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2018/01/03 21:37
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  • Would you listen to xxx read in English?

  • Could you check xxx's English reading skills?

①Would you listen to xxx read in English? listen to xxx read in English→○○が英語で(本を)読むのを聴く Book(本)という単語を入れなくても、"read in English"(英語で読む)と言えば十分に伝わります。 ②Could you check xxx's English reading skills? check→チェックする、確認する English reading skills→英語で読む能力、読解力 先生に、お子さんが「英語の本を読むのを聴いてもらう」ということは、お子さんの「英語で読む力」をチェックしてもらうような感じではないかと思いますので、ご参考まで、上記例文を書かせて頂きました。 少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。
Michiru 英語・異文化コミュニケーションコンサルタント
  • May you please listen to (name) read a book to you?

*May you please listen (name)read a book to you? - This is a polite way of asking. We use "may" instead of "can" because can is used to ask someone is capable of doing something .Then "may" is asking for permission to do something. Example sentences: Can you speak French? May you please open the door for me?
*May you please listen (name)read a book to you? (○○が本を読むので聞いてください) - これは丁寧な尋ね方です。 "can"は何かをする能力があるかどうかを尋ねる時に使うので"can"の代わりに "may"を使います。 ですので "may"は何かをすると時の許可などを得る時に使います。 【例文】 Can you speak French? (フランス語を話すことが出来ますか?) May you please open the door for me? (ドアを開けてくれますか?)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Please allow Sue to read a book to you

  • 2. Is it OK if Sue reads a book to you?

The first example is an instruction to the teacher to let the student, Sue, read a book to the teacher. It is a little stronger than the more tentative second example, which asks the teacher's confirmation that it is alright for Sue to read her book. The sentence used may vary depending on how assertive or demanding or urgent the speaker feels about this matter.
最初の例文は、先生から生徒(Sue)が先生に 本を読ませてくださいという説明です。 これは2番目の例文よりも、少し強い言い方です。 2番目の例文では、 Sueが本を読んでも良いか先生の承認を聞いています。 ここで使われている文は発言者が この事についてどのくらい要求しているかによります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like (name) to read to you today please.

  • Can you assess (name) reading ability/level today please

First example is a polite requestthat would be difficult to refuse. Second is a request to listen but also asking teacher to grade/assess student’s ability
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • (name) would like to read a book out loud while you listen.

  • Please listen to (name) read out loud to you.

If it is your child's wish to read the book to the teacher, the first sentence is appropriate and polite - "would like to" is a very gentle request. "Please listen to..." is a firmer, yet still polite request. "out loud" simply reiterates the fact the child will speak while the teacher listens
子供が、先生に本を読むのを聞いてほしいと思っているのなら、はじめの例が適切で、丁寧でしょう。"would like to" は、丁寧にお願いするときのフレーズです。   "Please listen to..." ~を聞いてください。 これは、強く聞こえますが、丁寧なお願いの表現です。 "out loud"声に出してという意味です。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please listen to ...........reading a book to you?

  • Would you please listen to ........reading a book?

If you want to ask something to do something then you would say 'could you please?' or 'would you please?' We add please as this is a nice polite way of asking
人に何かをお願いするときは、 'could you please?' や 'would you please?' と言えます。 'please' を加えると、より丁寧な言い方になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Would you mind listening to *** read a book during this lesson?"

  • "Can you please assess ***'s reading skills during today's lesson?"

"Would you mind listening to *** read a book during this lesson?" You ask the teacher a question as opposed to telling them what will be happening in the lesson today. You are being polite and suggestive as opposed to direct and impolite. "Can you please assess ***'s reading skills during today's lesson?" Similar to the above sentence, you are asking the teacher a question. You are also directly asking the teacher to assess, evaluate and provide feedback on the student's reading skills.
"Would you mind listening to *** read a book during this lesson?" (レッスン中に~が本を読むので聞いてもらってもいいですか?) これは、先生にお願いをする丁寧な表現です。   "Can you please assess ***'s reading skills during today's lesson?" (今日のレッスンで、~のリーディングスキルを評価してもらえますか?) 最初の例と似ていますが、先生に質問をしています。生徒のリーディングを聞いてもらって評価をし、フィードバックをもらうようお願いしています。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Could you take some time and listen to xxxxx read in English?

  • Do you have some time to listen to xxxxxx read a book to you?

This is asking if someone has the time or is willing to take the time to listen to xxxxxx (Sarah) read a book. Ex: A: “Hey, do you have some time to listen to Amy read in English?” B: “yeah of course I have some time!” -“Could you find some time to listen to Amy read a book?”
「xxxxxx(誰々)が本を読むのを聞く時間はありますか[聞いてもらえますか]」と尋ねています。 例: A: “Hey, do you have some time to listen to Amy read in English?”(あの、エイミーが英語で本を読むのを聞く時間はありますか) B: “yeah of course I have some time!”(はいもちろん、時間ありますよ) -“Could you find some time to listen to Amy read a book?”(エイミーが本を読むのを聞いていただけますか)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • My child would like to read a book to you. Is that ok?

Explain to the teacher that your child wants to read a book during the lesson time, by saying, "My child would like to read a book to you. Is that ok?" Add, "Is that ok?" to ask for permission from the teacher or to check that the teacher understands what you would like. You can change "my child" to → My Daughter → MY son → Or the child's name, Shin, Jane, etc.
「子どもがレッスンで本を読みたいと言っている」と先生に説明しましょう。 例えば: "My child would like to read a book to you. Is that ok?" (子どもが本を読みたいと言っています。いいですか) "Is that ok?"(それでいいですか)は、相手がそれを受け入れてくれるかどうかや、話が伝わったかを確認します。 "my child" の代わりに次の言葉を使うこともできます。 → My Daughter(娘) → MY son(息子) → あるいは子どもの名前、例えば 'Shin' 'Jane' など。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
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