世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




"英語の勉強は今月から始めましたが、去年まで3年ぐらいフランス語を勉強していました。" と、自己紹介やフリートーキングで、語学の学習歴を聞かれたとき答えたいためです。
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2017/12/27 01:24
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  • Up until last year, I was studying French for the last 3 years.

  • For the last 3 years I've been learning French, but last year I quit.

  • I quit French last year, but before that I'd been studying it for 3 years.

*Up until last year, I was studying French for the last 3 years. * *For the last 3 years I've been learning French, but last year I quit.* *I quit French last year, but before that I'd been studying it for 3 years.* You can also say... *I loved learning French for the last 3 years but last year I stopped. *Although I've been learning French for the last 3 years, last year I quit Depending on how you feel about quitting you could also say : I used to love learning French over the last 3 years but last year I just got bored and quit. *I loved learning French for the last 3 years but I've gotten so busy so last year I quit... Hope this helps! ^ ^
*Up until last year, I was studying French for the last 3 years. * (去年まで3年間、フランス語を勉強していました。) *For the last 3 years I've been learning French, but last year I quit.* (ここ3年間はフランス語を学んでいましたが、去年やめました。) *I quit French last year, but before that I'd been studying it for 3 years.* (去年やめましたが、その前まで3年間私はフランス語を勉強していました。) また、 *I loved learning French for the last 3 years but last year I stopped. (私はここ3年間フランス語を学ぶのが大好きでしたが、去年やめてしまいました。) *Although I've been learning French for the last 3 years, last year I quit (ここ3年間フランス語を学んでいたにもかかわらず、去年やめました。) とも言えます。 また、やめることに対してどう思うかによって I used to love learning French over the last 3 years but last year I just got bored and quit. (ここ3年間フランス語を学ぶのが好きでしたが、昨年退屈になってやめてしまいました。) *I loved learning French for the last 3 years but I've gotten so busy so last year I quit... (私はここ3年間フランス語を学んぶのが好きでしたが、とても忙しくなってしまって去年やめてしまいました。) 役に立つと嬉しいです◡̈
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • I studied french for the last three years.

  • Up until last year I studied French for 3 years.

"I studied French for the last three years." This explains to the person that for the past three years you were studying French. "Up until last year, I studied French for 3 years." This explains that you studied French for three years but you stopped last year.
"I studied French for the last three years." という表現では過去三年間フランス語を勉強していたと説明しています。 "Up until last year, I studied French for 3 years." この表現ではあなたはフランス語を三年間勉強したけれども、去年止めてしまったと説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I studied French for the last three years.

  • Up until last year I studied French for 3 years.

1. I studied French for the last three years. 2. Up until last year I studied French for 3 years. Both these statements mean that you studied French for the three years before last year.
1. I studied French for the last three years. (私はフランス語3年勉強した) 2. Up until last year I studied French for 3 years. (去年まで3年間フランス語を勉強していた) どちらも「去年までフランス語3年間勉強していた」という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I did French for 3 years but stopped last year

Explanation: We often replace the verb 'study' with 'do' when speaking about an academic course we are attending. Example sentence: A. "What are you studying at Cambridge?" B. "I'm doing Applied Mathematics."
【説明】 私たちは学問の講座などの話をする時など時々'study'(勉強する)と言う動詞の代わりに 'do'をつかう事があります。 【例文】 A. "What are you studying at Cambridge?" (ケンブリッジでは何を学んでいるの?) B. "I'm doing Applied Mathematics." (応用数学を勉強しています)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Up until last year, I studied French for three years

  • Up to last year, I studied French for three years

Up until or up to are used to indicate the latest time at which something can happen, or the end of the period of time that you are referring to. For example: "Please feel free to call me any time up until half past nine at night"
"Up until"や "up to"とはあなたが話そうとしている事の期間や最新の時までの事を言い表す時に使うことが出来ます。(~まで) 【例】 "Please feel free to call me any time up until half past nine at night" (今夜の9時半まで、いつでも電話してきてください)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I studied French for 3 years until last year

  • I studied French for 3 years but i quit last year

  • Up until last year i studied French for 3 years

If you want to explain that you were studying something you would say 'i studied' by saying 'until last year' meas that you haven't studied it since but you could also say 'but i quit last year' explaining that you gave it up. Another way to put this is 'Up until last year' means you did something until last year
何かを勉強していたことは'I studied'で表せます。 'until last year'(去年まで)は、それ以降は勉強していないことを表します。 'but I quit last year'(でも去年やめました)と言うこともできます。 また、'up until last year'(去年まで)と言うこともできます。「去年まで(していた)」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I studied French for three years but stopped last year.

  • I stopped learning French last year after three years of studying it

When you want to explain that you were learning French for three years but quit in the previous year; then you may explain it in the following ways: -I studied French for three years but stopped last year. -I stopped learning French last year after three years of studying it
フランス語を3年間学んでいたけど去年やめたと言いたいなら、次のように表せます。 -I studied French for three years but stopped last year. (三年間フランス語を学びましたが、昨年やめました。) -I stopped learning French last year after three years of studying it (三年間フランス語を学びましたが、昨年やめました。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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