All of the guests joined both the wedding ceremony and reception.
結婚式の挙式の事を"Wedding ceremony"と言います。
そして、結婚披露宴の事を"wedding reception”と言います。
"wedding reception”と初めて聞いた時、
"All of the guests joined both the wedding ceremony and the reception"
Everyone who attended the wedding came to the reception.
Each of the guests who came to the reception also attended the wedding ceremony.
一番目の例文は、は「ゲストは同じでした」(the guests were all the same)ということを理解してくれるのほうです。
二番目の例文は、「すべてのゲストは挙式と披露宴もさんかした」(all the guests attended both events)ということを強調したのほうです。
All the guests came to both the ceremony and the reception.
None of the guests only came for the reception.
挙式 = ceremony
披露宴 = reception
①All the guests came to both the ceremony and the reception.
→ ゲスト全員挙式と披露宴に来てくれました。
②None of the guests only came for the reception.
→ 披露宴からのみ参加の方はいませんでした。