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チェックアウトの日なのに寝過ごしてしまいました。 でも、急いでなんとか間に合いました。
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hiroko nakamuraさん
2018/01/01 00:38
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  • The worst thing about traveling by myself is that there's nobody to wake me up.

「worst」の代わりに「most bothersome」とかも言えます。
Tim Young 主催
  • I worry when I travel alone because I have no one to wake me up.

  • I have to travel alone because no one is there to wake me up.

"I worry when I travel alone because I have no one to wake me up." "I hate to travel alone because no one is there to wake me up!" Worry this word expresses concern or unease about something. So you are saying that traveling alone makes you uneasy and then you explain why because there is no one around to wake you up. Hate - dislike. You dislike not having anyone to wake you up for your flight.
"I worry when I travel alone because I have no one to wake me up." "I hate to travel alone because no one is there to wake me up!" Worryという単語は何かに対する懸念や心配を表します。ですので、この表現では一人で旅行することが心配であることを伝えており、その理由としてあなたを起こしてくれる人がいないことを説明しています。 Hate -嫌悪。飛行機に乗るのに起こしてくれる人がいないことが嫌であるという意味です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • The most difficult thing about travelling is having to rely only on myself to wake up on time.

  • When travelling the lonely start to the day can be the most trying part.

I have interpreted this statement in two ways. First is the idea of total self-reliance in things such as waking on time to catch the next bus, flight etc. Secondly I have approached the statement in terms on the lonliness one may feel when travelling alone, particularly first thing when we may usually discuss our daily plans with partners, housemates or family.
二つの解釈をしました。 最初が、次のバスや飛行機に乗るために 時間内に起きるような事への自立に関する考え方です。 次に、特に、誰かと旅しているときは日々の計画をパートナーやハウスメイト、 また家族と一日の最初に話しあえるのに対して、 一人で旅行するときに感じる孤独についてです。
Franky B DMM英会話講師
  • The difficult part about lone travelling is not having someone to wake you in the morning.

Well, if you are used to being in a flat or house with another person - be it a flatmate, relative or lover - and you are used to being woken up by them, then when you venture into the wider world alone, it may come as a shock that suddenly, there is nobody around to wake you! In the scale of things this is probably not a problem for the vast majority of people as they just set the alarm of their iphone on 'LOUD' and wake up when it goes off. However, a really deep or comatosed sleeper may require further help!
もしだれか(ルームメイト、家族、恋人など)と一緒に住んでいて、彼らに起こしてもらうことに慣れていたのなら… 広い世界に一人ででたとき、突然起こしてくれる人が誰もいなくてショックかもしれません。 iPhoneアラームの音量を大きくすればいいだけなので、ほとんどの人にとってこれは深刻な問題ではないでしょう。 しかしながら、深い眠りの場合は、アラーム以上の手段が必要かもしれませんね!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Traveling solo

  • Traveling alone

* Traveling solo/Traveling alone.- This means travelling unaccompanied, without anyone. Example Sentences: Traveling alone is good but when it comes to waking up in the morning it's very difficult. I love traveling solo and wish someone can just come wake me up in the mornings only.
"Traveling solo/traveling alone" (ひとり旅) これは誰とも一緒でなく旅行するという意味です。 例文 "Traveling alone is good but when it comes to waking up in the morning its very difficult." (ひとり旅はとても良いですが、朝起きることに関していうと、とても難しいです。) "I love traveling solo and wish someone can just come wake me up in the morning only." (私はひとりで旅するのが大好きで、朝だけ起こしに来てくれる人がいれば良いのにと思います。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The hard part of travelling alone is that noone will wake you up in the morning

  • The worst thing about travelling alone is that noone will wake me up

If you find something not easy to do and don't enjoy it then you would say it is 'hard' or 'the worst thing' If you are used to someone doing something for you and are now on your own you might find something difficult (waking up/being woken up)
あることが容易でないこと、楽しくないことを 'hard' (大変)や 'the worst thing'(最悪のこと)と表現することができます。 誰かがあなたのためにあることをしてくれていたことに慣れて、朝おきることのように、自分でするのが大変になることがあるかもしれません。  
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The hardest part of travelling alone is that there is no-one to wake you up in the morning!

  • The most difficult thing about travelling alone is that nobody wakes you up in the mornings!

"The hardest part of travelling alone is that there is no-one to wake you up in the morning!" "The hardest part..." means the thing that you find the most difficult. "The most difficult thing about travelling alone is that nobody wakes you up in the mornings!" "The most difficult thing..." describes the part that you find the hardest. I used the exclamation mark at the end of these sentences because they are amusing statements, expressing a strong opinion, which the exclamation mark emphasises.
"The hardest part of travelling alone is that there is no-one to wake you up in the morning!" (1人旅で一番大変なのは、朝起こしてくれる人がいないことだ!) "The hardest part..."とは、一番大変なことという意味です。    "The most difficult thing about travelling alone is that nobody wakes you up in the mornings!" (1人旅で一番大変なのは、朝起こしてくれる人がいないことだ!) "The most difficult thing..." も、一番大変なことはという意味です。 強調の意味を込めて、エクスクラメーションマークを使っています。 
Tabitha DMM英会話講師
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