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hito dokokanoさん
2017/12/17 07:21
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  • Thank you very much for the compliment, but, you are much greater than I am.

  • Thank you very much for the compliment, but, you are much more wonderful than I am.

It is quite rare that people will compliment you for being wonderful or great, but, when it happens, it is advisable to compliment them back using degrees of comparison.
The adverb 'much' used in the first statement in this context, means, 'to a great extent' and the adjective 'greater' is the comparative degree of the adjective 'great' (great, greater, and the superlative degree is 'greatest').

The adverb 'more' used in the second statement with 'much' means 'to a great extent' in this context. So, if someone says to you: You are great or you are wonderful, you may compliment him/her back and say:

Thank you very much for the compliment, but, you are much greater than I am.
Thank you very much for the compliment, but, you are much more wonderful than I am.

being wonderful or great(素晴らしくあること)に対して褒めるのは稀ですが、褒める場合には比較用法を使って褒めることが勧められます。

この状況では最初の例文で副詞'much'を使っており、これは'to a great extent'(非常に)という意味で、形容詞'greater'は形容詞'great'の比較級です (great, greaterで最上級は'greatest'です).

2つ目の例文では副詞'more'を使っており、この文脈での'much'は'to a great extent'(非常に)という意味です。ですので、誰かがYou are great あるいはyou are wonderfulと言った場合は、褒め返して次のように言うとよいでしょう。

Thank you very much for the compliment, but, you are much greater than I am.(お褒め頂きどうもありがとうございます。あなたのほうが私より素晴らしいです)
Thank you very much for the compliment, but, you are much more wonderful than I am.(お褒め頂きどうもありがとうございます。あなたのほうが私より素晴らしいです)

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • You are far superior than me.

  • Your skills are much better than mine

  • This is high praise indeed as you are wonderful

Always say thank you first. If someone compliments you ten acknowledge the compliment with - Thank you or thanks.
All of the phrases above are good ways of saying you think they are better at something than you are.

You can also say;

Thank you, I am very flattered but I think your skills are better than mine.
Thank you, personally, I think you are better at it than me.

Hope this helps
Jane :)

いつも最初に感謝を述べましょう。誰かがあなたを褒めた場合は、Thank you(ありがとう)またはthanks(どうも)と言って褒められたことに感謝しましょう。


Thank you, I am very flattered but I think your skills are better than mine.(ありがとう、うれしいですが、あなたのスキルの方が私のスキルより上だと思います)
Thank you, personally, I think you are better at it than me.(ありがとうございます。個人的にはあなたのほうが私より上手だと思います)

Jane :)

Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you but not as compared to you.

*Thank you but not as compared to you. - "Not as compared to you" means that you feel that they are more wonderful than you are.
For example:
A:You are a really great person.
B:Thank you but not as compared to you.

*Thank you but not as compared to you.
- "Not as compared to you"(あなたと比べると、それ程でも無いです)

A:You are a really great person.
B:Thank you but not as compared to you.

Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your compliment, but honestly you deserve it more that I do.

Thank you for your compliment, but honestly you deserve it more that I do.
If someone pays you a compliment and you think that the person who paid you the
compliment deserves a better compliment, you can say the above sentence. However it is
always best to thank the person for their compliment first.

Thank you for your compliment, but honestly you deserve it more that I do.


Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you but your even more (word they used)

  • Thank you but your so much better than me.

"Thank you but your even more (word they used)" This thanks them for the compliment and explains that you think they are much more (word used) than you.

"Thank you but you're so much better than me." This also politely thanks them but explains you think more of them.

"Thank you but your even more (word they used)"
これは褒めてもらったことに感謝し、言ってくれた相手の方があなたよりもっと (言われた言葉)だ、と言う事を説明しています。

"Thank you but you're so much better than me."
これもまた丁寧に感謝をしてから相手の方が自分より 素晴らしいという事を説明しています。

Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • You're better than me.

  • You're more wonderful than me.

  • Mr. ○○ is better than me.

You're better than me.
You're more wonderful than me.

Mr. ○○ is better than me.



  • But you are the master!

  • But I bow to your superior prowess!

Explanation: Well, compliment and counter compliment. It seems that a battle of compliments is likely to develop. Why not just accept the compliment and say "Thanks"? Otherwise it becomes farcical.
Example sentence:
A. "You're such a great singer!"
B. "But you are the master!"

解説: 褒めと褒め返しです。褒め合い合戦が始めることが予想できるようです。誉め言葉を受け入れて、感謝を述べてはどうでしょう?そうしないと滑稽ではないですか。

A. "You're such a great singer!"(あなたは素晴らしい歌手ですね。)
B. "But you are the master!"(でもあなたは名人!)

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • On the shoulders of giants...

  • Thank you but I am standing on the shoulders of giants .... such as yourself!

On the shoulders of giants...comes from a quotation by Sir Isaac Newton :_D
"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."
"Thank you but I am standing on the shoulders of giants .... such as yourself!

"on the shoulders of giants"(巨人の肩の上)という言葉はニュートンの言葉の引用です。
"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."
"Thank you but I am standing on the shoulders of giants .... such as yourself!"

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you but I am nothing compared to you!

It is polite to first thank them for giving you a compliment. To say 'I am nothing compared to you' is to use a phrase, that means you feel inferior to the other person, but that this does not make you feel unhappy or sad, as you respect them so much.


「I am nothing compared to you」は「私 (I) はあなた (you) よりも劣っていると思うけど、悲しい気持ちにはならない。私 (I) はあなた (you) を尊敬しているから」という意味合いです。

Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I am nothing compared to you.

I am nothing compared to you.

compared to you は「あなたに比べたら」という意味の英語表現です。


  • It's you who is the great one.

  • You're the greater one!

  • You're even more wonderful than I am.

These three examples can all be used after receiving a compliment from someone and turn it around to say that, "it's you who is the great one." We can also use the comparative of the verb, "great," with, "greater," but notice that with the word wonderful we have to say, "more wonderful."

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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