世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/24 23:05
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  • I can relate to how my father felt.

  • I identify with how my father feels.

1) I can relate to how my father felt. - relate to is a phrasal verb. We can say that we relate to someone or their feelings as a way to show that you understand. 2) I identify with how my father feels. Another way in which we can say we understand how someone feels is by saying that we 'identify' with them. When we identify with someone we mean that we have strong links with that person or their feelings.
例文1: I can relate to how my father felt. 「父さんの気持ちがわかる(直訳だと、父の気持ちを私に関連付けることができる)」 ※relate to は句動詞です。 誰かの気持ちを理解できるときに使える表現です。 例文2:I identify with how my father feels. 「父さんの気持ちがわかる」 もう一つの言い方は、他人の気持ちを理解することをidentifyという動詞で表しています。 identifyを使う時は、他人の気持ちを強く自分に関連付けることができる場合です。
Sian DMM英会話講師
  • I have a clearer understanding about how my father feels and thinks, now that I am older.

  • Now that I am older I can relate to my father's thoughts better than when I was younger.

To have a clearer understanding means that you understand a certain topic better. By saying you can relate to something, shows that you understand that certain situation and feel a similar way.
例:I have a clearer understanding about how my father feels and thinks, now that I am older. 「今は父さんが考えたり、感じていたことがよりはっきりと理解できる。年を取ったんだ。」 例:Now that I am older I can relate to my father's thoughts better than when I was younger. 「年を取ったから、前よりも父さんの考えがよくわかる。」 "to have a clearer understanding"は何か特定の事柄で、「よりはっきりと理解できる」という意味です。 "can relate to something"は「共感、理解できる」という意味で、何か特定の事柄で「同じように感じる」ことをいうときに使えます。
Kirst English teacher
  • I can understand how my father feels

  • Identify with how my father feels.

  • I can relate to how my father felt.

1) I can understand how my father feels. Understand means to perceive the intended meaning of someone. We can say that we relate to someone or their feelings as a way to show that you understand. 2) I identify with how my father feels. Another way in which we can say we understand how someone feels is by saying that we 'identify' with them. When we identify with someone we mean that we have strong links with that person or their feelings.
1. I can understand how my father feels. (私は父親の気持ちを理解できる。) "Understand"(理解する)には、他人の意図することを感じ取るという意味があります。 理解を示すために、誰かや誰かの気持ちに "relate" すると言うこともできます。 2. I identify with how my father feels. (私は父親の気持ちに同情する。) もう一つの言い方として"identify with~"(~に同情する)があります。その人やその人の気持ちと強いつながりを持っているという意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't really understand my father when I was a child. But I understand him now that I am an adult.

  • I understand my father much better as an adult than I did as a child.

  • Now that I am older, I understand my dad much better.

I didn't really understand my father when I was a child. But I understand him now that I am an adult. I understand my father much better as an adult than I did as a child. Now that I am older, I understand my dad much better. It took me becoming an adult to better understand my father. I have gained so much understanding of my dad since I grew up.
I didn't really understand my father when I was a child. But I understand him now that I am an adult.(子どもの頃は父の気持ちがよく分かりませんでしたが、大人になって分かるようになりました) I understand my father much better as an adult than I did as a child.(子どもの頃よりもはるかに父の気持ちが分かるようになりました) Now that I am older, I understand my dad much better.(年を取って、父の気持ちがよく分かるようになりました) It took me becoming an adult to better understand my father.(年を取って父の気持ちが分かるようになりました) I have gained so much understanding of my dad since I grew up.(大人になって父の気持ちがよく分かるようになりました)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • As I grow older, I understand more how my father thinks/feels

  • The older I get the more in undertsand my father's feelings

When we are talking about aging or getting older in age we can say 'as I grow/get older' or 'the older I get' To understand means to take in and know what something means The way people think or feel is also called 'feelings'
年を取ることについて言うときには 'as I grow/get older'(年を取るにつれ)や 'the older I get'(年を取れば取るほど)が使えます。 'To understand' は「理解する」という意味です。 人の考え方・気持ちは 'feelings' で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • As I grow into adulthood, I appreciate more and more how my father ticks.

If, as a child, you didn't understand how your father felt/was thinking. But as an adult, you understand more and more what he was/is thinking, then you may express that by using the above suggested statement. ...what makes someone tick someone ticks Like a clock, people are said to 'tick'. This is how they think, react and perform in different situations.
子どもの頃に理解できなかった父親の気持ちや考えが大人になって分かるようになってきたということなら、上記の文が使えます。 ...what makes someone tick someone ticks (行動の理由) 時計と同様、人についても 'tick' は使われます。これは、物事をどのように考え、状況にどのように対処するのかを表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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