世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/21 17:39
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  • It's official! I'm finally going to study abroad!

  • It's finally happening!I am going to study abroad!

  • This is the moment I've been waiting for!I am going to study abroad!

It's official! I'm finally going to study abroad! If something is official it means that it can no longer be changed and is a permanent plan. It's finally happening!I am going to study abroad! This means that you have been anticipating a decision or approval and it has been confirmed. This is the moment I've been waiting for!I am going to study abroad! This is also a good way to express your excitement about going abroad to study.
“It’s official! I’m finally going to study abroad.” (正式になりました!ついに留学に行きます!) 何かが”official”ということは、もう変わることはなく、不変の計画であることを意味します。 “It’s finally happening! I am going to study abroad.” (ついに起こります!私は留学にいきます!) これは、決定や承認をずっと期待していて、やっと受け入れられたことを意味します。 “This is the moment I’ve been waiting for! I am going to study abroad!” (これは待ちに待った瞬間です!私は留学にいきます!) これも留学にいくというわくわくの様子を表現するのに良い方法です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I am officially going to study abroad!

  • It is decided, I will be studying abroad.

"I am officially going to study abroad!" - This shows that a certain decision has been made. "It is decided, I will be studying abroad." - Showing the decision for you to go study abroad is decided and final.
"I am officially going to study abroad!" (正式に留学に行くことになったよ!) これは確定したという意味です。 "It is decided, I will be studying abroad." (これは決定したことなんだけど、留学するんだ。) これは留学に行くという決定が下されたという意味です。
Kirst English teacher
  • I was finally accepted for the study abroad program

*I was finally accepted for the study abroad program- This means that you have applied for a study abroad program and the school has given you the offer after the assessments. A:I was finally accepted for the study abroad program B:Oh wow that is great news. When do you start? A: Next year in January.
*I was finally accepted for the study abroad program-という例文について この文は、あなたが留学プログラムに応募して、学校が評価した結果合格を出したことを意味します。 例文 A:I was finally accepted for the study abroad program 留学プログラムにやっと合格したよ。 B:Oh wow that is great news. When do you start? わぁ、すごいね!いつから始まるの? A: Next year in January. 来年の一月だよ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "I'm finally able to study abroad!"

  • "I was just approved to study abroad!"

  • "I just learned that I am going to study abroad in/at [insert country or university here] !"

"I'm finally able to study abroad!" This is a great way to express to someone that it has been decided that you are to study abroad. This is a casual expression that you can use with friends! Example: Friend: "I heard you have some big news!" You: "I'm finally able to study abroad!" "I was just approved to study abroad!" This is an alternative way to say that it has been decided that you are to study abroad. This is also a casual expression. Example: Friend: "What did you want to tell me today? You sound excited!" You: "I was just approved to study abroad!" "I just learned that I am going to study abroad in/at [insert country or university here] !" This is an alternate and longer way to express that you have been approved to study abroad. This also expresses a country, city, or specific school. Example: Friend: "Hey, I heard you had some good news from your school!" You: "I just learned that I am going to study abroad in The United Kingdom!" Or You: I just learned that I am going to study abroad at Ohio State University!"
"I'm finally able to study abroad!"という例文について これは、誰かに留学することになったことを伝えるのにとても良い表現です。 この文は、友達との間で使えるカジュアルな表現です。 例文 Friend: "I heard you have some big news!" 「すごいニュースがあるんだって!?」 You: "I'm finally able to study abroad!" 「 やっと留学に行けるんだ!」 "I was just approved to study abroad!"という例文について こちらは、上記と同じ意味で、上記の表現の代わりに使える表現です。 これもカジュアルな表現です。 例文 Friend: "What did you want to tell me today? You sound excited!" 「今日何の話をしたいって?興奮していたみたい。」 You: "I was just approved to study abroad!" 「留学に行けることになったんだ!」 "I just learned that I am going to study abroad in/at [insert country or university here(ここに国や大学を挿入してください)] !" という例文について これも同じ意味で、留学に行けることになったということを伝える長めの文です。この文では、国や市、特定の学校を伝えることができます。 例文 Friend: "Hey, I heard you had some good news from your school!" 「ねぇ、学校から良いニュースがあったんだって?」 You: "I just learned that I am going to study abroad in The United Kingdom!" 「イギリスに留学に行けることになったって!」 または You: I just learned that I am going to study abroad at Ohio State University!" 「オハイオ州立大学に留学することになったって!」
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Its official, I am finally going abroad to study.

  • Its confirmed that I will be going abroad to study.

1. It's official, I am finally going abroad to study. By saying "it's official" at the beginning of your sentence, you are saying that it is certain and a permanent plan that you will be going abroad to study. 2. It's confirmed that I will be going abroad to study. If something is confirmed, it means that it is firmly established. Therefore it is made certain as the truth.
1. It's official, I am finally going abroad to study.という例文について 文章の最初にIt's officialということで、留学に行くということが確実で変わらないということを言っています。 2. It's confirmed that I will be going abroad to study.という例文について confirmedとは、固く確立されたことを意味します。 そのため、真実として成り立ったことを言います。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I have finally been accepted to study abroad.

  • Its official, I will be going to study abroad next year.

"I have finally been accepted to study abroad." This explains that the place of study has accepted your application to go and study. "Its official, I will be going to study abroad next year." This explains to your friend that the decision has been made and you will defiantly be going to study overseas next year.
"I have finally been accepted to study abroad."という例文について この文は、留学先があなたの留学を認めたことを説明しています。 "Its official, I will be going to study abroad next year."という例文について この文は、やっと結果が出て、あなたが来年確実に留学に行けることになったことを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • At last i know, I'll be studying abroad!

This message is something of an exclamation of surprise. 'At last...' indicates that the process may have been long and arduous. "You've arrived at last! I've been waiting for an hour!"
こちらのメッセージは、驚きを表す感嘆文です。"At last"(やっと、ようやく)というフレーズは、長い間大変なプロセスを経て、という意味が込められています。 "You've arrived at last!" (やっと来た!)"I've been waiting for an hour!"(1時間も待ったよ!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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