世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/09 18:24
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  • I'd prefer to have a non-smoking table, I don't like smelling of smoke.

  • I'd rather sit in the non-smoking area, I'm not keen on the smell.

To be polite, we would say 'I'd prefer' something. In the restaurants that allow smoking, they normally have smoking and non'smoking tables, so you ask for a non-smoking table. Even though your clothes will smell of smoke, it is more natural to just say 'I don't like smelling of smoke' or 'I'm not keen on the smell' - shows your dislike of the smell of smoke.
丁寧に言うなら、"I'd prefer" が使えます。タバコが吸えるレストランには普通、喫煙席(smoking table)と禁煙席(non-smoking table)があります。禁煙席をお願いしましょう。 服がタバコ臭くなるでしょうが、"I don't like smelling of smoke" や "I'm not keen on the smell" と言う方が自然です。タバコの匂いが嫌いだということが伝わります。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Can I sit in the non-smoking area please?

  • I would like to sit in the non-smoking area of the restaurant please?

  • Can I be as far from the smoking section as possible please?

You can always specify where you would like to sit in a restaurant. (providing there is room :)) When asking to be in the 'non-smoking' area of the restaurant most people will understand that you do not want to be near anyone smoking. It is not necessary to explain that you don't want the smell of smoke in your clothes. You can just specify that you would like to be out of the way of those smoking.
例:Can I sit in the non-smoking area please? 「禁煙のエリアの席にしてもいいですか?」 例:I would like to sit in the non-smoking area of the restaurant please? 「禁煙のエリアに座りたいのですが、よろしいですか?」 例:Can I be as far from the smoking section as possible please? 「喫煙場所から遠いところにいてもいいですか?」 レストランでは、あなたが座りたい場所を指定することができます。 あなたが例文のように伝えると、相手にあなたがタバコの煙が嫌いなことが伝わります。 「服に臭いがつくのが嫌」という理由は必ずしも添える必要はありません。 単純に座りたい場所を伝えましょう。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer sitting in the non-smoking zone, I don't like the smell of tobacco smoke.

  • Can I please in the non-smoking zone? I don't like the smell of tobacco smoke.

*I prefer sitting in the non-smoking zone, I don't like the smell of tobacco smoke/Can i please in the non-smoking zone? I don't like the smell of tobacco smoke. The above sentences are a polite way of asking. You will find that in most restaurants they have non-smoking and smoking sections. Another word for zone is area. In some countries they call tobacco smoke, cigarette smoke.
*I prefer sitting in the non-smoking zone, I don't like the smell of tobacco smoke (たばこの煙の臭いが好きではないので、禁煙エリアがいいです。) Can I please in the non-smoking zone? I don't like the smell of tobacco smoke. (禁煙エリアにしてもいいですか?たばこの煙の臭いが好きではないんです) これら上記の表現は丁寧に尋ねる表現です。 多くのレストランには禁煙席と喫煙席に分かれていますよね。 "zone"(ゾーン)のもう一つの表現は"area" (エリア)になります。 たばこの煙の事を"tobacco smoke"と呼ぶ国々もありますが"cigarette smoke"と呼ぶ国々もあります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to sit in the non-smoking section because I don't want my clothes smelling like smoke.

  • I don't want my clothes smelling like smoke so I don't want to sit in the smoking section.

"I would like to sit in the non-smoking section because I don't want my clothes smelling like smoke. " This explains to the person that you do not like smelling like smoke so you do not want to sit in the smoking section. "I don't want my clothes smelling like smoke so I don't want to sit in the smoking section." This is another way of explaining that you want to sit in the non-smoking section and why.
例文 "I would like to sit in the non-smoking section because I don't want my clothes smelling like smoke. " 服にタバコの臭いがつくのが嫌なので、禁煙席をお願いします。 タバコの臭いが好きではないので、喫煙席には座りたくないと説明しています。 例文 "I don't want my clothes smelling like smoke so I don't want to sit in the smoking section." 服にタバコの臭いがつくのが嫌なので、喫煙席には座りたくありません 禁煙席に座りたいということとその理由を説明する別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Could I sit somewhere where smoke is not polluting everyone's clothing?

Explanation: British people love to introduce sarcasm and drama into their requests and the above sentence is both a request and is critical of the smokey atmosphere in the restaurant. Example sentence: "Could I please have a table without the obligatory nicotine overdose?"
説明: 英語圏の人は皮肉や大げさなことを言うことが好きで、それを彼らの要求に織り込んできます。上記の文章は、レストランの煙い環境に皮肉を込めた、批判とリクエストです。 例文: "Could I please have a table without the obligatory nicotine overdose?" (ニコチンの過剰摂取を義務付けられていないテーブルをお願いできますか。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please can I sit in the non-smoking section, so I don't smell of smoke?

A non-smoking section or area in a public place is an area in which people are not allowed to smoke. More and more restaurants are providing non-smoking areas. A non-smoking person is a person who does not smoke. In the UK, smoking is completely banned in all public enclosed spaces, such as restaurants, offices and shopping malls.
「non-smoking section/area」は、公共の場所にあるタバコが吸えない場所のことです。この頃は「non-smoking section/area」のあるレストランが増えてきました。 「non-smoking person」はタバコを吸わない人のことです。 イギリスでは、レストラン、オフィス、ショッピングモールなど公共の enclosed space (密閉空間) のすべてで、完全禁煙になっています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I would rather sit at a non-smoking area because I don't like the smell of smoke on my clothes

  • I prefer sitting at a non-smoking area because I don't like it when the smell of tobacco lingers on my clothes

When you want to explain that you prefer to sit in a non-smoking area because you do not like the smell of tobacco on your clothes; then you may explain it in the following ways: -I would rather sit at a non-smoking area because I don't like the smell of smoke on my clothes -I prefer sitting at a non-smoking area because I don't like it when the smell of tobacco lingers on my clothes
「たばこの臭いが服につくのが嫌なので禁煙席に座りたい」は、次のように言えます。 -I would rather sit at a non-smoking area because I don't like the smell of smoke on my clothes (服にたばこの臭いがつくと嫌なので禁煙席に座りたいです) -I prefer sitting at a non-smoking area because I don't like it when the smell of tobacco lingers on my clothes (服にたばこの臭いがつくと嫌なので禁煙席に座りたいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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