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去年は送ったんですけど今年は送れなかったので… 回答お願いします!
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2018/01/05 00:34
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  • Sorry,I was so busy studying for my entrance exam (that) I didn't send you a New Year's card.

「受験勉強で」はそのまま英語にすると意味が通じませんので、 「受験勉強で忙しくて」と考えて、 be busy studying for my entrance examと表現しました。 be busy~ing ~で忙しい examとIの間にはthatが省かれています。 so~that…で「とても~で…だ」 という意味ですね。 文章全体で Sorry,I was so busy studying for my entrance exam (that) I didn't send you a New Year's card. ごめん、受験勉強で忙しくて、年賀状が遅れなかった という意味です。 受験勉強頑張ってください。応援しています。^^ 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Sorry, I didn't have time to send a New Year's Card this year, I was busy studying.

  • Sorry, I have been really busy studying, I forgot to send a New Year's Card.

  • Sorry, sending a New Year's card completely slipped my mind with all this studying I've been doing!

These are both polite sentences to apologise for your business. It is nice to start with a sorry, and then to give your reasons. When something slips our mind we mean that we have been preoccupied with other things so it makes us a bit forgetful. 'The thought slipped me mind' - it left your mind.
これらはどれもあなたの事情について謝る丁寧な表現です。 "sorry"で始めて理由を続けることはよいことです。 "slips our mind" は他のことに没頭していて少し忘れっぽくなってしまっていることを意味しています。 'The thought slipped me mind' (すっかり忘れていました。) - 記憶から抜け落ちてしまったという意味です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I was snowed under with exam revision and I didn't send any cards this year

  • My apologies but my exam revision has taken priority over everything and I didn't do cards this year

If something takes priority over something else it means that it must be completed first and receive all your attention for the time being. Less important projects must wait ( like sending New Year cards).
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I apologise for not sending a New Year's Card like I usually do. I was caught up studying.

  • Sorry that I didn't send you a greeting card for the New Year. I was busy with my studies.

  • Forgive me for not sending you a New Year's Card. I have been busy preparing for the entrance exams.

Sometimes everything happens at once and we have to skip some activities so that we have time to complete the most important activities. Usually, our studies are a high priority. The easiest way to apologise is to simply say "sorry". If we wish to be more formal, we can say "I apologise for ..." or "Forgive me for...". Usually we would say "Forgive me" if we did something terrible, much worse than not sending a card!
すべてのことが一度に起こることがあり、そのような時には最も重要な活動を完了する時間を空けるためにいくつかの活動を省かなくてはなりません。 たいてい私たちは勉学が高い優先度です。 謝罪するために最も簡単な方法は単純に"sorry”と言うことです。 もしもより形式張りたい場合は"I apologise for …” (私は…について謝罪します)または”Forgive me for..." (…について私を許してください)と言うことができます。 通常私たちはハガキを送らなかったよりもずっとひどい何かをした時に"Forgive me” (私を許してください)と言います。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so sorry, I didn't have the time to send a New Year card this year because I have been studying so hard!

When you add a "so" to sorry, it shows that you are truly sorry and that you feel bad. The rest of this sentence explains that you were unable to send the card because of your studies.
sorryに「so」を加えると、あなたが本当に申し訳ない、悪く思っているということを示すことができます。 この文の残りは、あなたが勉強していたため、カードを送ることができなかったことを説明しています。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry I didn't send you a card, I was studying for my exams.

To apologize for not sending a New Year card to your friend, you can say: "I'm sorry I didn't send you a card, I was studying for my exams." This way, they will know you are sorry and know why you were not able to send one at the same time.
友達に年賀状を遅れなかったことを謝りたいなら、次のように言えます。 "I'm sorry I didn't send you a card, I was studying for my exams."(年賀状を送らなくてごめんなさい。試験勉強で忙しくて) このように言えば、申し訳ない気持ちと、年賀状を送れなかった理由が相手に伝わります。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I didn't send you a New Years card this year, I was consumed by my studies.

  • This year was so busy with studying for entrance exams, I am so sorry I didn't send through a New Year card.

  • The entrance exam had me studying really hard, sorry I didn't send a new years card this year.

School can get really busy and we might not get to have all our plans play out. We might not be able to visit friends or to have guests over. In this case, forgetting to send a New Year card because of exam preparation can be excused by using the sentences above. "I am so sorry I didn't send a New Year card this year, I was so swamped with school work." "Revision for the entrance exam was intense, so sorry I didn't send through your New Year card like I usually do." Swamped: overwhelmed, drowning under something (work)
学校がとても忙しくて、全ての予定が叶わないことがあるでしょう。友達のところに行けなかったり、招いたりすることができないかもしれません。このような場合、これらの文は、テスト勉強で年賀状を送るのを忘れていたと言いたいときの例です。   "I am so sorry I didn't send a New Year card this year, I was so swamped with school work." (今年年賀状送れなくて本当にごめんね。学校のことがとても大変だったんだ。) "Revision for the entrance exam was intense, so sorry I didn't send through your New Year card like I usually do." (入試の改訂がとても大変だったから、いつものように年賀状を送れなくてごめんね。)   Swamped: 圧倒されること、仕事などに溺れること
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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