世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/12/25 21:58
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  • 1. Where are you going to stay in Sydney?

  • 2. Have you found somewhere to stay yet?

  • 3. Have you booked your accommodation for Sydney?

1. This phrase is the most common, just simply asking where they will stay. This is open up many answers. The person can then explain what kind of place they will be staying, with who, etc. 2. In casual conversation you can use this phrase. It is just asking if the person has made their plans yet. 3. This phrase is not so natural for normal conversation, but more in a business place, like a travel agents.
1. このフレーズはもっとも一般的で、単純にどこに泊るのかを聞いています。これを聞いた後にどんな場所に泊まるのかや誰と泊まるのかなど、色々な回答を引き出せるでしょう。 2. カジュアルな会話ではこのフレーズを使うことができます。単純に計画をもう立てたかどうかを尋ねています。 3. このフレーズは普通の会話ではあまり自然ではありませんが、旅行会社などビジネスの場で使われます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Where will you be staying in Sydney?

  • Are you going to be staying with your family in Sydney?

Any of the questions can be used. Example 1 A:Where will you be staying in Sydney? B: I will be staying a hotel. The company made arrangements for me. Example 2 A:Are you going to be staying with your family in Sydney? B:Yes. The company will not pay for accommodation.
いずれの質問も使えます。 【例文1】 A:Where will you be staying in Sydney?(シドニーではどこに泊るんですか?) B: I will be staying a hotel. The company made arrangements for me.(ホテルに泊まります。会社が手配してくれたので) 【例文2】 A:Are you going to be staying with your family in Sydney?(シドニーでは家族と泊まる予定ですか?) B:Yes. The company will not pay for accommodation.(はい、会社が宿泊費を払ってくれないので)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Did you research good places to stay in Sydney?

  • Do you know anyone in Sydney you will stay with?

  • Where have you made reservations for your stay?

The question will be asked correctly after a little more information is given. Is the friend traveling alone or meeting with friends there? If the friend is solo traveling then questions regarding online research are common. You could ask your friend if they are budget traveling and staying at hostels or hotels? If the friend knows anyone in Sydney then you could ask, "where do the friends live where you will stay?". To elicit a specific answer you could say, "Where have you made reservations for your stay?", this will offer you a specific hotel or homestay answer.
もう少し詳しい情報があると、正確に回答できます。友人は一人で旅行しているのでしょうか?それとも友人たちと会うのでしょうか?友人が一人で旅行している場合は、オンライン検索に関する質問が一般的です。予算の限られた旅行でホステルやホテルに滞在するのかどうかを友人に尋ねることができるでしょう。その友人がシドニーで誰かを知っている場合は、"where do the friends live where you will stay?"(あなたが泊まる場所で友達はどこに住んでいるの?)と聞くことができます。具体的な答えを引き出すには、"Where have you made reservations for your stay?"(どこで宿泊の予約をしましたか?)と言うと、特定のホテルやホームステイという回答を得られるでしょう。
Laura M DMM英会話講師
  • Where will you be staying when you arive in Sydney?

  • when you get to Sydney, where are you going to stay?

  • Where are you going to stay when you get there?

These three sentences will help you to ask your friend where they will be staying in Sydney. I hope this helps! :-)
上の三つの文で、友達がシドニーでどこに泊まるのか聞けると思います。 参考になるといいです! :-)
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Where will you be staying? Whereabouts in Sydney will you be located?

  • What's your address in Sydney, I need to know the location so I can visit

Location is where we are...and naturally our friends want to keep in touch! Where we are "STAYING" ...refers to our current address. Where will you be living / staying/ located ...covers the topic well enough.
"location" は、私たちがいる所のことです...当然、友達は連絡を取り続けたいです! Where we are "STAYING"...は現在の住所を指します Where will you be living / staying/ located...でおっしゃりたいことは言えると思います
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Where will you stay in Sydney?

  • Where are you staying in Sydney?

We often use the present simple continuous for speaking about future plans. "I am staying at the Ritz this time."
未来のことを話すときには、よく現在進行形を使います。  "I am staying at the Ritz this time." 今回はリッツに泊ります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Where will you stay in Sydney?

  • In which part of Sydney will you be staying?

  • Have you found accommodation in Sydney?

Option 1 - This would be used in general conversation, once your friend mentions that he or she will be going to Sydney you could immediately answer with - And, where will you stay in Sydney? Option 2 - If the conversation has progressed and you haven't been able to ask straight away, after listening to more information you could add - Also in which part of Sydney will you be staying? Option 3 - If you have already asked where in Sydney will you stay and the answer is unclear, by asking if the individual has found accommodation in Sydney they will provide further details for you to then understand where they are staying in Sydney.
例1 - これは、日常会話で使われます。友達がシドニーに行くことを言っているので、すぐに答えられるでしょう。 where will you stay in Sydney? シドニーのどこに滞在しますか? 例 2 - 会話が進むと、すぐに尋ねることができません。もっと情報を聞いた後に、 Also in which part of Sydney will you be staying? シドニーのどこに滞在するのですか? と付け加えることができます。 例 3 - もしシドニーのどこかを聞いてしまい、答えが不明確なら、その人がシドニーのどこに宿泊しているかを聞くことで、詳細がわかり、シドニーのどこに泊っているのかわかるでしょう。
Nikita S DMM英会話講師
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