Most commonly goods sold at a concert would be called merchandise..
Goods sold at a market or shop would most commonly be called products or stock.
I'm going to go to the venue early so I can buy some merchandise.
"They are selling computer goods in the auction"
"They are having a collectables sale"
"We are going to have the goods sale"
"They are selling computer goods in the auction"
"They are having a collectables sale"
"We are going to have the goods sale"
Well, if you go to a concert and the organisers are selling, posters, tee shirts and coffee cups connected with the artists, then these are 'merchandising products'. 'Merchandising' is the act of bringing to market sales items connected with an event. Such products may also be referred to as event sales or items for sale (at a concert/event).
コンサートに行ったときに、主催者が売っている歌手やバンド関連のポスター、Tシャツ、マグカップのことは、「merchandising products」と言います。
Merchandisingとは、イベント関連の商品を市場に出す行為です。コンサートやイベントで、そのような商品のことを、「event sales」、又は「items for sale」と言います。
At a concert you can always just say the word 'merch' which is slang for merchandise. "I bought a tour t-shirt at the merch table." or "I bought some band merch at the concert."
コンサートでは 'merch'と言うことができます。これは「merchandise」(商品)という単語のスラングです。
"I bought a tour t-shirt at the merch table."
"I bought some band merch at the concert."
Commodities are a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold. Commodities are such items like gold, diamonds, coffee, tin, maize etc. These goods are normally sold on the common market. They contribute to the economies of the countries which sell them. They contribute to the volatility of the value of the currency of the country that sells them.
Merchandise refers to goods that are to be bought and sold such as clothing.
You may say:
Our most valuable commodity is gold.
Our currency's value is very volatile because of commodities like diamonds.
We have reduced our merchandise's prices by 50%
"Merchandise "は、服のように売買されるもののことを言います。
"Our most valuable commodity is gold."
"We have reduced our merchandise's prices by 50%."
Products' is a common term used by both the people selling the items and the people purchasing.
'Merchandise' or 'merch' is now more commonly used as a name for products that are linked to some form of entertainment such as 'band merch' or 'film merchandise' for things such as a Coldplay T-shirt or a Star Wars action figure.
Stock is more commonly used by the store workers to describe what they sell, especially when counting the numbers they have.
「merchandise」または「merch」は、「band merch」や「film merchandise」のようにエンターテインメントに関係する製品について使われることが多いです:
"a Coldplay T-shirt"
"a Star Wars action figure"
ライブのグッズは「Concert Merchandise」と言います。
「I bought lots of merchandise at the concert.]
「Look at all this great merch!」
「I bought lots of goods at the concert!」
The words can depend on what type of event you are at. Such as if you are at an event that is selling furniture then the word we would use is either furnishings or belongings. If you are at a musical event then we most commonly use stuff or items for sale . If the event is like an exhibition for many things then we most commonly use merchandise or products . If you want to describe an item for sale than we use the word vendible, you could sale " we have vendible items of food and clothing ".
どのような状況かによって使う単語は変わってきます。もし、家具のことを指すなら、 furnishings や belongingsが適切でしょう。
音楽のイベントにいるときには、普通はstuff やitems for saleを使います。展示会などのイベントでは、merchandise や productsを使います。vendible(販売可能な品物)という単語も使うことができます。
" we have vendible items of food and clothing "
Usually in America, many people say merchandise when buying products at a concert or event. The word can be and is usually shortened to "merch."
You can also say that "I got some band goodies while waiting for the next set." Goodies is a slang word for merchandise or goods.