世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




英語で日記をつけています。 きのうの出来事で、知人男性と誕生日が全く同じという奇跡が判明しました!! これを試行錯誤で英訳してみたのですが、 「My birthday turned out to be same as him.」 で自然な表現になっていますか? よろしくお願いします。
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2017/12/19 05:26
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  • We have the same birthday!

  • It turns out we have the same birthday.

  • We share the same birthday.

In order to explain that your friend has the same birthday as you, you can say: We have the same birthday! I have the same birthday as my friend. You can also say: It turns out we have the same birthday. It turns out - This means 'it happens that' or 'it appears that'. You can also say: We share the same birthday. To share something can mean to have something in common. I hope that helps!
誕生日が同じだということを友達に説明するために以下のように言うことができます。 We have the same birthday! 私たちは、同じ誕生日です。 I have the same birthday as my friend. 私は、友達と同じ誕生日です。 また、 It turns out we have the same birthday. 私たちは偶然同じ誕生日です。 It turns out これは、「起きる」「たまたま〜となる」という意味です。 また、 We share the same birthday. 私たちは同じ誕生日です。 「To share something」とは、共通の何かを持っていることです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Our birthday is on the same day

  • My friend and I have the same birthday

"Our birthday is on the same day." This means you are explaining to your friend that you have the same birthday. "My friend and I have the same birthday." This means you are explaining to another person that you and your friend have your birthdays on the same day of the year.
"Our birthday is on the same day."(私たちの誕生日は同じ日だね) これはあなたがお友達に、あなた達が同じ誕生日であるということを説明しています。 "My friend and I have the same birthday." (友達と私は同じ誕生日なの) これはあなたとお友達が同じ誕生日であることを別の誰かに説明するときに使う言い方です。
Sophiee DMM英会話講師
  • I found out my friend and I have the same birthday.

  • We have the same birthday.

"I found out my friend and I have the same birthday." This tells someone that you and one of your friends have the same birthday. "We have the same birthday." This explains to your friend that you have the same birthday.
"I found out my friend and I have the same birthday." という例文について この文はあなたと友達が同じだと誰かに伝える文です。 "We have the same birthday."という例文について この文は、自分たちが同じ誕生日だと人に伝える文です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • We have the same birthday!

  • Our birthday is on the same day!

  • We share the same birthday!

To have something the same it means that it is like something else so you would just say 'Our birthday is on the same day!' that way your friend would know the birthday is on the same day
「have the same ~」は「同じ~を持つ」という意味です。 「Our birthday is on the same day!(私たち誕生日が同じです)」と言えば、誕生日が同じ日だと伝わります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It turns out we have the same birthday.

  • Our birthdays are the same.

  • We have the same birthday.

We use the phrase "it turns out", when something surprising or unknown is revealed. So, in this situation, you finding out that your friend also has the same birthday as you is surprising. For example: "It turns out we have the same birthday". Commonly, we say, "We have the same birthday".
驚くべきことや知らなかったことが分かった時に"it turns out"というフレーズを使います。 この状況では、友達と同じ誕生日だと分かって驚いたわけです。 例えば: "It turns out we have the same birthday" (私達同じ誕生日だったんです) 一般的には"We have the same birthday"(私達は誕生日が同じです)と言います。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I found out that my birthday is on the same day as his!

  • My birthday is on the same day as his!

  • We have the birthday on the same day!

Native speakers will say like this: “I found out that my birthday is on the same day as his!”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this: Wow, I just found out that my birthday is on the same day as his! How cool is that
ネイティブスピーカーは以下のように言うでしょう: I found out that my birthday is on the same day as his! (彼と私、同じ誕生日だったんです!) 他にも色々な言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で、よく使われます。 これを使った例です: Wow, I just found out that my birthday is on the same day as his! How cool is that. (うわぁー、彼の誕生日、私と同じです!すごいよね。)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • My friend and I have the same birthday

  • We have the same birthday

When you want to express that you just found out that you and a friend share a birthday, then you may say: -My friend and I have the same birthday -We have the same birthday
自分と友達が同じ誕生日だったことがわかったことを伝えたいときのフレーズです。 -My friend and I have the same birthday 友達と私は誕生日が同じです。 -We have the same birthday 私たち同じ誕生日なんだ。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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