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「桜の開花時期が異なるのは日本が縦長だからです」と言いたい時に、 なんと表現したら良いでしょうか? あわせて「桜前線」は英語で何と言いますか?
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2017/12/16 08:49
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  • Japan is a vertically long country.

  • Japan is vertically long, so cherry blossoms bloom at different times (depending on the region).

  • the cherry-blossom front

"日本は縦長です" は、 Japan is a vertically long country.(vertically 垂直に・縦に…ちなみに「横長」は horizontally long) ですので 「桜の開花時期が異なるのは日本が縦長だからです」だと Japan is vertically long, so cherry blossoms bloom at different times (depending on the region). (depending on~ ~によって region は 「地域」area(エリア)としてもよいですね) なお、この直訳は「日本は縦に長いので、さくら(cherry blossoms)は(地域によって)別々の時期に咲きます。」です。 ☆また、Japan is long vertically.と副詞(vertically)の位置を最後に持ってくることも可能ですが、vertically long とする方がきびきびとして、語調もよく、実際によく使われます。 ☆なお、blossomsは「花」ですが、flowersと違って、木などに咲く花のことです。 「前線」は、front と言いますので(寒冷前線は a cold front )、桜前線ですと”the cherry-blossom front" でいいでしょう。 ☆なお、このようにハイフンで、名詞(cherry)と名詞(blossom)をつなぐと、形容詞になります。この場合、最後の名詞(ここではblossom)を単数形にするのがポイントです。 以上ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
  • Cherry blossom season varies from location to location.

  • Cherry blossom season differs in each location due Japan's geography.

Simply put, you can say the first phrase. The bloom time is different depending which part of the country they are in. The geography of a country means the way it is spread out and where. So when we say the cherry blossom season differs in each location due to Japan's geography, it would imply that the country has something to note about it's size and shape.
簡単に言うには、初めのフレーズを使えます。 例文 The bloom time is different depending which part of the country they are in. 開花の時期は、どこの地域に住んでいるかで異なります。 The geography of a countryというのは、国がどのように広がっているか、またどこにあるのかということを意味します。そのため、the cherry blossom season differs in each location due to Japan's geographyと言うと、国土の大きさや形に特筆すべきポイントがあるということを暗示します。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Due to the elongated geography of Japan from north to south, cherry blossom blooms at different times.

This is a rather long sentence but it explains the situation exactly. Elongated = one dimension of the object is much less than the other dimension. "A guitar has a long, elongated neck."
ちょっと長い文ですが、状況を正確に説明しています。 Elongated = 細長い A guitar has a long, elongated neck. (ギターには細く長いネックがあります。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Because Japan is a very long country the cherry blossoms bloom at different times.

  • Cherry blossoms bloom at different times because Japan is a long country.

"Because Japan is a very long country the cherry blossoms bloom at different times." This explains that the cherry blossoms bloom at different times because of the shape of Japan. "Cherry blossoms bloom at different times because Japan is a long country." This is another way of explaining that they bloom in different seasons because of the shape of the country.
"Because Japan is a very long country the cherry blossoms bloom at different times."という例文について これは、桜の開花時期が異なることが、日本の形によるものであると説明する文です。 "Cherry blossoms bloom at different times because Japan is a long country." という例文について これは一つ目の文と同じ意味で、別の良い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Japan is long, so cherry blossom blooms at different times of the year/seasons

  • Cherry blossoms bloom at different times of the year /seasons in different locations

  • Cherry blossoms bloom at different times of the year/seasons due to the length of Japan

By saying that 'Japan is long' it means the country is very long in length. For something to 'bloom' it means they flower. When referring to seasons you can also call them times of the year as they happen at different times of the year. (Spring, Summer. Autumn, Winter) You could say 'Japan is long, so cheery blossoms bloom in different times'
「Japan is long(日本は長い)」は、日本の長さが長いという意味です。 「to bloom」は「花が咲く」という意味です。 「季節(seasons)」は「times of the year」とも言えます。春夏秋冬と「一年の異なる時期(different times of the year)」を表すからです。 以下のように言えます。 Japan is long, so cheery blossoms bloom in different times. (日本は縦長なので、桜の開花時期が異なります。)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • As warm temperatures advance northward across Japan, they bring cherry blossom season with them.

  • Cherry blossoms begin blooming in southern Japan, and the blooming trend continues on a northward course as warmer temperatures reach each part of the island.

  • Changes in weather bring cherry blossom season to each part of Japan starting in the south and continuing gradually until blooms can be seen in the north.

A way to combine all these statements is to use phrases like "advancing warm temperatures" or to call this gradual advance of blooms "cherry blossom season," which indicates to the hearer that these trees have begun to bloom. Each sentence above creates a mental picture in which the reader understands that as each part of Japan warms up, the trees begin to bloom going from south to north.
これらの文を結合する方法は、「advancing warm temperatures(南から暖かくなっていく)」などのフレーズを使うか、もしくは徐々に開花が進むことを「cherry blossom season(桜のシーズン)」と表すかです。 上記どの例を使っても、日本では暖かくなるにつれて、南から北へと開花が進むことが伝えられます。
Amy H English teacher
  • The Cherry Blossoms bloom from the bottom of Japan to the top.

  • As the warm weather travels North through Japan, the Cherry Blossoms bloom.

  • Cherry Blossom season starts in the South of Japan and travels North as it gets warmer.

By using directional cues such as North, East, South and West you are providing people with a point of reference. By explaining that the Cherry Blossom starts in the South of Japan and then it travels North with the warmer weather we get a sense of the length of the country. You could also say " Japan is a long and narrow country. The weather in the South can be very different to the weather in the North of Japan." For those of us that live in larger countries such as America or Australia it is not unusual to experience this type of weather phenomenon.
「North(北)」「East(東)」「South(南)」「West(西)」といった方角を表す言葉を使って、基準点を示しています。「桜は暖かくなるにつれ南から北へと移動していく」と伝えれば、日本の国土が長いことが分かります。 また以下のように言うこともできます: "Japan is a long and narrow country. The weather in the South can be very different to the weather in the North of Japan." (日本は縦長の国です。日本の南部の天気は北部のそれとは大きく異なります) アメリカやオーストラリアのような大きな国に住んでいると、このような気象現象を経験することはよくあります。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Cherry blossoms bloom at different times in Japan, depending on the area, because Japan is long vertically.

  • In Japan, Cherry blossoms bloom in different seasons depending on the area because Japan is long vertically.

When you want to explain that in Japan cherry blossoms bloom at different times of the year depending on the location because Japan is long vertically; then you may explain it in the following ways: -Cherry blossoms bloom at different times in Japan, depending on the area, because Japan is long vertically. -In Japan, Cherry blossoms bloom in different seasons depending on the area because Japan is long vertically.
日本は縦長なので桜の咲く時期が地域によって異なる、と言いたいなら、以下のフレーズが使えます。 -Cherry blossoms bloom at different times in Japan, depending on the area, because Japan is long vertically. (日本は縦に長いので桜が咲く時期が地域によって異なります) -In Japan, Cherry blossoms bloom in different seasons depending on the area because Japan is long vertically. (日本は縦に長いので桜が咲く時期が地域によって異なります)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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