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歳と名前両方入れて 誕生日をお祝いしたい時に どうすればいいですか??
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2017/12/12 21:56
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  • Happy 28th birthday, Taylor!

  • It's your 28th birthday Taylor, Happy birthday.

Saying "Happy 28th Birthday" is perfectly acceptable and grammatically correct. You can change the order of the sentence as shown in the examples.
"Happy 28th Birthday" は文法的に正解です。例文のように順番を変えることもできます。 Happy 28th birthday で「28歳の[誕生日おめでとう](」となります。 Happy 1st birthday / Happy 10th birthday のように年齢を変えることもできます。
Kirst English teacher
  • Happy 28th birthday Tom!

  • Wow, Tom! 28! Happy Birthday!

A simple way to say this is 'Happy 28th birthday Tom!', however, as people get older they don't want their age to have so much attention. The second phrase gives the age more attention so this phrase would be used for young people or close friends and family.
一番シンプルな言い方は'Happy 28th birthday Tom!'です。しかし[年齢](を重ねていくにつれて年齢を知られたくなくなる人もいます。二つ目のフレーズは年齢がわかるので[若い](人、親しい友人、家族などに使うのがオススメです。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Happy twentieth James!

  • Welcome to your twentyfirst year James!

In the UK when someone has been alive for 12 months, the have their first birthday. However on this same date the are actually starting their second year of life. The most normal expression is 'Happy Birthday!" However, as a humorous cooment you may say: "Welcome to your twentyfirst year"
イギリスでは生後12ヶ月で初めてのお誕生日を祝います。しかしそれと同時に生まれてから2年目の始まりでもあります。一般的には'Happy Birthday!"と言いますが、 ふざけて "Welcome to your twentyfirst year"と言います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Happy 29th Birthday Taylor!

  • Your 29 today. Happy Birthday Taylor!

"Happy 29th Birthday Taylor!" This says happy birthday but also includes which birthday it is that the person is celebrating and their name. "Your 29 today. Happy Birthday Taylor" This first expresses excitement for the age that they have turned that day and then wishes them a happy birthday, it also includes their name.
"Happy 29th Birthday Taylor!" これはお誕生日おめでとうという意味ですが誰のお誕生日か具体的に示しています。 "Your 29 today. Happy Birthday Taylor" 最初の部分で相手にお誕生日おめでとうということを楽しみにしていることがわかります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Hey...(insert name) Happy 30th Birthday!

  • I know it's supposed to be a secret, but...Hey (insert name) Happy 30th Birthday!

It's great to get the details right and on a birthday we all like to hear a great greeting from friends and family;-) "I know it's supposed to be a secret, but...Hey (insert name) Happy 30th Birthday!"
細かい部分を正すのはすごくいいことですね。それに、誕生日には友達・家族から最高の言葉をかけてもらいたいものです。 "I know it's supposed to be a secret, but...Hey (insert name) Happy 30th Birthday!" 〔これは秘密だと思うんだけど、(名前) 30歳の誕生日おめでとう〕
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Happy 28th birthday, Taylor.

  • Guess who is 28 today? Happy birthday Taylor.

  • 28 never looked so good, happy birthday Taylor

There are many ways to wish someone a happy birthday by including their name, age and other details. A lot of people, women especially, do not like their age to be publicly known so rather not mention the age when dealing with a lady. When people grow older, maybe past the age of 25, then we usually say 'xx never looked so good'. For example if they are 38 years old we will say '38 never looked so good'. This implies that the person looks young for their age, and it's a compliment. There are certain phrases that attach to someone's age and these can be used to make the message for fun. For example, for a 1 year old we can say 'Welcome to your first year of life, Taylor'. For a 13 year old, we can say 'welcome to your teenage years, Taylor'. For a 16 year old, 'happy sweet sixteen, Taylor'. For a 30 year old, 'happy dirty thirty, Taylor'. For an 80 year old, 'welcome to your golden years, Taylor'. We also have what is knows as 'crown birthdays', everyone has a crown birthday. A crown birthday is when your age matches the day on which you were born. For example a person born on the 22nd of any month, will have their crown birthday the day they turn 22 years old. If you are turning 30 years old this year on the 30th of (January-December) then this year will be your crown birthday, then we can simply say 'happy crown birthday, Taylor'
名前や他の様々なことを入れて誕生日を祝う方法はたくさんあります。多くの人、特に女性は自分の年齢を公に知られたくないと思っていますので、女性の誕生日を祝う時は年齢については言わない方が無難です。 年齢を重ねると、おそらく25歳を超えると、"xx never looked so good"「xx歳には全く見えないね」と言うことが普通です。例えば38歳の人に"38 never looked so good"「38歳には全く見えないね」と言います。こう言えば年齢の割に若く見えるということになり、褒め言葉になります。 人の年齢に関するフレーズはあり、メッセージを面白くするために、使うことが出来ます。例えば1歳の人に'Welcome to your first year of life, (人生の最初の年にようこそ)ということが出来ます。13歳の人には、 'welcome to your teenage years, Taylor'(テイラー、ティーンエージャーにようこそ)ということが出来ます。16歳であれば 'happy sweet sixteen, Taylor'. (テイラー、素晴らしい16歳にようこそ)、30歳の人には、 'happy dirty thirty,, Taylor'(テイラー、汚れた30歳おめでとう)、80歳の人には、'welcome to your golden years, Taylor'(テイラー、ゴールデンイヤーにようこそ)ということが出来ます。 'crown birthdays'として知られている物があり、全ての人にあります。crown birthdayは、あなたの年齢が生まれた日と同じになることです。例えば、その人がある月の22日に生まれた場合、22歳がcrown birthdayになり、'happy crown birthday, Taylor'(テイラー、クラウンバースデー、おめでとう)とだけ言うことが出来ます。
Lesang DMM英語講師
  • congratulations on turning 28 Taylor

  • Happy 28th Birthday Taylor

  • Happy Birthday, Congratulations on turning 28 Taylor

examples "Congratulations on turning 28 Taylor" or "Happy 28th Birthday Taylor" or "Happy Birthday, Congratulations on turning 28 Taylor"
例文 "Congratulations on turning 28 Taylor" テイラー、28歳の誕生日おめでとう!! "Happy 28th Birthday Taylor" テイラー、28歳の誕生日おめでとう!! "Happy Birthday, Congratulations on turning 28 Taylor" テイラー、28歳の誕生日おめでとう!!
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Happy 28th birthday Tayor

When saying happy birthday to someone while also including their age and their name, the number would come inbetween the two words, "happy birthday," and their name would come after. Remember we must use the number placing markers such as: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th and so on.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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