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丁寧な言い方でお願いします。 あと返品可能かどうか聞くには、どういった尋ね方がありますか?
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2017/12/28 19:09
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  • Could I possibly return this garment?

  • I'd like to return this garment as it is too big.

  • Is it alright if I return this garment? It is too big.

'Could I possibly...'' and ''Is it all right if I...?'' are common polite phrases used to make requests. So if you would like someone to do something for you or you are asking them for permission to do something, then you can use these phrases. I'd (I would) is generally more polite to use than ''I want''.
例文1:Could I possibly return this garment? 「この商品は返品できますか?(possiblyがあるので、できたりしますか?が日本語で一番近いです。)」 例文2:I'd like to return this garment as it is too big. 「この服は大きすぎるので、返品させていただきたいです。」 ''Could I possibly...'' や''Is it all right if I...?''は質問をする時によく使う丁寧な表現です。 あなたが何かをしたいときに、許可を得たい場合はこれらのフレーズが使えます。 I'd (I would)は I want を丁寧に言いたい時に使う表現です。
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to return this please.

  • May i return these clothes please?

When we try clothes on at the store, they may feel like they fit at that moment. But when you go home, they don't fit anymore. If you can no longer wear the clothes then you must return them. If you have to return them just go to the return desk and say politely, " Hi I tried on these clothes but they did not fit, may I return them please?" They should either give you your money back or allow you to change and get a different size for the same price. As long as you bring the clothes back before 30 days have passed, you will be able to return them.
私達は服をお店で試着するとき、一瞬ぴったりのように思われます。 しかし、家に買えると全然合わないということがあります。 もしもうその服を着ないのなら、返品して、こういう事が聞けます: “Hi I tried on these clothes but they did not fit, may I return them please?” (こんにちは!この服を試したのですが、サイズが合いません。返品できますか?) 店員はお金を返金するか、違うサイズと交換かさせてくれるでしょう。 購入から30日以内に持って行く限り、返品することができます。
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, Please can I return this. The size is to big.

  • Excuse me, I would like to swap this item, this size is to big.

"Excuse me, Please can I return this. The size is too big." "Excuse me" will get the persons attention. "Please, can I return this. The size is too big." This politely explains to the person that you would like to return the item of clothing because the item is too big for you to wear. "Excuse me, I would like to swap this item, this size is too big." This is another polite way of getting their attention and asking them if you are able to swap the item of clothes to a smaller size.
例文1:Excuse me, Please can I return this. The size is too big. 「すみません、これを返品したいのですが。サイズが大きすぎるのです。」 "Excuse me"は話しかける時の決まり文句です。 "Please, can I return this. The size is too big." この文は返品したい気持ちを、大きすぎるという理由と共に丁寧に尋ねる表現です。 例文2:"Excuse me, I would like to swap this item, this size is too big. 「すみません、この商品を交換したいんです。サイズが大きすぎるのです。」 これもまた丁寧に話しかけ、正しいサイズのものに交換したい意を伝えられます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, I would like to return these trousers they were too big for me.

Depending on the return policy of the store they can either refund you your money or allow you to exchange it for something. They may also want you to provide the receipt as poof of purchase. Whenever you buy something always keep the receipt and throw it away when you are very sure that you want the item.
例文1:Excuse me, I would like to return these trousers they were too big for me. 「すみません、これらズボンが私には大きすぎたので、返品したいのですが」 会社ごとの返品に対する方針によりますが、返金や交換が出来るところが多いです。 本当にその店で買ったのか確認するため、レシートの提出を求められることが時々あります。 ものを買ったらいつでもレシートをとっておくことにしましょうね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • May I please return these clothes since they are too big for me?

  • Will you please allow me to return these shoes as the size is too big for me?

Some shops do not accept returns of some goods once a person has bought them and taken them home. Usually, clothes may be returned, or exchanged for the right sizes. However, if you find yourself in such a situation whereby you have to return clothes because they are too big for you, you have to politely ask the store staff if they can allow you to return them. So, you may ask: May I please return these clothes since they are too big for me? or Will you please allow me to return these shoes as the size is too big for me?
一旦お客さんが商品を買って家に持ち帰ると、商品の返品を受け付けない店もあります。通常、洋服は返品したり、適切なサイズの商品と交換することが出来ます。しかし洋服が大きすぎるので返品しなければいけない状況になったのであれば、返品できるかどうかを店員に丁寧に尋ねなければいけません。ですからこう尋ねることが出来ます。 例文 May I please return these clothes since they are too big for me? 私には大きすぎるので、これらの洋服を返品できますか? Will you please allow me to return these shoes as the size is too big for me? サイズが私には大きすぎるので、返品させて頂けますか?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I would like to return these as the size is too small.

  • The size is too small so I would like to return this item.

  • Can I please return this as the size does not fit.

Depending on the individuals stores return policies, most of the time we can return goods (with tags still attached) if the size does not suit. We can simply return them to the store with the receipt, explain why and ask politely "Excuse me, could I please return this top as the size is too small".
それぞれのお店の方針にもよりますが、サイズが合わないときはほとんどの場合、(タグがまだ付いているものは)返品できます。 レシートと一緒に商品を返して、理由を説明し、丁寧に、 "Excuse me, could I please return this top as the size is too small". (すみません、サイズが小さすぎたので、このトップスを返品させてもらえますか?) と尋ねるといいでしょう。
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • May I return this please, it's too big

  • I need to return this please because it doesn't fit

  • I would like to return this item please, it is too big.

If you purchase items that do not fit you should either be able to get a refund or an exchange. Refund means you get your money back. Exchange means that you can swap it for another item that does fit (for the same price). Most stores will refund or exchange if clothes are returned as new and you have the receipt.
サイズの合わないものを買ってしまった場合、商品の交換(exchange)か返金(refund)をお願いできるはずです。 'refund'は「返金」という意味です。 'exchange'は、(同じ値段で)サイズの合う商品と交換することをいいます。 新品でレシートがあれば、大半のお店は、返金(refund)または交換(exchange)に応じてくれます。
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
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