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約束していたデートの待ち合わせに相手が来なかったとき。 相手がデートを忘れていた。または故意に約束をやぶったとき。
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2017/12/24 00:14
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  • Get stood up

  • Didn't show up

The phrasal verb "to stand up (someone)" means to make a plan with them, usually a date, and not show up. If you had planned a date with someone and they didn't come meet you, this means they "stood you up" or "you got stood up." e.g. Mr. A: How was last night's date? Mr. B: He stood me up! I got stood up tonight so I feel pretty sad. You can also say that the person "didn't show up" which simply means that they didn't appear for the event. This can be used for dates as well as meetings or other events where someone is expected to arrive. Mr. A: How was your date? Mr. B: She never showed up Mark never showed up to the meeting.
"to stand up (人)"という句動詞は、通常デートの予定を立てていて、現れないことを意味します。誰かとデートを予定していて、相手が来なかった場合、相手は"stood you up"あるいは"you got stood up."と表現します。 【例文】 Aさん: How was last night's date?(昨日の夜のデートはどうだった?) Bさん: He stood me up!(すっぽかされたの!) I got stood up tonight so I feel pretty sad.(今夜はすっぽかされてかなり悲しい) 相手が"didn't show up"と言うこともでき、これは単純にイベントに現われなかったことを意味しています。誰かが来ることが期待される、デートだけでなく会議や他のイベントにも使えます。 Aさん: How was your date?(デートはどうだった?) Bさん: She never showed up(彼女にすっぽかされた) Mark never showed up to the meeting.(マークは会議に現れなかった)
Scott F DMM英語講師
  • I was stood up.

  • They didn't show up

"I was stood up." This is a common English phrase that explains the person you were supposed to meet did not arrive/turn up. "They didn't show up" This is another way of explaining that the person did not show up for the date.
“I was stood up.” (私はすっぽかされました。) これは、会う予定だった人が来なかったことを説明する一般的な英語の表現です。 “They didn’t show up.” (彼らは現れなかった。) これは、デートに現れなかったことを説明する別の表現方法です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • He stood me up.

  • She stood me up.

A stand B upで、「AがBに待ちぼうけを食らわせる」という意味を表します。ずっと待って立たせたままの状態にしてしまうという意味で理解すれば良いでしょう。 なので、「私はデートをすっぽかされた」というのは、 相手が男なら He stood me up. 「彼が私をすっぽかした」 相手が女なら She stood me up. 「彼女が私をすっぽかした」 のように表現します。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I got stood up.

  • My date didn't show up.

Either one of these expressions can be used to indicate that you date did not come to meet you as planned. 1. I got stood up. As in"To get stood up" or "To be stood up" To have gone on a date, except to find that you've been left by yourself because your date never showed up. Example;- A. How was your date with Peter on Friday night? B. Terrible, I got stood up. 2. My date didn't show up. If you date did not show up, it means they did not appear at the place and time that they said they would. Example ;- A. How was your date with Dave on Saturday night? B. dave never showed up, I was there by myself the entire time.
この二つのどちらの表現でもデート相手が予定通りに会いに来なかったという事を表します。 1. I got stood up. (すっぽかされた) "To get stood up" もしくは"To be stood up" という言い回しは、デートに行ったが、最終的に相手が現れず一人で残される状態を表します。 例文 A. How was your date with Peter on Friday night? (先週の金曜日のピーターとのデートはどうでしたか?) B. Terrible, I got stood up. (最悪でした、すっぽかされました。) 2. My date didn't show up. (私のデート相手は来なかった) 相手が待ち合わせ場所に指定した時間に現れなかった事を意味します。 例文 A. How was your date with Dave on Saturday night? (土曜日の夜のデイブとのデートはどうでしたか?) B. dave never showed up, I was there by myself the entire time. (デイブは来ませんでした、私はその間ずっと一人でいました)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • She stood me up.

  • I got stood up.

"She stood me up." - This is a way of saying who stood you up. You can also say, my date stood me up, or I got stood up by my date. "I got stood up." - Most people would either give the first response or the second one, both work.
"She stood me up."(彼女にデートをすっぽかされた) - 彼女にデートをすっぽかされたと伝えています。他に、"my date stood me up" "I got stood up by my date" などと言うこともできます。 "I got stood up."(デートをすっぽかされた) - たいていの人はこの文か一つ目の文で言います。どちらも使えます。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Get stood up

  • Didn't show up

if someone doesnt turn up for a date then it is said you have been 'stood up' you can also say the person 'didn't show up'
相手がデートに現れなかったなら、それは 'I got stood up'(すっぽかされた)で表せます。 'he/she didn't show up'(現れなかった)という言い方もできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I waited for her but she didn't show

  • She stood me up

  • She blew me out (informal)

When someone doesn't meet yo for a date as arranged, then you may state your position by applying one of the above suggestions. If you blow someone out, you don't meet them or do something that you have arranged to do.
相手がデートに現れなかったことは、上記の例の一つを使って説明できます。 "blow someone out" は「約束をすっぽかす」という意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I got stood up

  • I was left hanging

"I got stood up" "I was left hanging" The formal way of saying this is with the first expression. Those words sum up your entire sad experience and everyone will understand you. The second expression is a more modern way of saying that your date didn't show up. When you use this expression you are letting people know how you that he/she left you hanging or waiting at the bar/restaurant etc.
"I got stood up" "I was left hanging" (約束をすっぽかされました) フォーマルな言い方は最初の例です。このつらい経験を要約して伝えます。みんなに伝わる言い方です。 二つ目はデートの相手が現れなかったことを伝えるよりモダンな言い方です。バーやレストランなどに相手が現れなかったことを伝えます。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Got stood up

  • A no show

  • I got Pied

"Got stood up" and "A no show" are the most common phrases used when describing someone who doesn't show up to a date. To get 'Pied' is a very slang and casual expression of saying this, often used more among the gender generation, ex. "I got pied by this girl i was meant to have a date with".
"Got stood up" と "A no show" はデートに現れなかった人を表すときによく使われる表現です。 'Pied' は、この意味の非常にカジュアルでスラング的な表現です。若い人が使うことが多いです。 例: "I got pied by this girl I was meant to have a date with"(この子にデートをすっぽかされた)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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