Water is H20, it is a liquid that we drink and it is the same liquid that fills the oceans and falls as rain. Water is a basic human necessity, we need to drink a lot of it. There is salt and fresh water. Salt water is in the oceans, fresh water is what we drink.
salt water(塩水)とfresh water(真水)があります。 塩水は海にあって、真水は私たちが普段飲むものです。
The scientific name for water is H2O. It appears in liquid, air and solid form. We drink water everyday to survive.
Example sentence:
I am very thirsty. I need a glass of water.
“I am very thirsty. I need a glass of water.”
In Japan, you can get a bottle of water for less than a dollar.
Give me some water.
The colorless, transparent and odorless liquid that forms the seas, lake, rivers and rain is called "water".
For example, you can say:
-When I'm at the beach, I don't want to go into the water when the waves are strong.
-I would never drink from a river because the water isn't clean enough to drink.
-When I'm at the beach, I don't want to go into the water when the waves are strong.
-I would never drink from a river because the water isn't clean enough to drink.
「水」は英語で「water」と言います。イギリス英語の発音は「ウォータ」になりますが、アメリカ英語の発音は「ワーダ」に近いです^^ 「お湯」は英語で「hot/warm water」といいます。
I drank some cold water.
This water is too hot.
He poured the water into a cup.
また水道の水は「tap water」といいます。ある国で水道の水は飲んではいけませんので、ご注意ください。
Is the tap water drinkable here?
動詞はTo water
I forgot to water the plants.
お湯(Hot water)、水道水(Tap water), 軟水(soft water), 硬水(hard water), 塩水(salt water), 鉄水(iron water)などあります。
1. water
「水」は英語で water と言います。
Don't touch the water, it's hot.
I spilled water all over the table.
'Water' comes from the 'water supply' provided by either private or governmental organisations around the world. Too much water causes 'flood' or 'flooding' when rivers burst their banks.
"Would you like a drink of water James?"
水でも例えば、熱湯は"boiling water"と言います。
例文:"I became completely dehydrated the other day. I didn't realize it until someone gave me a bottle of water, and I took a sip." 「この前、完全に脱水症状になってしまった。誰かが水のボトルをくれて、一口飲むまでそれに気が付かなかった。」
水道の水 ー tap water
海の水 ー sea water
水不足 ー water shortage
今朝(蛇口を開けたが)水が出なかった ー This morning I turned on the tap but water didn't come out
水が出しっ放しになっていた ー The water was left running
レタスを水洗いする ー Wash the lettuce in water
水 は英語で water です。どんな water があっても、この言葉は適切だ使いやすいです。
お湯=hot water
水=water (especially at room temperature or warm)
氷水=ice water
どのような水を説明したいなら、~water のような形が使えます。
river water, ocean water
dirty water, clean water
clear water, murky water
tap water, filtered water
Water という言葉は名詞だけじゃなくて動詞として使われています。
I need to water the garden.
water = 水をかける
Water is a necessary part of life.「水は生き物に不可欠なんです」 It's in the food we eat,「食べ物に入ってる」 it's in the air,「空気に入ってる」 it's in the ground,「土に入ってる」 and it's most of us!「人の体の大体が水になってる」
I like my water room temperature,「僕は室温の水が好きです」 not chilled.「冷たい水が嫌です」But I also like it in whisky in the form of ice cubes.. 「でもウィスキーに氷が好きなんです」
Heating it up turns it into vapor「加熱すると蒸気になります」