The above choices are the norm in the UK
'I'm visiting my mum'n dad tomorrow'
It goes without saying that every situation brings with it a variety of variables such as country, gender of the speaker or speakers and the audience or receiver of any communication. With that point in mind, what you say may need to be adjusted slightly. For example, comedians who travel around different countries or areas of one country may use cities or areas familiar to the audience in their jokes.
My parents are my heroes.
Children learn from their parents.
My parents allowed me to do what I wanted to do.
My parents died when I was young.
両親は英語で parents と言います。Mother and father とも言います。
My parents divorced when I was a child
My parents have been married 30 years
「両親」は英語で「my parents」といいますが、「my mother and father」、「my mum and dad」などの言い方も日常会話で使われています。
My parents are divorced.
My mum and dad get along really well.
My friend's mother and father are always arguing.
your parents you could refer to them as 'my parents' but the general term is 'parents' if your not talking about your own
You can also call them 'Mum and dad' or 'Mpther and father'
会話の中で「両親」について話すときは、”My parents"(私の両親)と言います。
普段、両親を呼ぶときは、”Mum and Dad”(ママとパパ)または、”Mother and Father"(お母さんとお父さん)でOKです。
The two nouns you see above are what we use to refer to our dad and mom collectively. The first word, parents, is appropriate for formal settings. The second word, rents, is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family. Both of these words would make great additions to your vocabulary.
両親はParents/ mother and fatherと言います。
ちなみに、義理の両親は father-in-law, mother-in-law で表せます。両方の義理の両親を表す場合は、 in-lawsと言いますよ♬
I am going to spend some time with my mother in law next week.
「両親」という言葉を英語で伝えると、「parents」という言葉になります。「Mother and father」も「mom and dad」も言っても良いと考えました。「Mother」と「mom」は「お母さん」という意味があって、「father」と「dad」は「お父さん」という意味があります。「Mother and father」より、「mom and dad」の方がカジュアルなニュアンスがあると考えました。例えば、「I love my parents very much.」も「I love my mom and dad very much.」も言っても良いです。「Love」は「愛する」と「大好き」です。
「両親」の意味は “parents” です。
自分の両親の場合は “my parents” で、他の方のご両親の場合は “your parents” です。
例: My parents are both working overseas right now.
例: “Say hi to your folks for me.”
「両親」は英語で parents と言えます。
parent は「親」で、parents はそん複数形です。
ちなみに「母親」は mother、「父親」は father です。
I am staying at my parents house for now.
My parents are taking me to Disneyland tomorrow.
お父さんとお母さんのこと又は「両親」のことは英語で「mother and father」や「parents」で表現します。
→「My mother and father are pretty strict」
→「My parents are pretty strict」
→「I was told that I look like my mother and father」
→「I was told that I look like my parents」