世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/12/21 22:09
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  • Please do not compare me to your exes.

  • Please don't compare me to your past girlfriends.

  • I do not like it when you compare me to your ex girlfriends

"Please do not compare me to your exes." This politely tells him he must not compare you to his past girlfriends. "Please don't compare me to your past girlfriends." This is also another way of saying he should not compare you to girlfriends he has had in the past. "I do not like it when you compare me to your ex-girlfriends" This explains to him that you do not like it when he compares you to old girlfriends he has had.
例文1:Please do not compare me to your exes." 「元カノ(カレ)と比べないでほしいな。」 この表現は丁寧にやんわりと「比べることをやめて欲しい」ことが伝えられます。 例文2:Please don't compare me to your past girlfriends. 「元カノと比べないでほしいな。」 これもまた、「比べることをやめて欲しい」ことをそれほど強くなく言うことができます。 例文3:I do not like it when you compare me to your ex-girlfriends. 「元カノと比べられるのは好きじゃないの」 この例文も同様に過去の恋人と比べられるのは嫌だ、という意思表示をできます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't compare me to other girls/boys

  • Please don't compare me to your ex girlfriends/boyfriends

  • Try not to compare me to anyone else.

If you want to be specific, you can ask someone to not compare you to their past relationships by asking them to not compare you to their previous girlfriend or boyfriend. We can also ask them in a more general way to not compare us to anyone else.
もしはっきり言いたければ、前の彼女や彼氏と比べないでほしいということで、 過去の関係と自分を比べないよう言うことができます。 また、誰とも比べないでほしいと言うときにもつかえます。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • I don't like it when you compare me to your exes.

  • Please don't compare me to your exes.

*I don't like it when you compare me to your exes. This means that you do not enjoy it when they start comparing you to their exes. Maybe your significant other is doing it without realizing that it affects you and talking about it will help the relationship.
例:I don't like it when you compare me to your exes. 「あなたが元彼(カノ)と比べてくるのは好きじゃないの」 あなたの恋人が、昔の恋人とあなたを比べることがあり、あなたが嫌だと伝えたいときの表現です。 もしかしたら、あなたの恋人は無意識に言ったことかもしれませんが、こうやって意思表示をすれば相手に伝わりますよね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'd rather you not compare me to your ex girlfriends, it makes me uncomfortable.

I'd rather you not compare me to your ex girlfriends, it makes me uncomfortable. This statement is polite and it expresses your desire to not be compared to your partner's exes. Telling him that it makes you uncomfortable will make him understand how you feel when he does it.
I'd rather you not compare me to your ex girlfriends, it makes me uncomfortable. (いい気持ちがしないので、あなたの元彼女達と比べないで欲しい) この表現は丁寧にパートナーの元彼女たちと比べないでほしいと彼に ”it makes me uncomfortable” と言えば、比べられた時に、あなたがどのような気持ちなのか伝わります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't make any comparisons between me and the failures in your love life.

Explanation: Well, making comparisons between you and previous lovers is not the kindest or most gallant thing a man can do! Every ex marks the complete failure of a relationship and a short reminder of that point may better focus this person's efforts! Example sentence: "I could make a few interesting comparisons between you and my ex lovers too!"
あなたと前の交際相手を比べるのは、一番不親切で、思いやりのない男がすることです。交際に終止符を打つ時に、その人に教えてあげるといいかもしれませんね。 例文:  "I could make a few interesting comparisons between you and my ex lovers too!" あなたと元交際相手を比べていくつかおもしろいことがあった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't compare me to those you cared about in the past

Use please as it shows that you are being gentle. Using the words 'cared about' instead of 'exes' or 'ex-girlfriend/boyfriend' shows a level of respect for his previous love life that occurred before you met each other.
"please"を使う事によってあなたはやんわりと話していることになります。 'exes'や 'ex-girlfriend/boyfriend'(元カノ/元カレ)を使う代わりに、 この'cared about'(大事にする)と言う言葉を使う事によって、 あなたと会う前の彼の過去の恋愛生活に配慮しています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't compare me to your exes.

「私を元恋人たちと比べないでください」の意味です(^_^) compare A to B「AをBと比較する」 ex「元恋人」
  • Please don't compare me to your ex's.

  • It hurts my feelings to be compared to your ex.

We can simply ask to not, "be compared to your ex," to say that we are different from them and shouldn't be based on them. We can also mention that, "it hurts my feelings," to say it makes us sad when this comparison is made.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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