんどのお休みは大胆な冒険なく終わります! Exploit -大胆な偉業と言う意味になります。 【例】 "Despite a series of colourful exploits, his agents obtained little information of value." (一連の華やかな偉業にもかかわらず、彼の代理人は情報の価値を少ししか得ることが出来なかった) "To cut back on something"とは~の頻度を減らす、~の量などを削減する、という様な意味にです。 "I've cut bnack on smoking for health reasons." (健康の為に喫煙の量を減らしています)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I love to travel abroad but since my baby was born it has not been possible.

  • I have not been able to travel abroad since my baby was born, but it is still a passion of mine.

Your love for travelling has not changed since your baby was born, but your circumstances have changed and so now it is no longer possible. So you are still letting the listener know you enjoy travelling by using one of the above sentences, but it explains why your are no longer able to. I hope that helps.
あなたの"love for travelling"(旅行への愛)はお子さんが生まれてからも変わらないけど状況が変わってしまったので今は無理だということですよね。 ですので、上記の表現を使って旅行を楽しんでいたけど、今はできないという事を説明することが出来ます。 お役に立てれば幸いです
Kirst English teacher
  • I stopped traveling so much since my child was born.

  • I've had to put traveling aside since my child was born.

The first phrase is natural in implying that you no longer go traveling. We say 'so much' so explain that you still do travel but you are limited on the amount of visits and locations because you have had a baby. When we put something aside, it means we don't do it so much but we plan on coming back to it. For example, 'I've put healthy eating aside for the month because it's Christmas'.
最初の表現はもう旅行に行っていない事をほのめかす自然な表現です。 'so much'を使う事によって旅行にはいっているけど、赤ちゃんがいるので行くところが限定されてしまう、と言う事を言い表すことが出来ます。 何かを put aside する時、一時的にあまりやらないけどいつかまたやるつもりだ、と言う事です。 【例】 'I've put healthy eating aside for the month because it's Christmas' (クリスマスなので、健康的な食べ物を一か月食べていません)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I love travelling but have found it hard since my child was born

  • I love to travel but haven't been able to much since my child was born

If you enjoy doing something then you can say you 'love' to do it If something is not easy to do it is said to be 'hard' you can explain 'you haven't been able to do something much' as well
何かが好きなことは 'love' で表せます。 何かが簡単でないことは 'hard'(難しい)で表せます。 また、'you haven't been able to do something much'(あることをあまりできていない)という言い方もできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I love traveling but I haven't been able to travel much since my child was born.

  • I love traveling but having a baby makes it a lot more difficult.

You can express your love for traveling and then explain that you have been unable to do it as much since having your baby. E.g. I love traveling but having a baby makes it a lot more difficult.
まず旅行が好きだと伝えて、それから、子どもができてから行けていないと言えます。 【例】 I love traveling but having a baby makes it a lot more difficult. (旅行は大好きですが、子どもができるとなかなか行けなくなります)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
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